2024-02-27 17:30:16 +08:00

5636 lines
98 KiB

lods test
enter and
aad push
jnp push
jb adc
retf cmp
enter adc
std rep
test call
fadd mov
nop dec
rep cld
or scas
inc jl
pop std
fs and
shl and
adc ja
jns pop
outs jbe
movs dec
aam dec
jo or
shl sub
jge dec
cmps adc
dec jns
imul lea
loopne dec
jo je
pop int3
js or
ja lea
inc cs
jge pop
inc je
ror xor
leave xchg
movs sbb
aam adc
jb or
pop aas
scas adc
pop ss
scas cmp
lods sbb
fwait push
in ret
or enter
adc cmps
cmp scas
cld inc
popf push
cmp jo
pop pushf
xlat pop
cmps sbb
pop cld
xlat push
push jecxz
fs inc
push jg
sbb scas
les add
ja adc
or movs
push jbe
cmps xchg
jae call
or lods
pusha inc
loope push
imul sbb
jecxz push
adc jae
inc es
jbe inc
jbe dec
popa dec
pop popa
cmp retf
stos cmp
push clc
daa inc
push rcl
imul arpl
adc stos
movzx shr
push lock
pop jns
adc lods
js inc
or daa
movs cmp
sar dec
mov fadd
lods cmp
call movsx
enter cmp
ins test
outs cmp
sub cwde
cmp fnclex
pop pusha
jbe jb
stos xor
push les
inc aam
pop fs
outs jo
push loope
push int1
pushf pop
outs sbb
pop aam
cmps dec
repnz push
dec fadd
sbb shl
int1 push
inc pusha
call fld
cld jmp
adc nop
outs xchg
inc aaa
add sldt
pop daa
pop jl
cs push
jl test
movs xor
stos adc
lock xchg
sahf pop
sub scas
mul mov
adc scas
add ds
xor movs
sbb stos
popa jns
xchg shl
xchg nop
xor stos
inc cwde
outs addr16
dec js
add cmc
cmp arpl
adc enter
sti push
arpl and
pop jle
xor lods
sahf push
cli add
retf and
arpl pop
aas inc
and enter
enter xchg
cmc push
inc enter
add cli
push jnp
shl dec
push cs
dec jo
shl xor
xor daa
repz push
sbb cmps
cmp pusha
fs imul
test lea
cmps imul
adc ins
sbb movs
xor imul
sbb ret
push int
stos sbb
nop xor
push loop
pop cdq
fstp fstp
fs gs
adc outs
cmp imul
inc leave
jb dec
add std
ins jne
xor shr
popa fs
add les
dec scas
push std
data16 mov
shr shl
ja inc
daa dec
int3 cmp
push hlt
push jno
shl shr
int add
shl adc
inc ja
enter or
lods or
cli push
pusha pop
aam aam
fstp push
jg pop
addr16 mov
into push
push iret
jmp in
hlt push
cmp stos
dec cmps
push cmc
pop idiv
and sar
daa sub
aam inc
shl cmp
arpl jae
movs adc
bound push
push aad
enter pop
inc fs
neg pop
and retf
add popf
cdq xor
clc inc
in out
popa inc
outs ja
ins xchg
pusha and
pop loopne
xchg movs
scas or
out jmp
pop jo
loop push
ins jo
rep jmp
push fs
cmp jns
popa jae
and movzx
inc movs
cdq and
mov ds
das pop
pusha xchg
test sete
xchg stos
jo ins
jo popa
aaa push
rol cmp
imul adc
retf xchg
push cld
inc retf
lea je
push shr
je jo
push sti
and jl
lea shl
pusha pusha
pushf push
stos and
stos inc
daa and
scas and
sti call
arpl ins
bound dec
jge inc
movs and
clc pop
gs mov
mov ss
and jbe
xor je
inc cmps
push rol
rol inc
add stc
ja and
adc movs
lods dec
shl inc
add fiadd
or imul
ins cmp
outs popa
cwde and
cld push
xor shl
gs jb
push leave
adc ret
movs or
fld add
outs xor
lock push
ja xor
push aas
jae ins
dec ins
add int
push int3
and das
ins adc
jo jb
dec stos
outs adc
lea jne
add ror
fs dec
ds add
rol push
in jmp
jmp movsx
mov gs
dec movs
stos xchg
ja sub
call in
and jno
sub cdq
retf sbb
loop add
pop jae
cwde push
jb sub
shl xchg
xor leave
and bound
scas dec
cmp lods
or movzx
iret pop
call sbb
push fstp
call sti
je movsx
enter dec
in test
movs xchg
jns inc
scas inc
imul popa
push cli
sub ja
shr lea
and data16
inc lods
push jl
lods xchg
nop pop
pop arpl
add int1
adc daa
xchg scas
cmp ins
jbe xor
add ss
arpl imul
and jns
add repz
std push
stc push
js lea
push nop
and stos
sub daa
neg or
int1 add
popf add
sub shr
cmps inc
inc stos
jb jae
mov div
inc shl
push aaa
push cwde
dec enter
stos dec
jbe call
daa push
pop shl
pushf dec
pop nop
cdq int3
jne outs
out test
dec pusha
jb ins
jl and
aas push
nop lea
je je
mov addr16
and cmps
std add
imul jae
cmc add
loopne push
sub ins
iret inc
add loop
jae dec
or outs
jmp out
or shl
cmp call
sub jb
mov bound
arpl jb
ja dec
jb gs
shr sub
push jge
hlt add
jo inc
aam pop
repnz add
push fwait
repnz not
ret adc
jae xor
ja pop
push pushf
jb jns
popa imul
push xlat
inc cdq
das push
and nop
mov rcr
lods sub
repz add
scas xchg
clc call
ret sbb
fs mov
jl pop
ins sub
retf inc
ja jb
popa push
dec retf
fcomp fnstsw
pop ja
and movs
xchg lods
shl pop
inc js
jge xor
jae sub
ins or
add repnz
lds mov
push ja
add lds
jb jo
lea neg
xor ins
aad add
jne ins
or stos
sub jae
add sahf
push aam
test jmp
sub cmps
nop jmp
add rcl
bound mov
inc movzx
sbb call
and shr
xchg cmps
shr push
fwait add
pushf pushf
jb arpl
xor outs
push jp
cs add
imul xchg
mov rcl
ss mov
scas sub
nop xchg
fstp call
jae arpl
shr cmp
cli mov
mul add
clc push
not mov
nop sub
movsx sub
xchg retf
pop scas
sub stos
and ja
lods adc
cdq pop
call clc
sbb imul
sub imul
stc add
push enter
ss add
jae jb
xchg imul
mov fstp
iret push
add fwait
mov fild
sar cmp
movsx test
ror add
pusha push
enter push
sub shl
mov cli
rcl add
xchg outs
and fs
xor movzx
shr movzx
outs or
and jo
jl jmp
jae or
and scas
fild add
sub outs
xlat mov
sub lods
push daa
or lock
ds mov
add cs
add aad
mov popf
lods inc
test in
add fdiv
jae pop
push js
cmp outs
imul xor
jo pop
pop cmps
jbe lea
je gs
rcr mov
movs call
add hlt
sar add
shr xor
ret dec
jno push
push pusha
jo imul
sahf mov
ja call
setne mov
daa lods
jb je
repz mov
sbb neg
add into
shr test
add fld
push loopne
imul sub
lock dec
mov les
xchg call
ret sub
pop jbe
lods and
mov ror
mov cmc
cdq push
fld mov
mov idiv
popf mov
int3 sub
jp push
sub movs
aad mov
fs push
fld fld
jae popa
jecxz mov
leave push
add sti
ret and
mov lds
mov lahf
outs pop
es mov
jg push
leave add
addr16 add
stc mov
cmc dec
pop outs
hlt mov
push shl
adc imul
mov fs
or ret
mov cs
mov sti
mov jp
leave mov
retf pop
jns dec
fdiv add
cs mov
fcom add
push jns
and rep
jge cmp
gs inc
adc call
jae movzx
les mov
call adc
movs inc
add shr
mov aad
aam push
fld fmul
pop retf
add es
inc jne
mov es
lahf mov
mov loope
cmps cmps
rcl rcl
dec ret
or ins
nop inc
sti mov
shr rep
xchg ret
jg je
mov stc
movzx inc
xor div
add movsx
sub out
test out
rcl mov
pop stos
lea movzx
cwde mov
add lahf
pop movs
jae outs
imul gs
cdq sub
add fcom
xchg ins
jle lea
pop lods
call neg
ret or
push das
idiv mov
jge jge
lea rep
ror mov
cmc mov
sahf add
sar and
push arpl
jl xor
mov jnp
mov jecxz
jae imul
mov int3
mov hlt
popa and
fadd push
push jae
dec cmc
imul ins
push jo
call xchg
lahf add
sar lea
test setne
fadd xor
ins dec
ins pop
fnclex test
mov jno
mov into
out sbb
into add
lods pop
jb jb
ja jmp
movzx or
loop mov
jl lea
outs dec
jo push
add pushf
push cmps
pop jb
js cmp
int1 mov
fstp mov
shl lea
int3 jmp
xchg jmp
fnclex mov
sbb jmp
cld add
clc add
mov loop
jb inc
imul or
test test
ret pop
and daa
mov repnz
jne jb
je popa
movzx lea
xor out
loope add
and ret
clc mov
mov aas
sub ret
pop enter
add shl
imul cmp
jp mov
cmp in
jae inc
loope mov
dec shl
mov js
jb call
mov repz
dec popa
mov arpl
gs je
mov pushf
sti add
dec imul
scas push
and lods
inc scas
xor in
in adc
out in
or out
xor cs
jecxz add
es add
mov int1
mov xlat
jmp sbb
add cld
mov int
int3 inc
stos pop
in sbb
mov std
into mov
mov popa
das mov
mov clc
pop ins
outs jne
in in
fld fstp
sub call
aas mov
pushf mov
jo outs
mov jg
out or
mov fwait
jno mov
arpl mov
inc popa
ret xchg
jb xor
sbb out
repnz mov
jnp mov
jl inc
jo jo
cmps pop
in or
popa mov
add addr16
gs push
scas pop
push retf
pushf add
jb lea
and arpl
jb pop
mov pusha
lea xchg
push cdq
int3 add
gs gs
arpl inc
ins popa
mov cwde
js push
xor arpl
ret inc
mov lock
and out
add sar
add jecxz
cmp test
lea stos
jle and
adc jmp
mov iret
ins imul
fwait mov
out cmp
cmps push
jne je
mov sahf
out sub
dec call
aaa mov
std mov
jb jmp
add loope
add enter
neg mov
xchg lea
add fcomp
gs popa
mov aaa
outs sub
fnstsw test
jns mov
mov das
mov jo
pop imul
imul je
shr or
mov cld
retf push
popa jb
jmp adc
dec in
jp jp
in xor
mov fld
in cmp
dec lea
int mov
outs jae
mov not
add cdq
enter add
sub in
mov rol
gs and
outs imul
out and
cdq idiv
push stos
sete mov
jne dec
push scas
mov loopne
adc out
jo mov
cmp out
or in
lock mov
je jae
in and
add leave
loopne add
pusha mov
lea or
jbe popa
test jbe
rol mov
add cwde
nop add
sar push
jno add
div mov
add gs
fadd fadd
imul pop
add int3
lea movs
iret mov
jge add
je ins
add clc
push movs
cs ins
adc in
cld mov
and shl
fcomp add
mov jge
or call
out xor
test xor
in sub
sbb in
data16 data16
jg cmp
add jg
add xlat
jmp xchg
add jge
and in
cmp jmp
in xchg
je pop
jae je
loopne mov
ret test
test sbb
imul dec
cdq add
add fild
lea dec
out adc
movzx and
movsx push
push jb
daa mov
imul jb
movzx xor
ins gs
arpl push
cdq mov
movs pop
in dec
lods push
movs push
mov enter
out xchg
arpl outs
jmp ret
and ins
mov aam
mov jns
cwde add
inc jb
and jne
add nop
dec gs
xchg in
test adc
and jae
inc ins
aam mov
push lods
movsx cmp
jg add
ja push
jns and
jb and
add jno
push ins
and gs
lea inc
add loopne
inc lea
xlat add
jb popa
mov ja
ins inc
imul imul
or jne
jp add
dec jmp
lea and
shr add
test sub
mov rep
movzx jmp
inc ret
movsx mov
xchg test
ins and
ja cmp
inc gs
test and
test or
sbb test
ret ret
add pusha
outs inc
enter mov
popa outs
jae cmp
push jne
gs outs
test cmp
add aas
movzx shl
mov nop
pop out
shl push
not and
movdqa movdqa
test fnclex
add jp
add lock
mov jle
pop in
out pop
mov retf
push popa
test xchg
ins ins
adc test
pusha add
inc call
outs push
out dec
add aaa
call dec
jbe cmp
je imul
add bound
inc imul
ins push
add jnp
in pop
lock add
mov mul
outs jb
movzx add
sbb cmp
stos push
je jb
scas mov
and popa
inc out
add movzx
aas add
outs arpl
jle add
jns add
out out
xchg out
outs ins
popa ins
inc in
jbe add
sbb sub
test dec
add fs
popa je
ins outs
jnp add
fadd add
retf mov
mov jl
dec out
jle cmp
out inc
jmp dec
aaa add
test inc
movzx test
bound add
jl add
mov jae
outs fs
sub test
outs and
add jl
shr and
add retf
cmp setne
mov stos
in inc
mov ins
and imul
jmp movzx
ins mov
mov scas
mov cmps
jae push
movs mov
retf add
mov jb
cmps mov
mov jbe
push gs
imul outs
jae lea
outs mov
gs add
cmp adc
push ret
xor sbb
call fnclex
and call
cmp xchg
call int3
jbe push
fnclex jge
add jle
and jb
cmp lea
lods mov
push out
inc outs
imul inc
or je
mov outs
or sbb
push imul
mov daa
push outs
fstp fld
jl push
cmp sbb
xor adc
mov lods
adc cmp
dec outs
rol add
cmp sete
jle push
gs imul
cmp sub
add jbe
int3 lea
cmp xor
sbb xor
sub jne
sub sbb
mov movs
adc sub
stos mov
cmp dec
mov neg
jb imul
xchg xor
test jg
imul push
sbb xchg
jne and
out push
fs add
xor xchg
jmp inc
jae and
push je
push in
ja add
sub xchg
call movzx
cmp or
arpl arpl
jb outs
xchg cmp
adc xor
add js
in push
and sbb
ret call
lea xor
sbb adc
xchg sub
push movzx
call leave
js mov
or xor
dec sbb
xchg sbb
add cmps
rep mov
lea sub
stos stos
js add
adc or
jmp pop
sbb or
add movs
adc and
or xchg
sbb dec
data16 add
imul and
jmp sub
shl or
je outs
jae add
inc sbb
movs add
sar mov
xchg and
adc xchg
dec test
add data16
mov movsx
or cmp
or sub
cmp cmp
adc dec
jne sub
sub xor
sbb sbb
and jmp
pop lea
lea pop
or adc
and test
jmp nop
sub adc
mov cdq
adc sbb
jmp and
add rol
jb push
add jns
cmps add
xchg adc
cmp inc
sbb and
and adc
xor sub
cmp and
outs je
dec adc
jo add
dec or
add jne
mov leave
xor ret
pop sbb
xchg or
add ja
movzx cmp
xor dec
add iret
ret jmp
call inc
dec xchg
inc adc
and outs
and xchg
sub jmp
ja mov
xor or
xor and
add scas
aam add
and je
push test
sub sar
sbb pop
adc inc
shl add
sub dec
pop or
sub or
ret xor
adc pop
dec sub
xchg dec
mov sar
dec and
ret add
inc or
je jmp
jne jmp
inc xchg
or test
lea add
dec xor
pop sub
add stos
test jge
jns push
sub inc
add aam
outs outs
jl cmp
pop xchg
test push
iret add
add das
ret cmp
inc sub
je movzx
sbb inc
imul mov
sub lea
and xor
or dec
shr mov
jne pop
inc xor
out mov
jne inc
xchg inc
add out
or inc
dec cmp
xchg pop
daa daa
or lea
lea test
jg mov
scas add
sub pop
or and
jmp or
pop adc
in mov
je and
movs movs
setg lea
call sub
mov out
inc test
sub and
test setg
jb add
test jl
out add
shl mov
add in
in add
das add
and lea
xor lea
jb cmp
stos add
test jle
jne movzx
arpl add
mov in
or pop
test js
and sub
pop dec
add jo
neg sbb
jmp add
jne or
add fadd
push sbb
je or
test jns
add arpl
jmp call
jne add
add jb
xchg xchg
and pop
sbb push
inc and
or or
and dec
mov imul
pop and
dec je
dec pop
and or
add popa
test add
movzx sub
push adc
movzx push
pop call
jbe mov
nop mov
adc push
push cmp
push xchg
push or
jmp test
je inc
rol rol
and inc
call or
xchg push
or push
pop je
ret lea
adc adc
add lods
pop jne
jge push
and cmp
jne test
dec jne
cmp jg
add imul
inc jmp
add jae
jmp int3
lods add
je call
jle mov
jge mov
push sub
sub cmp
push and
cmp push
je add
nop push
cmp pop
jl mov
jae mov
movzx movzx
imul add
call and
je sub
sub sub
pop inc
sbb add
cmp add
add call
inc pop
je dec
pop xor
jne lea
mov shl
or jmp
pop cmp
mov sbb
sbb mov
add sbb
xchg add
add ret
add ins
popa add
cmp jle
movzx mov
xor xor
add xchg
mov adc
add je
