import tensorflow as tf from .layers import Layer, Dense from .inits import glorot, zeros class MeanAggregator(Layer): """ Aggregates via mean followed by matmul and non-linearity. """ def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, neigh_input_dim=None, dropout=0., bias=False, act=tf.nn.relu, name=None, concat=False, **kwargs): super(MeanAggregator, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = dropout self.bias = bias self.act = act self.concat = concat if neigh_input_dim is None: neigh_input_dim = input_dim if name is not None: name = '/' + name else: name = '' with tf.variable_scope( + name + '_vars'): self.vars['neigh_weights'] = glorot([neigh_input_dim, output_dim], name='neigh_weights') self.vars['self_weights'] = glorot([input_dim, output_dim], name='self_weights') if self.bias: self.vars['bias'] = zeros([self.output_dim], name='bias') if self.logging: self._log_vars() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim def _call(self, inputs): self_vecs, neigh_vecs = inputs neigh_vecs = tf.nn.dropout(neigh_vecs, 1-self.dropout) self_vecs = tf.nn.dropout(self_vecs, 1-self.dropout) neigh_means = tf.reduce_mean(neigh_vecs, axis=1) # [nodes] x [out_dim] from_neighs = tf.matmul(neigh_means, self.vars['neigh_weights']) from_self = tf.matmul(self_vecs, self.vars["self_weights"]) if not self.concat: output = tf.add_n([from_self, from_neighs]) else: output = tf.concat([from_self, from_neighs], axis=1) # bias if self.bias: output += self.vars['bias'] return self.act(output) class GCNAggregator(Layer): """ Aggregates via mean followed by matmul and non-linearity. Same matmul parameters are used self vector and neighbor vectors. """ def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, neigh_input_dim=None, dropout=0., bias=False, act=tf.nn.relu, name=None, concat=False, **kwargs): super(GCNAggregator, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = dropout self.bias = bias self.act = act self.concat = concat if neigh_input_dim is None: neigh_input_dim = input_dim if name is not None: name = '/' + name else: name = '' with tf.variable_scope( + name + '_vars'): self.vars['weights'] = glorot([neigh_input_dim, output_dim], name='neigh_weights') if self.bias: self.vars['bias'] = zeros([self.output_dim], name='bias') if self.logging: self._log_vars() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim def _call(self, inputs): self_vecs, neigh_vecs = inputs neigh_vecs = tf.nn.dropout(neigh_vecs, 1-self.dropout) self_vecs = tf.nn.dropout(self_vecs, 1-self.dropout) means = tf.reduce_mean(tf.concat([neigh_vecs, tf.expand_dims(self_vecs, axis=1)], axis=1), axis=1) # [nodes] x [out_dim] output = tf.matmul(means, self.vars['weights']) # bias if self.bias: output += self.vars['bias'] return self.act(output) class MaxPoolingAggregator(Layer): """ Aggregates via max-pooling over MLP functions. """ def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, model_size="small", neigh_input_dim=None, dropout=0., bias=False, act=tf.nn.relu, name=None, concat=False, **kwargs): super(MaxPoolingAggregator, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = dropout self.bias = bias self.act = act self.concat = concat if neigh_input_dim is None: neigh_input_dim = input_dim if name is not None: name = '/' + name else: name = '' if model_size == "small": hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim = 512 elif model_size == "big": hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim = 1024 self.mlp_layers = [] self.mlp_layers.append(Dense(input_dim=neigh_input_dim, output_dim=hidden_dim, act=tf.nn.relu, dropout=dropout, sparse_inputs=False, logging=self.logging)) with tf.variable_scope( + name + '_vars'): self.vars['neigh_weights'] = glorot([hidden_dim, output_dim], name='neigh_weights') self.vars['self_weights'] = glorot([input_dim, output_dim], name='self_weights') if self.bias: self.vars['bias'] = zeros([self.output_dim], name='bias') if self.logging: self._log_vars() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.neigh_input_dim = neigh_input_dim def _call(self, inputs): self_vecs, neigh_vecs = inputs neigh_h = neigh_vecs dims = tf.shape(neigh_h) batch_size = dims[0] num_neighbors = dims[1] # [nodes * sampled neighbors] x [hidden_dim] h_reshaped = tf.reshape(neigh_h, (batch_size * num_neighbors, self.neigh_input_dim)) for l in self.mlp_layers: h_reshaped = l(h_reshaped) neigh_h = tf.reshape(h_reshaped, (batch_size, num_neighbors, self.hidden_dim)) neigh_h = tf.reduce_max(neigh_h, axis=1) from_neighs = tf.matmul(neigh_h, self.vars['neigh_weights']) from_self = tf.matmul(self_vecs, self.vars["self_weights"]) if not self.concat: output = tf.add_n([from_self, from_neighs]) else: output = tf.concat([from_self, from_neighs], axis=1) # bias if self.bias: output += self.vars['bias'] return self.act(output) class MeanPoolingAggregator(Layer): """ Aggregates via mean-pooling over MLP functions. """ def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, model_size="small", neigh_input_dim=None, dropout=0., bias=False, act=tf.nn.relu, name=None, concat=False, **kwargs): super(MeanPoolingAggregator, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = dropout self.bias = bias self.act = act self.concat = concat if neigh_input_dim is None: neigh_input_dim = input_dim if name is not None: name = '/' + name else: name = '' if model_size == "small": hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim = 512 elif model_size == "big": hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim = 1024 self.mlp_layers = [] self.mlp_layers.append(Dense(input_dim=neigh_input_dim, output_dim=hidden_dim, act=tf.nn.relu, dropout=dropout, sparse_inputs=False, logging=self.logging)) with tf.variable_scope( + name + '_vars'): self.vars['neigh_weights'] = glorot([hidden_dim, output_dim], name='neigh_weights') self.vars['self_weights'] = glorot([input_dim, output_dim], name='self_weights') if self.bias: self.vars['bias'] = zeros([self.output_dim], name='bias') if self.logging: self._log_vars() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.neigh_input_dim = neigh_input_dim def _call(self, inputs): self_vecs, neigh_vecs = inputs neigh_h = neigh_vecs dims = tf.shape(neigh_h) batch_size = dims[0] num_neighbors = dims[1] # [nodes * sampled neighbors] x [hidden_dim] h_reshaped = tf.reshape(neigh_h, (batch_size * num_neighbors, self.neigh_input_dim)) for l in self.mlp_layers: h_reshaped = l(h_reshaped) neigh_h = tf.reshape(h_reshaped, (batch_size, num_neighbors, self.hidden_dim)) neigh_h = tf.reduce_mean(neigh_h, axis=1) from_neighs = tf.matmul(neigh_h, self.vars['neigh_weights']) from_self = tf.matmul(self_vecs, self.vars["self_weights"]) if not self.concat: output = tf.add_n([from_self, from_neighs]) else: output = tf.concat([from_self, from_neighs], axis=1) # bias if self.bias: output += self.vars['bias'] return self.act(output) class TwoMaxLayerPoolingAggregator(Layer): """ Aggregates via pooling over two MLP functions. """ def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, model_size="small", neigh_input_dim=None, dropout=0., bias=False, act=tf.nn.relu, name=None, concat=False, **kwargs): super(TwoMaxLayerPoolingAggregator, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = dropout self.bias = bias self.act = act self.concat = concat if neigh_input_dim is None: neigh_input_dim = input_dim if name is not None: name = '/' + name else: name = '' if model_size == "small": hidden_dim_1 = self.hidden_dim_1 = 512 hidden_dim_2 = self.hidden_dim_2 = 256 elif model_size == "big": hidden_dim_1 = self.hidden_dim_1 = 1024 hidden_dim_2 = self.hidden_dim_2 = 512 self.mlp_layers = [] self.mlp_layers.append(Dense(input_dim=neigh_input_dim, output_dim=hidden_dim_1, act=tf.nn.relu, dropout=dropout, sparse_inputs=False, logging=self.logging)) self.mlp_layers.append(Dense(input_dim=hidden_dim_1, output_dim=hidden_dim_2, act=tf.nn.relu, dropout=dropout, sparse_inputs=False, logging=self.logging)) with tf.variable_scope( + name + '_vars'): self.vars['neigh_weights'] = glorot([hidden_dim_2, output_dim], name='neigh_weights') self.vars['self_weights'] = glorot([input_dim, output_dim], name='self_weights') if self.bias: self.vars['bias'] = zeros([self.output_dim], name='bias') if self.logging: self._log_vars() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.neigh_input_dim = neigh_input_dim def _call(self, inputs): self_vecs, neigh_vecs = inputs neigh_h = neigh_vecs dims = tf.shape(neigh_h) batch_size = dims[0] num_neighbors = dims[1] # [nodes * sampled neighbors] x [hidden_dim] h_reshaped = tf.reshape(neigh_h, (batch_size * num_neighbors, self.neigh_input_dim)) for l in self.mlp_layers: h_reshaped = l(h_reshaped) neigh_h = tf.reshape(h_reshaped, (batch_size, num_neighbors, self.hidden_dim_2)) neigh_h = tf.reduce_max(neigh_h, axis=1) from_neighs = tf.matmul(neigh_h, self.vars['neigh_weights']) from_self = tf.matmul(self_vecs, self.vars["self_weights"]) if not self.concat: output = tf.add_n([from_self, from_neighs]) else: output = tf.concat([from_self, from_neighs], axis=1) # bias if self.bias: output += self.vars['bias'] return self.act(output) class SeqAggregator(Layer): """ Aggregates via a standard LSTM. """ def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, model_size="small", neigh_input_dim=None, dropout=0., bias=False, act=tf.nn.relu, name=None, concat=False, **kwargs): super(SeqAggregator, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.dropout = dropout self.bias = bias self.act = act self.concat = concat if neigh_input_dim is None: neigh_input_dim = input_dim if name is not None: name = '/' + name else: name = '' if model_size == "small": hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim = 128 elif model_size == "big": hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim = 256 with tf.variable_scope( + name + '_vars'): self.vars['neigh_weights'] = glorot([hidden_dim, output_dim], name='neigh_weights') self.vars['self_weights'] = glorot([input_dim, output_dim], name='self_weights') if self.bias: self.vars['bias'] = zeros([self.output_dim], name='bias') if self.logging: self._log_vars() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.neigh_input_dim = neigh_input_dim self.cell = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(self.hidden_dim) def _call(self, inputs): self_vecs, neigh_vecs = inputs dims = tf.shape(neigh_vecs) batch_size = dims[0] initial_state = self.cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32) used = tf.sign(tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(neigh_vecs), axis=2)) length = tf.reduce_sum(used, axis=1) length = tf.maximum(length, tf.constant(1