inc dec
pop jmp
jmp jmp
jb mov
call call
add lea
dec push
cmp jge
xor inc
dec inc
lea cmp
push dec
xor add
mov jne
adc mov
pop test
test mov
and push
jne xor
add outs
xor test
je xor
pop leave
cmp jbe
mov shr
mov movzx
cmp ja
jne call
je lea
je test
add xor
ret nop
xchg mov
xor call
ins add
inc cmp
sub je
test pop
adc add
add daa
xor jmp
mov xchg
cmp jl
dec dec
daa add
add adc
int3 mov
push inc
mov ret
int3 push
or add
pop push
dec mov
mov or
lea lea
mov je
jmp xor
add or
cmp jae
call xor
inc push
mov dec
call ret
push xor
push jmp
add jmp
xor cmp
sub add
outs add
and add
or mov
sub push
xor push
add sub
xor pop
jne cmp
inc mov
add test
leave ret
add pop
push pop
jmp cmp
and mov
inc inc
lea jmp
call jmp
and and
cmp jb
ret int3
cmp mov
pop add
mov inc
add and
jmp lea
add cmp
add dec
call cmp
dec add
jne push
sub mov
jmp push
mov and
add inc
call lea
je cmp
push add
ret mov
add push
ret push
xor mov
mov sub
call test
nop nop
inc add
lea call
pop mov
je push
mov xor
call pop
test jne
jne mov
add mov
mov add
lea mov
mov lea
call add
call push
mov test
mov pop
pop ret
je mov
mov jmp
jmp mov
cmp jne
cmp je
test je
push lea
mov cmp
pop pop
lea push
mov call
call mov
mov push
push mov
int3 int3
push call
add add
push push
mov mov
jmp push call test
push call add call
mov je mov call
cmp jne mov xor
pop mov push call
mov mov lea add
mov test mov jne
push call mov or
xor push mov push
nop push mov mov
pop xor pop pop
xor jmp sbb sbb
call add xor jmp
test js mov mov
call and lea push
push push jmp cmp
add lea call mov
pop push lea push
stos stos stos stos
dec test jl inc
cmp jb pop pop
lea call jmp mov
add add fadd add
inc inc test jne
sub sub add add
mov mov add xor
add xchg inc add
add add js add
pop mov mov cmp
pop mov xor pop
add jg add add
int3 int3 mov ret
mov xor lea mov
push call jmp lea
call add add add
pusha pusha pusha pusha
xor lea mov mov
pop pop jmp push
int3 mov ret int3
jmp mov push lea
call mov call jmp
add popa add push
inc mov cmp jne
nop nop jmp nop
mov call add lea
dec je sub je
mov mov shr and
call test jl mov
and jns dec or
mov xor cmp sete
add add add aam
add add out add
mov jne mov lea
add pop add inc
mov push call and
jne push jmp push
nop nop nop sub
jne mov lea mov
mov inc add mov
add push add pop
je cmp je xor
lea stos stos stos
mov mov mov imul
pop push push call
test pop pop mov
mov mov add test
pop mov push push
inc push add add
jne mov mov and
jne mov push lea
das add inc add
je lea mov mov
jmp mov mov xor
push call pop lea
nop jmp nop nop
add mov mov sub
cmp jl mov push
inc push inc inc
jne mov mov pop
mov neg sbb and
lea jmp xor test
mov inc cmp jb
add and pop add
or lock dec test
push jmp cmp je
cmp je mov xor
and push call pop
call xor jmp mov
add add rol add
add add add ja
je xor jmp mov
in add add add
mov cmp je add
add push mov add
mov pop mov leave
mov mov sub sar
mov test jne pop
and outs add and
push jmp push lea
inc dec jne mov
mov mov ret int3
mov push and push
mov mov je push
xor jmp push mov
ret cmp jne mov
jne mov add mov
push mov push cmp
je mov call jmp
add jb outs add
add and and add
call add pop mov
add jmp mov jmp
jmp add add add
movzx cmp je cmp
pop ret mov ret
call leave ret mov
mov mov xor xor
call int3 int3 int3
add js add add
mov mov inc jmp
jne push push mov
test jl mov mov
sub push push call
call mov and mov
add fadd add add
mov mov xor test
mov call push pop
and push mov mov
lea push push jmp
mov mov mov jne
jmp xor push push
jmp lea push mov
mov and mov and
push mov pop jmp
or jmp push push
call add xor mov
call mov call xor
call cmp fnclex jge
fs add add add
push add pop add
add imul outs add
pop mov add ret
mov call mov or
test jle and or
add test jne cmp
mov push test je
call mov add pop
das add add add
mov cmp je inc
call cmp jne lea
mov cmp push mov
mov shr mov mov
test setg lea jmp
add add cmp jb
add lea mov call
inc cmp jl mov
sub je dec dec
cmp jb call mov
lea mov jmp mov
mov mov jmp test
call pop mov jmp
push xor cmp jne
add add cmps add
mov push mov and
push call neg sbb
add add add iret
call pop mov call
test jne xor pop
jmp cmp jne lea
mov add mov lea
mov jne push push
jmp mov cmp jb
mov and mov pop
push call test fnclex
lea mov inc test
add mov lea mov
jmp mov jmp lea
dec inc inc and
add jmp cmp jne
add add jb add
pop pop pop xor
mov xor xor mov
aam add add add
xor push push call
call cmp jne call
pop ret cmp je
mov cmp jne jmp
mov add add cmp
xor lea push push
xor test je mov
mov mov and push
je cmp je lea
and mov test je
jg mov mov push
add dec add pop
call add ret push
push call mov and
mov test je movzx
mov xor call add
mov mov test jle
call cmp pop je
cmp jne xor inc
dec add pop add
call mov call cmp
add add imul add
jne mov mov add
add jmp mov lea
dec xor cs ins
mov call or lea
pop ret xor pop
sub add add sub
or jmp cmp jne
or pop pop pop
and or mov mov
mov jmp mov and
push mov mov and
dec dec inc inc
mov call call ret
push mov call and
call sub push push
inc jmp mov mov
jae mov mov mov
ret mov mov pop
popa add push add
xor mov jmp mov
je mov mov xor
jge mov mov mov
cmp jne push jmp
mov push pop mov
jmp test jne mov
pop add inc add
xor pop mov pop
test mov je push
jne push call test
pop pop ret xor
sub mov push mov
cmp je xor jmp
cmp jge push jmp
mov test mov mov
inc add cmp jb
push inc push dec
jne xor jmp sbb
mov test jl mov
call test je call
call add ret int3
ret mov pop pop
add jmp add add
mov mov shl add
mov add cmp mov
mov shl mov mov
jne call mov push
call clc call clc
je cmp jne xor
call cmp je lea
scas add add add
mov and or mov
cmp mov mov jne
add scas add add
cmp mov je cmp
mov jmp mov sub
mov ret nop nop
mov mov mov cdq
test je mov and
xor cmp sete mov
pop pop jbe popa
pop jmp push push
push movzx push push
xor jmp mov push
call mov call or
dec add add dec
jmp mov mov pop
inc mov mov cmp
call mov call call
jne push lea call
xor mov mov pop
pop pop cmp je
mov mov sub add
call mov xor pop
push movzx push movzx
add mov lea push
call jmp cmp je
mov ret push push
pop pop push call
mov pop ret cmp
mov mov xor inc
out add add add
call test mov jne
and mov pop pop
sub push lea push
add add add rol
lea mov cmp je
push push push pop
add test je cmp
shr rep mov and
test je push pop
push sub mov xor
jne push call cmp
inc cmp jne mov
test jne push pop
sub push push lea
call ret mov mov
push jmp mov push
call jmp lea push
ret nop nop push
mov shr rep mov
and push push call
cmp jb lea cmp
call add mov add
add mov mov lea
pop mov mov test
pop leave ret nop
mov pop pop test
je cmp je call
jne mov mov xor
mov jmp xor pop
test jne sub sar
inc inc and and
inc cmp jb mov
mov mov imul mov
call mov sub mov
call add mov call
iret add add add
cmp mov jne push
mov mov sub sub
int3 int3 mov mov
jne add add test
cmp jb cmp jae
add jmp mov push
mov inc mov inc
mov lea movs movs
and cmp je mov
jb mov mov mov
mov mov leave ret
push lea lea push
push pop mov call
rcl rcl rcl rcl
lock dec test jg
mov inc inc cmp
mov call test mov
mov shl add mov
cmp jne mov pop
je push call jmp
mov dec mov mov
mov inc cmp jne
mov jne push call
mov call jmp lea
mov je mov push
je push mov mov
call jmp mov cmp
cmp jne jmp mov
dec jne mov mov
add add add jmp
cmp je push pop
pop add ret nop
add pop add dec
call call ret push
and and and push
sub push mov mov
mov mov and test
add xor mov mov
jne mov mov lea
mov xor mov test
mov test pop pop
add pop ret int3
pop je push call
add lea push call
push mov sub lea
add ins add outs
ret int3 int3 push
ret jmp jmp mov
add add add stos
inc inc add add
mov xor cmp mov
lea lea push call
jne push push lea
je outs add add
add dec pop add
push call and mov
push lea call and
test jne call push
ret mov jmp mov
add add in add
mov je cmp je
mov test jle mov
inc inc cmp jne
and push add add
call push call jmp
jo jo jo jo
pop add dec add
add das add add
pop mov call mov
add add scas add
mov add mov push
mov lea mov cmp
add add and and
add outs add ins
mov mov push pop
push pop cmp jne
mov jmp xor cmp
je mov call test
test je lea call
add and inc add
cmp jb mov cmp
push mov add call
xor inc mov mov
jmp call mov mov
push jmp cmp jne
push call mov sub
inc add add push
add sub add sub
cmp mov jl mov
and popa add add
je mov call push
jns dec or inc
call pop ret nop
test mov jne mov
mov sub lea push
add data16 add add
jne or jmp or
sub add sub add
mov mov ret push
push push inc push
add add add in
cmp ja mov mov
mov lea mov inc
ret nop mov mov
ret mov mov push
ins add outs add
call add jmp cmp
add call add add
mov pop ret lea
add add iret add
push push call int3
jne lea push call
call add cmp mov
jne push mov push
mov pop test je
push inc push push
push push push sub
cmp cmp cmp cmp
int3 mov jmp mov
cmp je inc cmp
add add test jne
lea mov test je
mov mov dec mov
sub lea push push
mov mov cmp jg
add iret add add
je push call lea
and push push mov
call mov jmp cmp
outs add je and
push call int3 push
push call jmp xor
call mov test pop
mov add mov test
mov cmp jl cmp
jmp push push lea
add push push lea
mov add xor mov
call cmp jne cmp
push mov add mov
je cmp jne or
mov ret mov push
call leave ret int3
int3 int3 int3 sub
push call and pop
movs movs movs movs
je cmp je test
pop ret mov cmp
jne mov mov test
jbe mov mov mov
test fnclex jge mov
call pop jmp mov
add and dec add
and lea push push
push call xor jmp
mov mov add lea
mov call jmp xor
push push sub mov
and and push add
mov test je and
test jg mov mov
xor cmp je cmp
mov mov xor call
cmp mov mov je
mov lea cmp je
mov cmp je call
ret push mov add
push call push jmp
pop ret add add
rep mov and rep
add jmp push push
mov cmp je xor
push call xor cmp
inc inc add inc
mov call jmp cmp
movzx push push call
mov inc mov cmp
cmp jg mov mov
push mov push and
push pop push push
dec mov mov mov
dec je dec jne
add jb add add
add cmp jne push
jmp mov xor mov
sub lea mov mov
cmp mov jae lea
pop mov cmp jne
push mov call call
je mov mov inc
je dec dec je
push add add push
inc inc push inc
pop push call pop
push mov and push
cmp jl cmp jg
xor cmp jne mov
lea lea push mov
xor xor mov mov
je mov mov add
call cmp pop pop
jmp push mov mov
jle and or mov
jmp int3 int3 lea
add add jo add
add add add out
mov mov shl mov
push mov cmp push
add add add jo
call int3 push mov
push push add mov
xor mov pop pop
lea call mov jmp
lea push mov add
jmp sub jmp sub
mov mov and and
inc add ins add
mov call add test
mov and cmp je
mov and push mov
mov cmp mov jne
mov lea lea push
lea cmp je mov
mov call mov sub
cmp jne mov inc
test je mov sub
movzx push movzx push
cmps cmps cmps cmps
ret mov pop ret
mov xor pop call
daa add add daa
outs add outs add
and pop add add
je call mov mov
push add mov mov
jns push push call
jmp mov mov and
test jne pop pop
test je mov xor
cmp jne xor mov
pop test jne mov
mov and push push
dec test jg mov
pop jmp push mov
lea mov mov cmp
call jmp push mov
cmp mov jb mov
add add push push
call sub mov mov
ret ret ret ret
add push call push
add lea push lea
call add mov lea
jmp lea push call
xor mov cmp jne
ret mov lea mov
push lea call ret
mov lea mov add
je cmp jb push
inc add pop inc
push add push call
je mov lea mov
pop pop push push
jmp mov mov add
mov xor mov call
push mov call ret
je mov jmp xor
push call test jl
call mov mov and
mov call add push
mov call add pop
mov mov jne mov
xor cs ins add
call mov xor push
call mov cmp jl
cmp jae mov cmp
mov call mov and
int3 int3 jmp int3
push call call mov
xor jmp push push
test add add add
call ret push push
add and outs add
call push call cmp
dec inc add dec
mov push add push
test jne or jmp
jl mov mov mov
push push mov test
inc add inc inc
mov pop add ret
movzx push push push
mov cmp jg mov
cmp jne test jne
jne xor pop pop
cmp jne push pop
lea call test jne
data16 data16 data16 data16
mov jmp call mov
mov sub mov cmp
stos add add add
je push add add
mov call ret jmp
int3 jmp int3 int3
lea mov lea push
test je xor mov
xor mov call mov
mov call sub push
pop ret cmp jne
mov jmp test jne
mov xor test je
mov imul mov mov
test jle mov mov
add imul add add
mov jmp mov xor
call add lea mov
test jne mov lea
pop cmp je mov
mov test je xor
add mov call mov
test jne push lea
jb push push push
add add aam add
call test pop je
test jne push mov
pop test jne push
pop pop ret cmp
add stos add add
or lea call mov
push jmp push call
jb mov push call
adc add adc add
push call add or
jmp push lea call
add add add test
lea call cmp je
sub jmp sub jmp
mov add cmp jb
int3 int3 int3 jmp
push push mov add
je push call and
mov push call xor
add push add and
push push call fnclex
call test je xor
ret mov push call
mov mov push xor
push mov mov add
pop jne mov jmp
jmp push push mov
call mov cmp mov
jne xor jmp push
mov add pop pop
jmp or jmp or
call mov jmp xor
test je or mov
add mov test jne
lea mov call cmp
mov push sub push
nop push mov sub
jmp push call push
add ins add and
call mov test jl
call mov call test
jge jge jge jge
je test je test
add mov inc add
mov mov mov dec
nop mov mov mov
pop add ret int3
mov jmp xor test
mov test jne test
add cmp je push
mov push xor cmp
add push mov call
xor cmp je push
add mov push mov
call pop mov push
je lea push lea
mov sub push lea
add adc add adc
add mov mov pop
lea call mov pop
call push call lea
ret mov test je
pop ret mov jmp
add pop ret mov
lea call mov test
push push add push
xor mov mov xor
add add add fadd
mov call sub mov
add add add data16
push call pop xor
call jmp mov call
add aam add add
and and add add
add add add ins
mov mov jmp lea
push call ret mov
cmp je lea mov
mov push sub mov
mov add add mov
mov mov cmp jl
test je mov inc
sub je sub jne
inc test jne sub
mov add cmp je
call mov pop test
push sub push push
add add je add
mov mov cmp jle
mov mov ret mov
mov mov mov je
lea call ret jmp
lea mov call test
push mov xor cmp
jne push call add
add and je push
int3 int3 mov jmp
jp jp jp jp
jmp lea push lea
lea movs movs movs
add test jne xor
call ret push call
add cmp jb mov
add pop pop ret
jne mov test jne
mov mov inc cmp
pop pop jmp mov
add pop ret push
add add data16 add
add test add add
jmp lea mov mov
jle mov mov mov
mov pop xor pop
xor cmp je mov
mov mov lea cmp
call or lea push
mov jmp mov call
jne call push push
lea call lea lea
add add test add
inc push push push
add add jae and
push push push add
mov add mov call
inc add push inc
lea pop pop pop
jmp test je mov
pop jmp mov mov
pop pop ret add
nop push push push
add add add jne
push jmp mov mov
push call add add
jmp jmp pop pop
mov ret mov mov
pop pop mov leave
ret mov call push
cmp je test jne
add push mov mov
je mov add mov
sub mov push push
mov mov mov shl
jne mov pop pop
call call mov mov
mov mov cmp ja
mov mov je mov
mov call add cmp
lea mov mov lea
mov call xor push
jmp mov mov lea
add add stos add
pop ret mov test
test jne test jne
add and push add
fnclex jge mov push
add and and and
je test jne mov
cmp jne add add
and test je mov
add test jne push
add mov mov call
call or lea call
push call xor pop
push xor push mov
test fnclex jge push
push call jmp cmp
out out out out
cmp je mov add
mov cmp ja mov
call pop mov test
mov mov or mov
call mov xor cmp
push mov lea call
add add mov mov
mov jmp lea mov
call leave ret push
jmp pop pop pop
sub mov mov push
je mov jmp push
pop pop jne push
jmp mov call mov
call lea call push
jmp mov lea push
test je lea mov
cmp jb cmp ja
int3 lea jmp mov
mov xor cmp jne
fnclex test jge push
add add add jb
ret lea push push
cmp jne lea mov
mov push xor push
push call fnclex test
je push lea call
pop add ret mov
int3 push mov call
add je add add
xor mov test je
mov mov xor pop
call fnclex test jge
jmp mov mov test
push push call and
dec add ins add
push call pop and
push lea call cmp
add add add lods
mov push xor mov
add inc inc add
je sub je dec
call test jne lea
je add add add
and push push push
mov cmp jb cmp
jmp cmp je push
jne push call push
add daa add daa
call fnclex mov cmp
fnclex mov cmp jge
mov mov sub push
xor mov mov cmp
je mov mov lea
push call fnclex mov
call cmp je cmp
pop mov push mov
pop ret mov call
mov leave ret mov
ret mov call sub
inc add dec inc
jmp mov pop pop
call add lea call
mov mov inc inc
call test jne xor
daa add daa add
add daa daa add
mov mov cmp jbe
mov cmp jne lea
add add cmp add
add add xchg add
call jmp cmp jne
call pop pop cmp
ret lea push mov
call ret int3 int3
je push push mov
mov call lea lea
ret nop push push
jne call mov mov
call push call test
imul add add add
or jmp or jmp
mov test jne cmp
add mov mov jmp
mov and cmp jne
cmp add add add
xor pop ret push
sbb sbb sbb sbb
call jmp push call
je lea push call
add push call pop
cmp je call mov
je push push lea
sbb add add add
cmp jne or jmp
test je call mov
add pop inc add
add push mov push
mov jmp test je
call add push mov
lods add add add
push call pop call
mov je push call
push push mov cmp
push mov mov sub
push mov test jne
jmp xor mov mov
mov mov cmp jge
call test jne cmp
movdqa movdqa movdqa movdqa
jmp mov test jne
push call ret push
call pop test jne
xor pop ret mov
call mov mov sub
push sub mov mov
pop mov pop leave
call cmp mov jne
mov mov and cmp
mov mov mov or
nop push mov push
xor mov mov call
push call or lea
mov call test fnclex
mov test js mov
xor test jne mov
call test mov je
mov call ret mov
push push jmp mov
mov pop mov mov
sub sub sub sub
mov call jmp push
mov lea lea mov
cmp jne mov add
mov jmp push lea
add cmp add add
call pop push push
jge mov push push
and je push add
pop mov test je
mov lea mov lea
leave ret mov call
call mov add call
add add add je
test jne mov call
push jmp lea push
add outs add je
add inc add dec
call mov cmp jge
jne cmp jne push
jmp nop nop nop
cmp jb push push
add call mov mov
push push call call
jmp cmp jne push
mov call cmp mov
pop push push push
jne pop pop pop
mov cmp jne add
push pop mov mov
mov call call mov
je movzx movzx sub
add push push mov
add add add xchg
call pop ret int3
xor mov cmp je
cmp jne push lea
test jne test je
ret push mov cmp
cmp jne mov lea
leave ret push push
add push inc add
call xor push push
add add add imul
push push call ret
add xchg add add
je mov and mov
jne mov jmp push
mov cmp mov mov
mov add mov cmp
mov xor push mov
mov mov call sub
call add push lea
inc add pop add
cmp je mov lea
jmp xor test jne
mov inc test jne
mov mov add call
call push pop mov
lea call mov cmp
mov ret push mov
test je cmp jb
add add add sbb
cmp je movzx movzx
lea mov push mov
lea mov lea mov
add jmp mov mov
nop push push mov
jb mov jmp mov
add sbb add add
add inc add pop
mov mov call ret
sub je dec je
jne push mov call
jmp cmp jne cmp
add add sbb add
mov push call jmp
test jge push push
add mov mov test
call ret mov push
xor pop call mov
call pop cmp je
add add add jae
mov cmp jne test
add add add cmp
xor xor xor xor
pop cmp je push
mov xor cmp je
setg lea mov test
add ret nop nop
ret jmp jmp pop
jne mov call mov
mov call xor pop
mov xor mov xor
cmp mov je push
cmp jne call push
pop mov push lea
fnclex jge push push
lea push call cmp
push jmp push jmp
or lea push push
mov mov lea lea
mov mov sub cmp
pop je push push
int3 lea jmp lea
add lods add add
call mov add push
mov je push push
mov leave ret push
add mov mov add
add add lods add
mov mov add add
add dec inc add
je mov test jne
call pop push call
mov jne mov mov
lea mov push lea
cmp jb mov push
ret nop push mov
mov xor pop pop
lea push lea mov
jmp mov add mov
or add or add
test jne mov test
jmp push call mov
xor call mov xor
jne mov lea push
cmp mov mov mov
add mov cmp jne
je mov mov test
mov cmp je movzx
call lea mov mov
mov jmp xor mov
test jne lea push
call xor mov mov
mov call xor mov
pop pop mov mov
lea call test je
add mov cmp je
jne mov push mov
mov test jne movzx
mov and test je
nop nop push push
pop ret mov pop
je mov lea push
call mov mov jmp
call cmp mov je
mov add push mov
mov mov test mov
add mov test je
int3 push push mov
mov push call fnclex
pop mov mov pop
mov push push xor
push call xor mov
xor jmp mov mov
add mov push push
mov add mov jmp
je mov mov jmp
jmp xor pop pop
call lea mov push
mov call pop mov
cmp jne push mov
add add ins add
je push call test
inc add dec add
pop pop test jne
mov test jne xor
lea call push mov
pop call mov pop
jne push lea push
jne call mov call
jne mov mov jmp
call jmp mov push
mov sub mov push
pop pop mov xor
mov jmp lea push
call add jmp push
lea lea mov mov
push call lea lea
jne cmp je cmp
test je mov add
xor mov xor mov
mov push mov add
lea call lea mov
mov mov jmp xor
add push add dec
call pop pop push
test je test jne
mov cmp je lea
call mov add cmp
mov cmp mov je
add mov pop ret
jmp push jmp push
cmp jbe mov mov
call mov call push
xor push push mov
push push xor mov
push add push push
add ret int3 int3
mov jmp mov test
xor call mov pop
adc adc adc adc
test jns push push
push call pop jmp
push mov push sub
jmp cmp je cmp
add inc add and
mov cmp jle mov
mov add test jne
push lea call test
je or test je
add test je push
push mov call xor
jne mov push call
call lea push mov
je push mov push
test je or test
cmp mov jne mov
mov lea mov push
lea call mov call
jmp push mov call
je push call cmp
test je mov lea
lea lea push lea
mov xor mov cmp
jne mov mov call
je test je cmp
pop test je mov
push mov lea mov
add add xor add
mov mov shr mov
cmp jle mov mov
mov add cmp jne
cmp mov je mov
mov cmp jl mov
mov mov mov ret
jmp mov push call
add dec add inc
cmp jge mov mov
mov add test je
call mov xor mov
add push lea push
call call call call
outs add ins add
add dec add dec
mov ret int3 int3
add lea push push
push push jmp push
lea call push call
add mov push call
pop test je push
xor push mov mov
or test je or
jne mov mov push
push push xor push
jne cmp je push
cmp jl mov mov
pop mov cmp je
xor pop call leave
cmp jb mov mov
cmp je push lea
pop mov leave ret
mov test mov je
mov or mov mov
je test je mov
pop pop je push
lea mov test jne
int3 int3 int3 lea
xchg add add add
pop mov xor call
mov push mov xor
jmp mov mov call
add or add or
mov cmp jbe mov
mov pop pop xor
call mov xor call
call mov mov xor
push push push jmp
add mov mov push
jne cmp jne cmp
push push call or
call pop mov cmp
push mov mov lea
test jns push jmp
call pop pop jmp
mov je mov mov
jmp mov mov jmp
pop leave ret int3
mov mov jmp push
add cmp jne mov
jne xor jmp mov
xor mov push mov
xor pop pop ret
mov mov xor cmp
mov test je call
test jne cmp jne
push call add ret
xor add add add
mov mov call call
mov cmp jne xor
pop call leave ret
je push call push
push add dec add
call mov jmp push
jge push push mov
nop mov push mov
test mov je mov
mov jmp push mov
or or or or
call cmp jne push
add add add popa
mov movzx mov mov
call add mov test
mov push call lea
cmp jne mov test
mov mov cmp jae
add add add xor
push xor push push
add push add inc
cmp jne xor jmp
jne mov jmp cmp
ins add add add
je mov push mov
mov test jne call
mov push call cmp
call test fnclex jge
mov mov movzx mov
call mov test js
add xor add add
push call pop cmp
call add mov jmp
pop ret lea push
lea mov push call
mov xor push lea
ret push call pop
call mov jmp int3
je cmp jne cmp
dec je dec je
lea mov mov push
add add add das
dec add dec add
int3 push mov mov
cmp jb mov jmp
push mov xor mov
push call test mov
arpl arpl arpl arpl
mov mov add push
mov mov add cmp
mov mov xor push
add mov mov cmp
test setg lea mov
add mov add mov
call jmp push push
pop pop jne mov
push xor mov mov
mov push mov lea
jne mov mov cmp
mov call pop ret
je push mov call
push mov cmp jne
add mov jmp mov
cmp jne lea push
mov add mov add
jmp cmp je mov
sub push mov push
mov cmp jge mov
mov lea call lea
cmp je mov test
mov mov lea call
mov call lea call
call mov pop mov
call push lea mov
push call cmp pop
pop ret push call
add inc add push
cmp jne test je
jmp mov mov push
test je push lea
mov add call mov
dec add inc add
je mov mov cmp
movzx mov mov mov
call pop test je
jne push call mov
mov pop pop leave
jne test je mov
dec dec dec dec
jne lea push push
push mov push xor
mov test je test
sub push push mov
ret mov push push
mov pop ret nop
cmp jne mov call
add cmp je mov
push add inc add
lea push call pop
je mov call mov
push call lea mov
push lea mov push
add test jne mov
mov test je lea
lea jmp mov jmp
xor push lea mov
xor mov mov push
mov push mov test
inc add push add
mov mov cmp mov
push call mov xor
int3 int3 push push
lea test jne movzx
cmp jae mov mov
cmp jge push push
mov cmp jne call
call add cmp jne
call test je lea
call ret jmp jmp
jmp mov jmp int3
pop ret nop push
setg lea test jne
cmp je push mov
call xor pop pop
call test je cmp
add push call mov
pop pop ret lea
push mov mov xor
add mov pop pop
test setg lea test
add add das add
call mov push lea
test jne cmp je
call test jne call
add ins add add
call push mov mov
pop pop test je
int3 push mov sub
pop pop pop add
nop nop mov push
push call add xor
jmp push mov push
add push call add
push jmp push push
mov jmp cmp je
je dec je dec
mov mov cmp jb
mov mov jmp cmp
mov pop leave ret
mov inc mov mov
mov jmp mov add
pop mov pop mov
mov mov call xor
pop xor pop call
mov jmp mov lea
call add push push
mov cmp jge push
call mov lea mov
test jne mov jmp
add add add or
call mov jmp lea
call add mov cmp
lea mov call push
call add pop pop
mov mov mov movzx
jmp push lea push
je cmp jne push
push mov cmp je
add add or add
push mov call jmp
push push push xor
test jne mov push
add add add pop
cmp je lea push
call mov add test
je test je push
jmp mov push push
jne mov test je
mov jmp push call
int3 int3 lea jmp
jmp mov mov cmp
ret push push mov
leave ret mov push
mov jmp lea jmp
ret mov mov mov
call add jmp mov
test jne call mov
jne cmp je mov
cmp je mov call
or mov mov mov
cmp jne call mov
mov mov mov shr
xor mov push push
pop pop add ret
je push call add
push call lea call
je mov mov push
add dec add push
test jne xor jmp
mov cmp jae mov
jmp mov test je
call add pop ret
pop pop xor pop
je push lea push
jne mov push push
inc mov mov mov
mov mov pop mov
push mov test je
jmp push call pop
mov lea call push
mov call mov xor
mov call mov add
add push add push
nop nop push mov
test je push mov
call lea push call
jmp mov push mov
push push mov lea
jge push push push
mov push lea mov
add jmp mov add
add pop pop pop
mov mov call add
dec add push add
je sub je sub
leave ret int3 int3
pop pop mov push
lea call mov push
je cmp je push
push call mov call
pop mov mov mov
daa add add add
mov add push call
add or add add
cmp je mov jmp
sub add add add
je mov mov call
mov call cmp jne
push call jmp mov
add and add add
call add cmp je
mov jmp mov push
call cmp jne mov
mov mov inc mov
jmp mov cmp jne
test pop pop je
push mov call cmp
push call cmp mov
cmp je mov and
add add add outs
jmp lea push push
push add push add
add popa add add
lea jmp mov lea
call push call add
lea mov push push
test jne mov cmp
mov push mov cmp
jmp mov cmp je
call lea lea push
pop leave ret mov
add add add daa
call mov call ret
call add lea push
jne cmp jne mov
call lea call mov
call jmp mov mov
mov test jns push
call mov test jns
mov mov call jmp
mov jmp push push
jne mov cmp jne
call add mov pop
je mov jmp mov
mov call ret push
lea call mov lea
mov sub push mov
add add and add
test je mov call
and add add add
mov mov mov inc
outs add add add
and mov mov mov
test je lea push
call add mov push
lea push call test
je mov cmp jne
mov call add mov
mov ret mov ret
jmp mov add jmp
lea lea push push
call pop pop test
call pop mov mov
call mov mov add
popa add add add
push call pop push
lea push call lea
push call cmp jne
add add popa add
mov call mov jmp
push mov mov cmp
add add add sub
mov lea mov call
push call jmp push
call push mov push
test je test je
inc add add inc
push push call xor
add daa add add
mov cmp jb mov
call lea call lea
add test je mov
call mov add mov
add arpl add arpl
ret push push call
mov push lea call
call pop ret mov
mov test jne push
je lea push push
or add add add
mov mov and mov
add add sub add
lea call lea push
arpl add arpl add
add push push call
mov and mov mov
mov call cmp je
call pop ret push
call add push call
ret push push push
test jne push push
mov xor push push
ret mov ret mov
pop ret mov mov
call cmp je mov
push call pop test
adc add add add
push mov mov test
sub je sub je
je mov push push
add add pop add
push mov xor push
call cmp je push
push mov call lea
test je mov cmp
call test jne push
mov mov call cmp
call push push mov
mov mov call pop
add add add adc
call mov mov lea
push mov push lea
mov push call test
add add daa add
call mov push mov
lea push lea call
mov sub mov xor
nop nop nop mov
jne movzx movzx sub
call mov mov test
add adc add add
add sub add add
cmp jne mov push
pop add add add
test jne movzx movzx
lea call push push
mov cmp je test
push lea call lea
nop nop nop push
mov xor mov push
test je mov jmp
je mov cmp je
push mov lea push
call ret push mov
test je mov test
mov call jmp mov
mov mov push lea
mov cmp jne cmp
pop pop ret nop
mov call lea push
push call mov jmp
call push push lea
call pop pop mov
mov add jmp mov
mov lea push lea
add pop add add
push mov add push
mov mov mov and
mov jmp cmp jne
mov add add add
add add add mov
cmp je mov push
jne push call pop
add add adc add
jmp lea jmp mov
add outs add add
lea call push lea
jne mov cmp je
jne push push call
je cmp je mov
test je cmp jne
mov lea push call
call lea push lea
push push lea mov
mov add push push
mov jmp mov cmp
mov mov call lea
call mov mov cmp
mov pop pop mov
mov call mov pop
call mov test jne
jne mov jmp mov
jmp cmp jne mov
mov lea call mov
cmp je test je
cmp jne cmp je
ret push mov mov
call push lea call
call pop pop ret
add add outs add
jne push push push
mov call push lea
lea push mov push
add mov add add
call pop mov pop
pop ret nop nop
add add add and
lea push call push
mov mov sub mov
test jne push call
int3 push mov push
lea mov mov call
lea call lea call
call add test jne
add add mov add
je mov test je
lea push mov mov
mov call mov lea
call mov mov pop
jmp jmp jmp jmp
mov cmp jne push
mov call mov test
push mov call pop
cmp je mov cmp
mov call mov cmp
mov call pop pop
sub mov xor mov
mov jmp int3 int3
je cmp jne mov
call test jne mov
movzx sub je xor
sub je xor test
add push push push
xor test setg lea
je xor test setg
call push call pop
push call cmp je
push call add lea
test pop pop jne
push lea mov mov
push push call jmp
movzx movzx sub je
call mov cmp jne
mov lea push mov
mov mov mov sub
pop pop ret int3
cmp jne push call
push push mov xor
dec add add add
pop pop pop leave
mov pop mov pop
mov push push lea
je push call mov
push call add pop
ret push mov call
mov push call push
call push call mov
call mov push call
test je cmp je
call mov call mov
jmp mov lea mov
push call push mov
call mov jmp mov
je mov push call
call mov pop ret
xor call mov jmp
push mov call add
lea mov xor call
mov mov test jne
add add add push
pop leave ret push
mov call push call
mov call test jne
push call add cmp
jmp push push push
lea mov call lea
cmp jne mov cmp
sub push push push
mov lea mov xor
call add test je
pop ret push push
pop mov pop pop
jmp int3 int3 int3
cmp jne push push
mov mov xor mov
mov test je cmp
jmp push push call
push call add jmp
call mov mov push
add add add dec
test jne mov mov
mov call mov push
push call push lea
cmp jne cmp jne
rol rol rol rol
call mov pop pop
sub mov mov mov
call pop pop pop
mov mov pop ret
mov sub mov mov
call mov lea call
mov call push mov
mov mov call push
xor push push push
call lea push push
call mov lea push
mov sub push push
push lea mov call
mov mov mov xor
cmp jne mov jmp
push push call cmp
xor pop pop pop
add add add inc
add dec add add
lea push push lea
lea push call add
push lea call push
test je mov push
mov call lea mov
leave ret push mov
lea call mov mov
call lea mov call
mov push call pop
ret nop nop nop
push push call lea
mov test jne mov
call mov cmp je
push call lea push
call mov push push
je push push call
mov mov call test
lea mov call mov
mov pop ret int3
mov pop ret mov
push call mov pop
call push push call
call push call push
call push mov call
mov call push push
mov call mov call
push lea push mov
add inc add inc
ret push mov sub
add add push add
mov push mov sub
push mov call test
cmp je push push
mov mov add mov
push call add push
add add dec add
lea push mov call
push call pop ret
mov cmp je cmp
call test pop pop
mov mov lea mov
mov lea mov mov
call test je push
push mov sub mov
mov mov mov test
call mov mov call
and and and and
inc inc inc inc
push add add add
call push lea push
call mov test je
push call mov lea
jmp mov jmp mov
pop pop leave ret
mov mov mov jmp
push lea call mov
call add mov mov
mov mov mov add
mov add mov mov
xor mov mov mov
push call test jne
mov xor mov mov
mov jmp mov jmp
mov xor call mov
int3 mov push mov
mov pop pop ret
cmp je cmp jne
add push add add
jne mov mov mov
call test je mov
int3 int3 mov push
push call mov cmp
push call mov push
mov cmp je push
push call test pop
mov pop ret push
je push call pop
je cmp je cmp
push call mov add
push push lea call
mov push lea push
push mov sub push
pop pop ret mov
add add inc add
int3 int3 push mov
mov mov lea push
mov call test je
inc add add add
call push push push
lea push call mov
lea push push mov
je push push push
mov mov jmp mov
add mov mov mov
test je push push
je mov mov mov
lea mov mov mov
push push push lea
mov mov mov pop
push mov call push
pop pop pop mov
push call add test
mov test je push
add inc add add
cmp je mov mov
push mov mov push
pop pop mov pop
inc add inc add
pop pop ret push
test je push call
jmp lea jmp lea
jmp mov mov mov
push call push push
mov mov mov lea
pop ret mov push
int3 int3 int3 push
ret push mov push
cmp je push call
mov push call add
push call test je
push call pop mov
mov mov pop pop
mov mov cmp jne
push call mov test
int3 int3 int3 mov
pop mov pop ret
cmp jne mov mov
mov push mov call
lea jmp lea jmp
test je mov mov
push mov mov call
mov mov cmp je
mov mov push call
ret mov push mov
mov jmp mov mov
mov pop pop pop
push lea push lea
mov lea push push
cmp je cmp je
mov mov push mov
pop ret int3 int3
mov cmp je mov
mov mov test je
push push call pop
mov mov mov cmp
mov push call mov
mov cmp jne mov
push call pop pop
mov mov push push
push call push call
pop pop pop ret
push mov push call
mov test je mov
mov push push call
mov mov mov push
push push call test
pop pop pop pop
push push call push
mov push push mov
pop ret push mov
push push lea push
mov push mov mov
push lea push call
push call add mov
push push mov push
push call mov mov
ret int3 int3 int3
push push mov call
push push mov mov
push mov call mov
lea push lea push
push mov mov mov
push mov push mov
call mov mov mov
lea push push push
lea push push call
mov mov call mov
mov push mov push
push push push mov
mov call mov mov
mov mov mov call
push lea push push
push mov push push
mov push push push
nop nop nop nop
push push call add
push push call mov
push push push call
push push push push
add add add add
mov mov mov mov
int3 int3 int3 int3
push call pop pop pop leave
call test je push call push
push push push lea call lea
mov push mov call push call
push mov mov cmp je mov
lea push mov mov call mov
call mov jmp mov jmp mov
mov call cmp je mov call
test pop pop jne mov cmp
mov mov mov cmp jne test
push call pop push call pop
test jns push jmp lea push
push lea push mov mov mov
push mov mov call push mov
mov add ret nop nop nop
add add dec add dec add
push mov call mov test jne
call add test je mov push
push push call test jne cmp
mov push call add test je
push call test je push lea
push call add cmp je push
call cmp je push call push
je push call pop cmp je
push push call test jne lea
je mov push call add mov
mov cmp je cmp jne push
push push call jmp mov mov
add add jg add add add
push mov push call pop pop
push call mov cmp je cmp
push push push push lea mov
mov jmp mov jmp mov mov
in add in add in add
inc add inc inc add inc
push push call pop ret push
push push call lea call mov
push xor mov mov mov mov
lea push push mov call push
call add pop pop pop pop
mov cmp je mov mov call
mov xor push push push push
call cmp je push call mov
call mov lea push lea push
jne push push push call mov
mov push push mov call push
push push mov lea push push
jne push lea push push call
pop pop mov push mov call
push jmp push push push push
leave ret mov call sub push
leave ret nop mov mov mov
je push push call push call
push call add lea push call
mov mov mov call lea mov
push mov push call mov cmp
cmp jne mov mov mov jmp
call pop pop test je mov
setg lea mov jmp xor test
test setg lea mov jmp xor
mov mov lea mov mov call
add push add inc add add
call mov pop pop ret push
cmp jne lea push push push
lea push lea push call lea
push call mov mov mov pop
call add ret int3 int3 int3
lea push call add push call
sub je dec je dec je
mov mov mov call xor pop
call push push lea call mov
call test jne push push call
mov mov lea push mov call
call pop mov pop pop pop
mov mov call mov lea push
push mov call mov mov lea
lea push mov push call add
push mov mov mov mov cmp
call lea call lea call mov
lea mov jmp xor test jne
je mov mov call mov mov
push push push lea push mov
mov mov mov mov call add
add sbb add add add add
mov call push push lea call
push mov call mov push call
lea mov push push push push
mov call push push mov mov
mov jmp mov jmp int3 int3
push call cmp mov je push
push push call add ret push
add push add push add push
in inc in inc in inc
out dec out dec out dec
cmp je push call mov mov
jne mov push push push call
push call test jne call mov
push call push push call test
mov push mov sub push mov
mov xor mov push mov push
mov push call mov pop pop
cmp je lea push push call
push lea push call mov cmp
push mov call mov cmp jne
dec cmc dec cmc dec cmc
leave ret push mov push mov
mov push call lea push push
clc call clc call clc call
mov test je push call and
call mov push call mov push
call push mov push call mov
mov jmp mov mov cmp je
cmp je cmp jne mov cmp
pop call mov pop ret push
xor pop call leave ret push
pop pop mov pop ret nop
mov cmp je mov mov push
push call lea lea push lea
push mov sub mov push push
push call mov push mov push
call test jne push push push
mul seto neg or push call
test je mov mov mov call
mov mov call cmp jne mov
add add inc add push add
mov mov lea push call mov
add ins add outs add add
mov mov mov call cmp jne
mov mov mov mov add cmp
mov push call mov lea call
test jne push push push push
pop pop test je push push
call mov mov pop pop ret
cmp je push call lea push
lea call push lea mov call
mov sub push push mov push
mov call mov cmp je push
xor push mov mov mov mov
push add push add push add
push push call add push lea
test je mov mov push push
call sti call sti call sti
test jne push push push call
add add and je push add
mov call ret int3 int3 int3
mov cmp jne mov push push
mov mov call mov cmp jne
mov pop ret mov mov mov
push push mov mov mov xor
call add mov mov test je
call test je push lea push
inc add push add add add
push call test pop pop mov
push push jmp push push push
lea push call mov lea call
call jmp mov mov mov mov
test jne mov push push push
push call mov add push call
jne mov cmp je test je
push push push mov mov cmp
mov push call pop ret push
cmp je push call mov cmp
ret push mov sub mov push
add add add inc add inc
push call push lea push lea
mov mov pop pop ret mov
call add lea push push call
push call pop pop push call
jb push push push push call
je push call add mov pop
mov push mov call mov push
call mov call mov mov mov
cmp je lea push push push
mov call push mov mov call
jne xor jmp sbb sbb test
mov mov pop ret mov push
mov test je cmp jne push
call mov cmp jne mov mov
cmp jne cmp je cmp je
mov call cmp je mov mov
mov jmp mov mov cmp jne
mov jmp xor test jne mov
push mov call pop pop pop
cmp je mov push push push
int3 lea jmp lea jmp mov
push push mov call mov pop
mov call mov xor mov mov
jne or jmp or jmp or
push call mov pop pop test
mov cmp jae mov mov mov
add mov add mov add mov
pop cmp je push call pop
mov test je lea push push
mov push sub mov xor mov
push push push xor mov mov
call push push push call mov
pop pop pop add ret mov
inc inc add add add add
mov lea push push mov push
mov lea push lea push call
push push push mov lea mov
lea jmp xor test jne mov
push lea mov mov call mov
ret mov mov mov mov mov
push jmp lea push push push
add mov push call add mov
add add dec add inc add
mov mov lea mov call mov
add add push add inc add
cmp je push call pop test
add add add add sbb add
add push add dec add add
push call test je mov jmp
mov mov mov call mov jmp
mov pop pop pop ret int3
add jmp mov lea mov xor
nop nop nop nop nop sub
call mov cmp je mov push
push lea push mov mov call
push lea push call test jne
lea push call add mov mov
mov call push lea push call
mov shr rep mov and rep
add mov mov test je mov
lea push push push call cmp
push sub mov xor mov push
call push lea mov call lea
int3 push mov push push push
mov mov mov cmp jne cmp
xor test setg lea mov jmp
add add add add xor add
mov add jmp mov lea mov
mov push call mov push mov
mov push call add test jne
movzx push movzx push movzx push
push push call push mov push
pop mov mov mov mov mov
push push call cmp jne push
lea call mov call ret push
push lea push call push push
mov lea push push call add
call mov mov cmp jne mov
jg mov mov push mov call
call pop ret push call pop
test jne xor jmp sbb sbb
test je mov mov call mov
call xor push push push mov
lea push push push mov push
mov mov call cmp je mov
mov test jne mov push push
add add outs add ins add
push call mov test js mov
call add test jne mov mov
ret push mov add push push
mov test je mov mov push
cmp je push call mov pop
mov jmp mov cmp je mov
mov test je cmp je push
test jg mov mov push mov
mov push sub push push push
add push add add add das
dec add inc add add add
call mov pop pop pop leave
jmp cmp je cmp je cmp
call lea push push push call
mov mov cmp jne cmp je
push mov call test jne mov
push push call lea push call
ret push push push push call
mov mov call mov lea mov
mov pop mov pop ret nop
push add add add das add
push call pop test je push
je lea push push push push
push push mov push call push
pop mov leave ret push mov
push lea push call mov push
jmp push push push call mov
mov push push call test jne
mov push call add mov pop
jne mov mov cmp jne mov
push call pop test je mov
mov push mov call push mov
test je push push call test
mov mov add mov mov add
lea push push mov call add
mov push push mov xor push
xor call mov pop ret int3
push call pop ret push call
rcl rcl rcl rcl rcl rcl
call mov cmp jge push jmp
cmp jb std rep cld jmp
ret mov push call pop ret
test jge push push push push
push push call mov jmp mov
cmp je push push call pop
add add add add add jae
pusha pusha pusha pusha pusha pusha
call push lea push call add
add add popa add push add
je push call pop mov mov
pop pop mov leave ret mov
push push push lea mov mov
jne cmp je push call pop
mov xor pop pop pop mov
mov mov call push lea push
call push call pop pop mov
jne test je mov cmp jne
test je cmp jne mov mov
mov pop pop pop mov leave
push push lea mov mov mov
mov mov mov lea mov call
xor pop ret int3 int3 int3
call add pop ret push mov
push push push mov xor mov
pop pop pop pop mov xor
push push lea call push lea
je push call pop test je
push call add push call push
push push mov mov cmp je
mov mov call mov mov cmp
mov mov mov call add mov
mov call push push push mov
push call mov test jne mov
mov add mov add mov add
call mov mov push lea push
call mov pop pop pop pop
call mov pop pop pop ret
push call add mov mov pop
call mov push mov call mov
mov mov mov mov pop mov
cmp je mov mov mov call
xor pop call leave ret int3
call pop cmp je push call
lea or lock dec test jg
push mov call mov mov cmp
push push call mov cmp jge
push mov mov call push call
test je mov cmp jne add
push mov push call push mov
mov mov mov mov call pop
jmp lea push push push push
push push call mov push mov
call add pop ret int3 int3
lea mov call mov mov call
nop nop nop push mov push
call mov cmp je mov mov
pop pop ret lea push mov
lea mov inc test jne sub
push push mov push lea push
mov mov call mov push push
lea push call lea push push
int3 lea jmp mov jmp int3
push push call cmp pop pop
push push lea mov mov call
mov mov mov jmp cmp jne
pop pop ret lea push push
push push mov call mov add
add test je push push push
mov mov mov call mov pop
push call add pop ret int3
jne mov mov jmp mov mov
call pop pop test je push
lea push push call fnclex test
test je test je test je
add ins add add add add
int3 int3 lea jmp mov jmp
mov jmp mov mov mov cmp
ret push call pop ret mov
cmp je cmp je push push
push call add jmp mov push
mov push lea push mov call
push mov mov test je push
push push push lea push lea
push xor push push push push
push call push push call pop
add mov pop pop pop pop
mov mov cmp jne test je
int3 int3 push mov mov mov
mov mov mov pop pop mov
ret mov call sub push push
push call pop pop mov mov
pop pop pop mov leave ret
jne push push call pop pop
push lea mov mov mov call
push mov call lea push push
mov ret nop nop nop nop
push mov call push lea call
push lea push mov call push
mov lea call mov mov mov
mov mov cmp je push push
call test pop pop jne or
jmp lea push push push call
mov call lea mov mov call
push call push push call add
call mov lea call mov mov
lea call push lea push call
mov mov mov lea push call
cmp jne mov mov mov cmp
int3 int3 int3 int3 mov ret
mov mov ret int3 int3 int3
mov push call mov cmp je
mov push mov lea push push
push push mov push call test
xor xor xor xor xor xor
mov mov mov mov call sub
push call add cmp jne mov
push mov call push push call
ret push mov call test je
push mov call mov cmp je
pop ret push push call mov
push call cmp je push push
mov mov jmp mov mov jmp
push mov mov mov mov push
lea push push call mov push
push call mov add test jne
int3 int3 int3 mov ret int3
mov call mov mov mov pop
jne mov jmp mov cmp jne
push call add push push call
call add lea push push push
mov mov call test je push
push push xor mov mov mov
jne call mov push call push
push lea mov call lea mov
push push mov mov test je
test je mov mov test je
call mov mov push call mov
call pop pop pop mov pop
pop call leave ret int3 int3
mov test je mov cmp je
push lea call lea push push
call pop pop mov pop pop
push mov call push lea push
mov lea mov mov call mov
cmp jne mov push push push
push call add mov mov test
call int3 int3 int3 int3 int3
mov call test fnclex jge mov
dec test jg mov mov push
jne mov cmp jne mov mov
pop mov pop leave ret push
je push call add mov mov
sub add add add add add
push mov call mov push mov
call push lea push mov call
mov push lea push call add
cmp jne mov mov cmp jne
pop mov pop ret push push
push mov lea push push call
add add add das add inc
mov mov call mov call ret
mov push push call add test
push mov mov push push call
cmp jne mov mov jmp mov
push push push call push jmp
add add das add inc add
cmp je cmp jne cmp jne
pop ret push mov add push
mov call test je mov call
mov mov pop pop ret push
pop ret mov push push push
mov mov mov test je push
mov inc mov mov mov mov
push push call pop pop cmp
pop pop leave ret push push
test je push push call mov
mov call mov jmp mov mov
mov mov test je mov call
setg lea jmp xor test jne
test setg lea jmp xor test
xor test setg lea jmp xor
lea push call test je push
add push push push call add
call push call push call add
add push push push push call
pop pop xor pop call mov
mov mov test je cmp jne
call clc call clc call clc
add add add add add pop
add test jne xor jmp sbb
lea push push call test pop
je mov push call mov mov
cmp je cmp je push call
push call mov test jne push
mov mov mov pop mov pop
cmp je mov cmp je cmp
add add add add add xor
cmp cmp cmp cmp cmp cmp
pop ret push push mov mov
int3 int3 mov ret int3 int3
mov push push call mov lea
cmp je cmp je mov mov
mov cmp je mov jmp mov
add adc add adc add adc
test je mov test je push
nop push push mov push mov
int3 int3 int3 int3 mov jmp
call mov mov mov push push
ins add add add add add
mov pop pop pop pop add
mov call mov mov mov push
lea push mov mov mov mov
push mov call mov lea push
int3 int3 push mov call mov
add add test jne xor jmp
cmp je push lea push push
mov jmp mov add mov mov
nop nop push mov sub push
mov mov mov call mov test
push push push push call xor
mov call push lea push push
jmp cmp jne mov mov mov
je push push call test je
mov mov cmp jne cmp jne
test jne push call pop mov
int3 mov push mov mov mov
lea push lea call push lea
mov add mov mov add mov
mov mov call lea push push
pop mov pop pop ret mov
pop pop ret mov mov mov
je cmp jne mov mov mov
add push push push push push
call ret push call pop ret
push push mov call push mov
jmp push lea push push push
test je push call mov test
mov mov test je mov test
int3 mov ret int3 int3 int3
or lock dec test jg mov
int3 push mov sub mov xor
mov mov push push call add
push sub mov mov mov mov
jmp cmp jne mov jmp cmp
push call jmp push push push
pop add ret nop nop nop
call pop mov pop ret push
mov mov mov mov test jne
je mov cmp jne add add
push call lea lea push push
mov test jne push call pop
call mov lea call lea push
lea push push call mov cmp
lea push lea push mov call
cmp jne mov cmp je mov
mov mov mov mov inc mov
je lea push push push call
nop push mov sub push mov
pop mov pop pop mov pop
mov mov mov cmp jne push
call lea push push push push
call pop ret push mov push
push call test je mov push
push push mov call mov cmp
jne mov lea push push push
push mov mov push mov call
mov mov cmp je cmp jne
mov mov mov mov mov ret
push call mov cmp jne call
push lea call mov lea push
je mov mov jmp mov mov
mov lea mov call mov mov
pop pop add ret int3 int3
push lea push push mov push
mov mov mov call push mov
mov mov mov call push push
mov xor mov mov push push
push call mov test pop pop
xor mov push push push push
push call pop ret push push
mov lea push push call fnclex
mov test je mov mov call
push call push mov call push
add add add xor add add
lock dec test jg mov mov
mov call mov mov cmp je
test je mov push push call
jne add add test jne xor
pop ret push mov mov mov
push push lea push call test
call add cmp je mov and
lea push push lea push mov
adc add adc add adc add
mov xor mov push push mov
add add add add or add
mov mov call mov pop pop
push lea push lea push mov
push push call test je lea
call mov xor push push push
mov push mov mov push call
push mov mov mov test je
mov mov call push mov call
mov mov mov pop ret mov
push call pop cmp je push
pop pop ret nop push push
push lea mov call push lea
push push mov call mov push
push call push call mov mov
call mov push lea push push
lea push call add test je
cmp jne push push call mov
int3 int3 int3 int3 mov mov
mov cmp je mov mov cmp
jne mov cmp jne mov cmp
call mov mov mov mov lea
lea push call lea push lea
test je lea push push call
mov pop mov pop ret int3
cmp jne cmp jne mov mov
cmp je cmp jne push call
call add mov pop ret int3
push call mov mov mov push
push mov mov call push push
call add test je mov mov
mov call jmp mov mov mov
push call test jne lea push
add add inc add pop add
je mov test je push call
push call mov push push mov
pop pop pop pop ret lea
call test je mov mov call
add add add add add popa
mov test jne mov mov mov
push call push push lea push
mov cmp jne cmp je mov
je xor test setg lea jmp
add mov pop ret int3 int3
mov jmp cmp jne mov mov
lea push push push mov mov
call add lea push lea push
call pop pop ret mov push
mov call mov mov push push
push push lea push push lea
mov mov jmp cmp jne mov
jmp mov cmp jne mov jmp
cmp jne test je mov cmp
mov pop pop mov pop mov
jmp mov mov jmp mov mov
mov push push call push call
add and je push add add
mov test jne push push call
push mov call push call mov
push mov push sub push push
mov mov and mov mov mov
push mov push push call pop
lea push mov push push push
sub je sub je sub jne
push call add jmp push push
push mov call mov mov call
push push call push push mov
or add or add or add
lea push call cmp je push
push push call cmp jne mov
mov mov mov mov call cmp
ret push call pop ret push
mov mov call lea mov call
push mov push call add test
cmp jne push call pop mov
push call add jmp mov mov
daa add add add add add
lea push mov mov mov push
nop nop push push mov push
push push lea mov call mov
ret mov push mov mov push
mov call lea push push call
pop pop pop ret mov mov
push mov push call mov push
mov call mov push mov call
push call pop mov test je
mov mov mov call lea push
mov cmp je cmp je push
mov lea push mov call mov
mov mov inc mov mov mov
mov mov mov xor push push
mov push push push call test
add or add or add or
lea call ret jmp jmp pop
mov call push push push call
push call add mov jmp mov
mov call test fnclex jge push
pop ret push call pop ret
lea push call add lea push
je mov push push push push
mov push push mov call test
push push lea call lea push
mov mov mov test je cmp
push lea call lea push lea
call mov mov mov lea push
sub push mov push mov sub
mov push push call mov test
push call mov push mov call
mov call pop pop pop pop
mov mov mov inc mov mov
mov push push call mov push
fnclex test jge push push mov
test jge push push mov push
call mov pop ret mov push
lea push push call push push
popa add add add add add
je cmp jb push push push
test jne push push call mov
mov mov mov and mov mov
mov mov push mov mov call
add pop ret int3 int3 int3
cmp je mov cmp jne mov
push lea push call cmp je
mov mov mov mov push lea
pop pop pop leave ret int3
jo jo jo jo jo jo
push mov push push call push
push call mov lea call mov
mov push push push mov xor
mov sub push push push push
push mov push sub mov xor
mov cmp jne cmp jne mov
push mov call mov push push
push lea push push push lea
call push lea push lea push
mov xor mov mov push mov
pop mov pop ret mov mov
push mov call lea mov call
call push call mov lea call
je push push push call mov
mov call push lea mov call
pop mov leave ret mov call
mov call mov call ret push
push mov call push call pop
lea push lea push push lea
mov call mov lea push push
push add push add add add
call test pop pop jne push
lea push mov mov mov call
add add xor add add add
push push mov mov push push
push push call mov add push
mov mov mov cmp je push
add add add add add daa
lea lea push lea push lea
lea push call lea push call
call lea mov call mov mov
call mov test je mov mov
push mov call mov pop pop
push push call mov mov test
add inc add push add add
pop pop ret nop push mov
push call add lea push lea
int3 int3 int3 lea jmp mov
lea push push call add cmp
je push lea push push call
mov test je cmp je mov
push lea push mov push call
dec add push add inc add
call pop pop pop leave ret
add push push push mov mov
mov call mov cmp je mov
push call add push call mov
add dec add push add inc
mov call ret push call pop
push call push mov call mov
call mov push call push push
call mov mov mov mov push
mov pop pop leave ret push
mov jmp mov mov jmp mov
mov push lea push call mov
push call mov add mov mov
int3 int3 int3 int3 int3 sub
push call push call push push
dec add dec add add add
add add popa add add add
push push push call mov jmp
mov mov mov test jne mov
push push mov push sub push
sub mov xor mov push mov
call add pop ret mov push
push call mov cmp jne mov
mov mov mov mov jmp cmp
pop mov pop pop ret int3
mov push call test je mov
mov pop ret push mov call
add dec add inc add add
mov mov mov mov mov inc
je push call mov test je
test je mov push push push
push add add add dec add
push push call push call pop
push push push call mov pop
push push mov push sub mov
mov call test jne mov mov
push push lea push push mov
ret ret ret ret ret ret
call push push call mov lea
push mov xor push push push
mov mov test je push push
push push mov mov call push
je test je cmp jb push
pop pop ret push mov call
push push push push lea call
mov mov call push push push
cmp jb mov push call add
push call pop pop push push
call mov push push mov call
mov cmp jne mov cmp je
push call jmp push push call
cmp jne mov cmp je cmp
jne push push push call add
call lea push push call push
call mov mov push push push
mov cmp jne add add test
pop jne mov jmp push push
add push add add add dec
cmp jne mov jmp mov cmp
mov lea push push push lea
push push mov mov push call
int3 int3 push mov sub push
add popa add add add add
pop pop ret push push mov
push lea push call add lea
mov mov pop pop xor pop
mov mov push call push lea
pop pop ret push push call
add pop ret mov push mov
push mov push call test je
push push call cmp mov je
cmp jne add add test jne
mov mov pop pop pop leave
mov push lea push push mov
push push call mov mov lea
mov push push push push lea
call pop pop pop ret mov
mov cmp jne push push call
pop ret push mov mov push
push mov push lea push call
ret int3 int3 int3 int3 push
nop nop nop push push mov
call add test je push push
call add mov pop pop pop
push call pop mov mov mov
call mov cmp je push push
mov mov mov lea push lea
pop pop pop ret lea push
mov mov mov call mov push
mov jmp lea jmp mov lea
cmp je push push call mov
add sub add add add add
pop pop jne mov jmp push
push lea push call pop pop
push push call cmp mov jne
push call push push mov call
mov call mov push push push
cmp jne call push push push
add add add inc add and
test je cmp jb push push
add add add add add sub
push call push mov push call
mov mov push push lea push
mov mov test jne mov mov
pop ret int3 int3 int3 push
push call add mov test je
add add add add sub add
xor add add add add add
mov jmp mov add jmp mov
push lea push push push mov
add add add add add or
ret mov lea mov xor call
call mov mov pop pop mov
mov mov lea push push mov
ret int3 int3 int3 push mov
mov mov lea push mov mov
mov push push call test je
push push mov push mov call
test je lea push push push
call mov jmp lea jmp mov
lea mov mov mov mov call
mov push call mov mov push
mov cmp je mov cmp jne
call mov mov push push call
mov call mov cmp jne mov
mov push mov push mov test
call test je lea push push
jmp mov push call jmp mov
add add push add push add
add add add add and add
push call add mov cmp jne
jmp sub jmp sub jmp sub
pop pop mov pop leave ret
push push push call lea lea
mov call mov pop pop ret
mov push mov push lea push
mov push push push lea push
mov mov mov call jmp mov
call push lea call push lea
call push lea push push push
int3 mov push mov sub push
mov mov call mov cmp je
call mov lea call mov lea
mov mov call mov test je
pop pop mov xor call mov
mov add push push push mov
push push call add lea call
push push mov call pop pop
mov mov pop mov pop ret
pop pop pop pop ret int3
mov test jns push push call
add xor add add add add
add daa add add add add
push push mov mov call test
push mov call mov test je
lea mov mov call mov mov
push call add pop ret push
push lea mov call mov mov
push mov mov push call mov
cmp jb push push push push
pop pop ret mov push push
ret push mov sub push mov
test je push lea push push
mov call mov pop pop pop
add and add add add add
mov mov mov push call push
push mov mov mov push push
push push call push call add
push push call lea push lea
lea mov mov mov call mov
mov push call add mov cmp
push push call mov mov cmp
ret push mov push mov mov
inc mov mov mov mov mov
push call add pop ret mov
push push call add mov cmp
jmp mov jmp int3 int3 lea
push push call fnclex test jge
mov call mov mov test je
push push push call lea call
jge push push mov push push
push call mov mov mov call
mov push push mov push sub
call lea lea push push push
lea lea push lea push push
push call add test jne push
mov mov mov mov mov and
mov call mov call mov call
push push mov call test jne
lea call mov lea call mov
nop nop nop push mov sub
mov mov mov push call add
add dec add dec add add
lea call push lea call push
mov call mov call mov mov
cmp je mov push call mov
push push call test mov je
mov mov cmp je mov cmp
call leave ret int3 int3 int3
pop mov pop ret nop nop
jne call push push push push
mov call pop pop pop ret
cmp je test je cmp jb
call push push push call push
mov mov cmp je mov push
call mov call mov call mov
mov push mov mov test je
call test fnclex jge mov push
test fnclex jge mov push push
mov lea push lea push lea
push call mov cmp jge push
push call add mov push push
push push push call push lea
mov lea push push lea push
push push mov call add mov
add add add add pop add
lea push push call or lea
mov lea push push push mov
push push mov call test fnclex
push push call mov mov add
lea call push push call mov
lea push push call test jne
mov push call jmp mov push
mov jmp push push push push
mov mov mov call mov lea
push call pop pop ret push
call mov push push push call
push call pop pop jmp mov
dec je dec je dec je
push mov mov call test je
leave ret mov push mov sub
leave ret mov push mov push
call mov test je push push
add add daa add add add
call push push call pop pop
push call push push call mov
call mov push push call mov
push call pop pop ret mov
lea push push push push mov
push mov lea push push push
mov test je cmp jne mov
mov mov mov pop pop leave
call pop pop pop ret push
inc add dec inc add dec
push call mov mov pop pop
push push call test je cmp
nop nop mov push mov push
dec add push add add add
mov mov pop pop pop ret
push call add push call add
push lea push call test je
push call mov mov test je
jne mov jmp push push call
push push mov push mov sub
push push call add mov test
pop pop mov pop pop ret
pop pop xor pop call leave
pop add ret int3 int3 int3
sub jmp sub jmp sub jmp
cmp je mov cmp je mov
mov pop pop pop ret mov
push call mov lea call lea
and mov mov mov mov mov
mov pop mov pop ret push
outs add add add add add
or mov mov mov mov mov
push push call jmp push push
lea push push push lea call
push push push mov mov xor
call mov lea push push push
sub push push push mov xor
mov cmp jne mov mov cmp
mov mov test je cmp je
add add add add daa add
push push push call jmp push
push push mov call mov test
mov mov push lea push push
cmps cmps cmps cmps cmps cmps
push push call mov add cmp
test jns push push call pop
int3 push mov push mov mov
push call add push lea push
cmp jne cmp jne cmp jne
call jmp mov push call jmp
jns push push call pop pop
push push push mov mov push
mov mov call jmp mov mov
jmp lea jmp mov jmp int3
push mov mov push push mov
int3 int3 push push mov push
call add mov push call add
jp jp jp jp jp jp
mov mov push lea push call
pop pop pop mov push mov
mov cmp jne push push push
push call test jne push push
mov push push mov mov push
push mov mov mov push mov
add add and add add add
push push push call test mov
mov push push call push push
push mov mov test je mov
push mov call mov mov push
mov mov cmp je push call
push mov mov push push push
add add add pop add add
add add add popa add add
cmp je cmp jne mov mov
push call mov mov push call
add outs add add add add
push push mov call push call
mov jmp int3 int3 lea jmp
mov mov mov push lea push
out out out out out out
lea push call mov lea push
jmp push push push call add
ret jmp jmp pop pop pop
lea push push mov call test
mov push call mov test je
xor pop pop pop pop ret
pop ret push push push push
add add sub add add add
call mov mov lea push push
mov mov mov mov call lea
mov mov mov mov call push
push call mov mov lea push
add dec inc add dec inc
mov mov cmp je test je
mov call push mov call mov
add add add and add add
mov push mov mov push push
push lea push push mov mov
mov push call mov push call
mov mov call xor pop pop
call mov test je mov push
mov mov mov call mov cmp
push mov push call add jmp
mov lea call push push call
pop je push push call test
mov push push call test pop
pop mov push lea call ret
mov push lea call ret jmp
push lea call ret jmp jmp
add add add sub add add
mov mov call pop pop ret
je push call cmp je push
push call jmp mov push call
push mov push push mov xor
call pop pop ret push mov
mov push call push push push
int3 int3 int3 push mov call
jne push push push push push
push call mov add test je
push mov call test fnclex jge
add add add add popa add
int3 int3 int3 int3 jmp int3
push mov push push lea push
pop mov cmp je push call
add pop pop pop pop ret
mov lea call mov lea call
mov jmp cmp jne mov jmp
pop pop ret push push push
jge jge jge jge jge jge
mov push call pop ret mov
call mov lea push push call
cmp je push call cmp je
dec inc add dec inc add
int3 int3 int3 jmp int3 int3
ret push mov sub mov mov
call push push mov call push
mov mov mov call test jne
push mov call test je mov
add add or add add add
int3 int3 jmp int3 int3 int3
pop mov pop pop pop ret
call call call call call call
push mov push push call test
push mov push mov test je
mov mov call test jne mov
push call mov mov cmp je
push lea push call add test
lea push lea push call push
push call add pop pop pop
call push push call push push
mov test je mov push push
push call add mov cmp je
push jmp push jmp push jmp
jmp mov jmp int3 int3 int3
push call add push push push
push push push lea call mov
mov push call add mov push
mov mov call mov call mov
add add add or add add
call mov mov test je mov
int3 jmp int3 int3 int3 int3
push lea push call push call
je dec je dec je dec
int3 lea jmp lea jmp lea
push push push call add xor
push mov call push push mov
je push call pop mov cmp
push push call lea lea push
mov mov mov mov and mov
pop pop pop ret nop push
call mov mov cmp je mov
mov pop leave ret push mov
lea push lea push call add
push lea push call mov test
mov jmp mov lea mov xor
int3 int3 int3 lea jmp lea
push call test je lea push
push mov push lea push push
lea push push push call push
push lea push call mov lea
push push push call jmp mov
mov test je push call add
mov mov mov call pop pop
pop pop pop ret nop nop
call pop mov cmp je push
lea call lea push lea push
xor pop pop pop leave ret
push push push call pop ret
lea push lea push push mov
mov cmp jne test je mov
test pop pop jne mov jmp
push push mov mov mov push
add add inc add inc add
int3 int3 int3 int3 int3 jmp
pop xor pop call mov pop
mov mov mov lea push mov
mov pop pop pop pop pop
push push push call push mov
push push call or lea push
call test je push push push
inc add inc add add add
jmp push push call pop pop
ret mov push mov mov mov
lea push push call mov lea
push push push mov call test
lea push push push call lea
mov mov mov pop pop ret
push lea call mov mov mov
push mov call push push push
mov mov push mov push push
call or lea push push push
call push lea push call push
push mov push mov call test
call push push push call add
add add add add add mov
mov mov mov pop ret int3
push call pop pop pop pop
push call add mov mov push
mov mov call pop pop pop
push lea push push call or
add add pop add add add
mov mov mov cmp je cmp
push call or lea push push
push mov push mov call mov
mov cmp je test je cmp
jne mov jmp mov mov mov
mov and mov mov mov mov
ret push mov push mov push
push call mov cmp je mov
test jne mov mov mov mov
jge push push mov push mov
call lea push lea push push
movdqa movdqa movdqa movdqa movdqa movdqa
leave ret push mov sub mov
mov push push mov mov call
push push mov call test je
push push push push mov xor
nop nop nop nop push push
call push push lea call push
sub sub sub sub sub sub
jmp push jmp push jmp push
mov call mov test je mov
mov mov cmp jne mov cmp
xchg add add add add add
test pop pop je push push
call mov lea call push push
cmp jne push push push call
call test je mov mov mov
push push call add mov pop
lea push push call push lea
mov mov mov push push call
push push call test jne call
jne mov jmp cmp jne mov
push push push call add ret
push push call cmp je push
call mov cmp je push call
push push mov mov push mov
pop pop mov push lea call
mov jmp mov cmp jne mov
call mov jmp lea jmp lea
call push mov call push mov
lea push push call add push
push mov push mov mov call
push call pop pop mov pop
sbb sbb sbb sbb sbb sbb
sub mov xor mov mov push
mov mov pop pop leave ret
call ret jmp jmp pop pop
jne mov cmp je movzx movzx
push call mov pop pop pop
ret push mov sub mov xor
test jne mov cmp je movzx
jmp xor test jne mov cmp
push lea push push call lea
lea push push mov mov mov
xor test jne mov cmp je
push call add cmp je mov
test je push push call pop
lea push push call push call
lea push call mov mov mov
cmp jne mov jmp cmp jne
mov cmp je cmp je mov
mov xor mov push push push
test je mov test je mov
pop pop mov pop mov pop
push push call add jmp push
push call pop mov pop ret
mov cmp je cmp jne mov
lea push push call mov test
mov push lea push lea push
push push lea push mov call
mov cmp je mov push call
or lea push push push lea
push push call add mov jmp
mov cmp je mov cmp je
mov push mov mov mov push
add inc add add add inc
mov lea push mov mov mov
mov mov mov pop ret push
push call add mov pop pop
call mov mov mov pop pop
push call pop ret int3 int3
call mov mov pop pop pop
mov cmp jge push push mov
push push call push call push
mov mov mov movzx mov mov
push mov push mov mov push
pop mov pop pop ret push
mov lea push push mov mov
lea push push mov push call
add adc add add add adc
push call mov mov push push
push call mov push call mov
mov push mov call test je
mov mov xor push push push
pop pop pop pop mov pop
jne push push push push call
lea call mov mov mov mov
mov pop pop ret mov push
add add outs add add add
pop pop leave ret int3 int3
push push mov push push mov
mov push mov mov mov call
add add add dec add push
mov pop ret push mov mov
push lea call push lea push
mov cmp je push push call
call lea push push call mov
pop pop je push push call
pop ret push mov call mov
add dec add push add add
mov mov push push mov call
mov mov movzx mov mov mov
call test je push push call
dec add add add add add
mov mov push push mov push
fnclex jge mov push push push
mov mov push mov push call
push lea push call add push
mov cmp je push call mov
mov mov push push push mov
mov mov mov push mov call
add inc add inc add add
add add add dec add add
push push call add cmp jne
test fnclex jge push push push
call test fnclex jge push push
add push add push add add
pop pop leave ret mov push
mov add add add add add
cmp jge push push mov push
adc add add add add add
mov sub push mov push mov
push call mov jmp mov mov
add mov add add add add
adc add add add adc add
je movzx movzx sub je xor
push call test je mov mov
call pop pop pop pop ret
je sub je sub je sub
pop pop pop mov xor call
push call add lea push push
push call lea push push push
push push call test jne mov
call mov call ret push mov
mov test je push push call
int3 mov push mov sub mov
call push lea push push call
test je push call add mov
mov movzx mov mov mov mov
push call fnclex test jge push
push call push call pop pop
push lea push push call test
mov call push push push push
mov call push push mov call
je or test je or test
add add add add add dec
call mov jmp mov mov mov
call fnclex test jge push push
push call mov push push push
pop pop ret push mov sub
push push call mov test js
test je mov push call mov
push push call add pop pop
push mov sub mov mov mov
jge mov push push push push
jmp nop nop nop nop nop
ret mov push mov sub push
lea push push lea push call
push lea push mov call mov
and add add add add add
push push lea call mov mov
push call add test je push
call lea lea push lea push
mov mov mov mov movzx mov
push push push call mov lea
call mov pop ret push mov
je cmp je cmp jne mov
push call pop pop test jne
add add add add mov add
pop mov xor call mov pop
call ret int3 int3 int3 int3
add add add add add outs
mov mov cmp jne mov jmp
push call mov push push call
mov call lea mov call mov
add add add outs add add
pop pop ret push mov mov
push mov mov push mov push
push mov add push push push
lea lea push push push call
push lea push call add mov
push push mov push mov mov
or test je or test je
mov mov push call add mov
mov push push lea push call
mov pop ret nop nop nop
push lea mov mov mov mov
mov test je push call pop
lea push mov call mov mov
push push push call cmp mov
int3 int3 push mov sub mov
mov mov mov mov xor mov
mov push call fnclex mov cmp
call fnclex mov cmp jge push
fnclex mov cmp jge push push
push call fnclex mov cmp jge
push push push call lea push
mov mov push call fnclex mov
add adc add add add add
cmp je movzx movzx sub je
mov push mov mov call mov
mov cmp je movzx movzx sub
push mov push push mov call
int3 int3 int3 push push mov
mov cmp je push push push
mov call ret push mov call
call lea call lea call lea
mov mov mov call mov call
push push call pop pop push
push push call push mov call
lea push lea push call mov
add add add add add adc
push mov push call mov jmp
add add add mov add add
lea jmp lea jmp mov jmp
mov xor call mov jmp mov
pop pop pop pop ret nop
mov mov push mov mov push
mov push push lea push push
mov mov mov xor mov mov
call pop mov pop pop ret
mov mov test je mov push
push mov sub push push mov
call mov test je push call
mov push push call add mov
ret mov push mov sub mov
add ret nop nop nop nop
mov push lea push push push
add pop add add add add
lea push push call test je
push push call mov add mov
push push push call cmp jne
mov call xor pop pop pop
pop pop pop ret push push
push mov push call mov mov
jmp push push push push call
xor push lea mov mov mov
push call add mov push call
call pop ret int3 int3 int3
push push call mov push call
add add mov add add add
push push push call cmp je
push push push mov call push
pop mov pop ret mov push
lea push push push mov call
push mov call mov mov pop
je push push call test pop
call mov test jns push push
mov push mov push mov call
lea push call push lea push
lea call push push lea call
push call pop mov cmp je
mov mov mov mov mov movzx
add or add add add add
push push lea call push push
mov call mov mov pop pop
push call add mov pop ret
push lea push push call push
push lea push call push lea
push push lea push lea push
push push call add mov push
push lea push call lea push
lea mov call mov mov mov
mov mov pop pop mov pop
mov mov mov push call fnclex
mov mov push push call mov
pop pop mov pop ret int3
mov test je push call mov
mov lea push push call mov
push push call add jmp mov
push push push push push lea
mov push call push lea push
mov push call mov jmp mov
mov call push mov call push
call lea push lea push lea
push push call pop pop ret
lea push push call pop pop
mov mov mov push call mov
call test pop pop je push
cmp je push push push call
push push call add push push
mov mov lea push lea push
mov mov mov sub mov mov
lea push push mov call mov
mov mov test je push call
push mov push mov sub push
push call test je push call
call add mov mov mov mov
cmp jne mov jmp mov mov
push mov mov push mov mov
push mov push push call add
pop xor pop call leave ret
push push call mov pop pop
movzx mov mov mov mov mov
mov mov mov push mov push
mov mov mov mov sub mov
mov mov mov call test je
int3 mov push mov push mov
mov pop pop pop ret push
push call test jne push call
pop pop pop mov push lea
push lea call push push lea
push push push call add lea
push push mov push call mov
je test je push push push
pop pop pop leave ret mov
mov pop pop pop pop mov
int3 int3 int3 int3 lea jmp
cmp je test je push push
lea push push call mov add
mov jmp lea jmp lea jmp
call pop ret mov push mov
pop leave ret mov push mov
mov pop pop mov pop ret
push call mov test je mov
or add add add add add
cmp jne push push push push
mov mov mov mov mov sub
push push call mov mov push
mov push push mov push mov
mov lea push lea push push
lea push push call mov mov
push lea call push lea call
int3 int3 lea jmp lea jmp
mov push push call pop pop
jmp push push push push push
xor pop call mov pop ret
mov xor call mov pop ret
push call pop ret push mov
push push push lea push call
add ret int3 int3 int3 int3
mov mov mov push push mov
lea jmp mov jmp int3 int3
sub push push push mov mov
push call pop pop pop ret
leave ret push mov push push
add add add add adc add
push call push push call push
add add dec add push add
mov test jne movzx movzx sub
push call push lea push push
push call mov cmp je push
add add add add outs add
push push push call pop pop
push push push mov push mov
push push call add push call
pop add add add add add
pop pop pop pop add ret
fnclex jge push push push push
lea mov test jne movzx movzx
setg lea mov test jne movzx
test setg lea mov test jne
xor test setg lea mov test
mov test je push push push
sub je sub je sub je
pop ret push mov sub mov
adc adc adc adc adc adc
int3 int3 int3 int3 int3 lea
call mov lea push push mov
dec dec dec dec dec dec
mov mov xor mov mov mov
lea push push call lea push
mov push push mov push call
mov push push push call push
add add inc add add inc
mov mov mov mov call test
mov mov sub mov mov mov
call mov push push push push
pop mov pop mov pop ret
or or or or or or
inc add add add inc add
mov mov push push mov mov
mov mov lea push push call
mov pop pop xor pop call
cmp jne mov cmp jne mov
push call pop pop test je
push push call mov add test
lea mov xor call mov xor
call mov xor call mov jmp
push call pop ret mov push
xor call mov xor call mov
mov cmp jne mov cmp jne
mov xor call mov xor call
push push call push lea push
mov mov mov mov mov test
mov mov push mov push mov
push push call mov lea call
mov mov lea push push push
push push mov xor push lea
lea push push call add lea
je push push call pop pop
push push lea push call mov
call mov mov mov mov call
lea call lea call lea call
push mov mov call mov mov
push mov mov mov push call
mov cmp je test je push
push call add test jne mov
mov push lea push push call
mov lea push push mov call
mov test je mov test je
push push call mov test jne
mov sub mov xor mov mov
push call lea push lea push
call ret push mov call mov
add add add add add push
sub mov xor mov push push
call mov pop ret int3 int3
push push push push mov push
add add add add add and
push lea push call mov mov
mov mov pop pop pop mov
pop leave ret push mov push
pop pop ret nop nop nop
call mov test jns push jmp
push push push mov xor push
push push call mov cmp jne
int3 push mov push push mov
lea push push call add test
mov call test je mov mov
call push lea push call mov
je push push push call add
lea jmp lea jmp mov lea
mov jmp push push call test
lea push push mov mov call
push push mov call push push
push mov sub push mov push
mov xor push lea mov mov
xor push push push mov mov
mov cmp je cmp je cmp
pop ret mov push mov sub
int3 int3 push mov push mov
mov push push mov call mov
push push call add lea push
mov push mov push call add
mov mov mov mov pop ret
mov push push push mov call
push push push mov mov call
pop ret push mov sub push
mov mov cmp je cmp je
test je or test je or
push push call pop pop jmp
int3 int3 int3 push mov mov
mov push mov push push call
push push push mov push push
push mov xor push lea mov
call xor pop pop pop mov
pop pop pop pop pop ret
push call test je push push
mov ret int3 int3 int3 int3
mov mov pop ret int3 int3
push push call add cmp je
xor push push push push push
push add add add add add
add dec add add add add
lea push push push call test
push push call push call mov
mov cmp jne mov jmp mov
mov sub mov xor mov push
mov mov mov mov mov xor
pop leave ret int3 int3 int3
mov pop pop ret int3 int3
push push call lea push push
mov push mov mov push mov
push push call mov lea push
push call mov lea call push
mov push call mov mov mov
add add dec add add add
mov mov call test je mov
arpl arpl arpl arpl arpl arpl
lea push push call add mov
push push mov mov call mov
mov mov lea mov mov mov
int3 int3 mov push mov mov
mov push push mov push push
push push call add pop ret
call mov mov call mov mov
test je push push push call
push lea push push mov call
mov mov push call mov mov
push call cmp je push call
cmp je push push push push
mov sub push push push mov
mov mov push mov call mov
push push push push lea push
push push push mov push call
pop pop pop pop ret mov
push push push push call pop
xor call mov jmp lea jmp
mov lea push push push call
ret mov push mov push mov
push push push push call lea
mov mov pop ret push mov
push push call pop pop pop
mov push mov sub mov xor
test je mov mov mov mov
mov xor call mov jmp lea
push call mov test je push
mov mov mov lea push push
mov add mov mov mov mov
nop nop nop mov push mov
call mov mov mov call mov
nop nop nop nop push mov
mov pop ret push mov sub
ret push mov call mov mov
add add add push add add
push push call mov test jns
mov test je mov push call
add push add add add add
int3 int3 push mov push push
call mov jmp int3 int3 int3
add add add add dec add
push push mov push call add
mov push push push mov mov
call test je push call pop
jne mov mov mov mov mov
push call pop mov pop pop
mov pop pop pop pop ret
mov lea push push push push
push push push push call jmp
int3 int3 int3 int3 push push
push call push push push call
pop pop mov pop ret mov
inc add add inc add add
xor call mov jmp int3 int3
mov mov mov lea mov mov
mov mov mov mov add mov
mov mov mov mov jmp mov
int3 int3 int3 push mov sub
pop pop pop ret int3 int3
int3 int3 mov push mov sub
push push call mov cmp je
call test pop pop jne mov
mov mov add mov mov mov
push push push mov call add
push push call mov push push
push push call test jne push
mov mov mov push mov mov
int3 mov push mov push push
mov xor call mov jmp int3
pop pop mov pop ret push
mov cmp je mov mov mov
add add push add add add
push mov push call add mov
mov mov mov mov test je
push push call test je push
mov call test je push call
mov pop pop pop mov pop
mov mov push mov mov mov
push push call mov test je
mov push push call mov mov
mov test je mov mov mov
push mov push push call mov
push lea push push lea push
push mov call test je push
leave ret push mov sub push
mov cmp je push call pop
mov push push push mov push
je xor test setg lea mov
push call lea push push call
mov mov mov jmp mov mov
add add add add push add
mov push mov push mov mov
mov pop pop pop leave ret
push push call pop pop mov
push push mov push push push
push push call pop pop test
lea push push lea push push
mov pop pop ret push mov
push call add test je mov
mov mov mov add mov mov
pop mov pop ret int3 int3
mov xor push push push mov
push call mov lea push push
ret push mov push push mov
add add add add add inc
je push call pop mov pop
cmp je push call pop mov
mov mov mov mov mov add
push mov mov mov call mov
mov mov mov push push push
mov mov push push push call
add inc add add inc add
cmp je mov mov mov mov
pop ret push mov push mov
jmp mov add jmp mov add
push push push call mov push
push mov push mov mov mov
push mov push push mov mov
je mov mov mov mov mov
xor test setg lea test jne
mov sub mov mov mov mov
pop pop pop pop ret push
push mov call push mov call
mov lea mov mov mov mov
mov mov mov mov push push
lea push push push lea push
push push call test je mov
lea test jne movzx movzx sub
mov push push mov mov mov
add add adc add add add
push push push push call cmp
nop nop nop nop mov push
je xor test setg lea test
push push mov mov mov call
push push mov call mov mov
push push push call add push
mov call lea mov call lea
setg lea test jne movzx movzx
test setg lea test jne movzx
add jmp mov add jmp mov
pop pop pop ret mov push
ret push mov sub push push
test je push call pop mov
mov call mov mov call mov
add add add adc add add
call lea mov call lea mov
cmp jne mov mov mov mov
push push lea push call add
mov mov mov mov lea push
mov mov mov test je mov
mov mov mov mov lea mov
mov mov test je mov mov
jge push push push push call
mov add jmp mov add jmp
push push push call add cmp
mov push mov call mov mov
pop ret mov push mov mov
push push push mov call mov
push push mov push push call
add mov mov mov mov mov
jmp lea jmp mov lea mov
mov mov mov mov mov jmp
call push push push push push
mov mov cmp je mov mov
mov cmp jne mov mov mov
mov xor mov mov mov mov
mov mov mov cmp je mov
pop leave ret push mov sub
mov push mov sub push push
je push push push push call
push mov mov mov mov call
jmp lea jmp lea jmp mov
mov pop ret push mov push
mov push push push push mov
push push mov push mov push
push push push push mov mov
push push push call push call
call push push push push call
push push call add mov mov
mov push call add mov mov
mov push mov push call mov
push call mov test jns push
mov mov mov mov pop pop
push push push call add jmp
mov push push push call mov
mov mov mov mov push call
mov mov pop pop pop pop
mov mov mov mov push mov
mov mov cmp jne mov mov
mov mov mov mov cmp je
mov pop ret mov push mov
push call test pop pop je
xor pop pop pop mov push
push call push lea push call
mov ret mov ret mov ret
mov mov jmp mov mov mov
cmp je cmp je cmp jne
ret mov ret mov ret mov
push mov push mov push push
pop pop pop leave ret push
mov mov push push push push
leave ret int3 int3 int3 int3
je push push push push push
mov mov mov pop pop pop
push push push call add pop
push lea push lea push call
push push call push push call
sub mov mov mov mov mov
mov mov mov mov cmp jne
pop mov pop ret push mov
mov call mov mov mov call
push call add mov mov mov
mov push mov mov mov mov
nop nop nop nop nop push
push mov push push push call
lea jmp mov lea mov xor
mov mov call mov mov call
push call push push push push
push mov push mov push call
mov push push push call add
push lea push push call mov
push push call add test jne
xor mov mov mov mov mov
jmp mov mov mov mov mov
push push push call test jne
add add add add inc add
mov jmp int3 int3 int3 int3
ret mov push mov push push
pop pop leave ret push mov
lea push lea push push push
pop ret nop nop nop nop
add inc add add add add
mov push mov push push mov
mov mov mov cmp jne mov
push push push call mov cmp
jmp push push call test pop
ret push mov push push push
test je push push push push
push push call add test je
inc add add add add add
lea mov call lea mov call
add arpl add arpl add arpl
lea push push push call add
push push lea push push push
add add add inc add add
push mov sub push push push
arpl add arpl add arpl add
nop nop nop nop nop mov
push call mov mov mov mov
add add inc add add add
push push call push push push
push push push call test je
mov mov mov mov mov pop
lea mov mov mov mov mov
pop pop ret push mov push
mov jmp mov mov mov mov
add inc add inc add inc
push push call mov mov mov
push push push call mov add
push mov sub mov xor mov
je cmp je cmp je cmp
mov mov mov mov mov cmp
push mov push mov push mov
mov mov mov mov mov lea
int3 int3 mov push mov push
pop pop pop ret push mov
push mov call mov mov mov
jne movzx movzx sub je xor
test jne movzx movzx sub je
lea mov xor call mov jmp
push push push push mov call
push mov push push push mov
push mov push push mov push
lea push push push call mov
push push push lea push push
int3 int3 int3 push mov push
push push push call add test
push push push call push push
pop pop ret mov push mov
push push push push push mov
call push call push call push
push lea push push push push
push push push push call test
pop ret push mov push push
push lea push lea push push
pop ret mov push mov push
push push push push call push
push push push call mov test
cmp je cmp je cmp je
lea push push push push push
lea push push push push call
jmp mov lea mov xor call
lea push lea push push call
jmp jmp jmp jmp jmp jmp
push push lea push push call
push call test pop pop jne
pop pop pop pop pop pop
push push push call mov mov
mov push mov push mov push
mov push mov push push push
inc add inc add inc add
push lea push push push call
pop pop pop mov pop ret
pop pop ret int3 int3 int3
and and and and and and
push push mov mov mov mov
movzx movzx sub je xor test
sub je xor test setg lea
movzx sub je xor test setg
push mov mov mov mov mov
push push push call add mov
push call push call push call
jmp int3 int3 int3 int3 int3
mov jmp mov jmp mov jmp
jmp mov jmp mov jmp mov
mov mov mov mov mov push
push lea push lea push lea
mov lea mov xor call mov
push push push mov mov mov
mov push push push push call
ret nop nop nop nop nop
rol rol rol rol rol rol
push mov push push push push
mov push push push push push
mov pop ret int3 int3 int3
push lea push push call add
mov mov call mov mov mov
push push call test pop pop
inc inc inc inc inc inc
mov mov mov call mov mov
mov call mov mov mov mov
call mov mov mov mov mov
mov mov mov mov call mov
int3 int3 int3 mov push mov
mov mov mov mov mov call
int3 int3 int3 int3 push mov
lea push lea push lea push
int3 int3 int3 int3 mov push
jmp lea jmp lea jmp lea
lea jmp lea jmp lea jmp
int3 int3 int3 int3 int3 push
push push push push call add
push push push push call mov
int3 int3 int3 int3 int3 mov
pop ret int3 int3 int3 int3
push push push push push call
ret int3 int3 int3 int3 int3
push push push push push push
nop nop nop nop nop nop
add add add add add add
mov mov mov mov mov mov
int3 int3 int3 int3 int3 int3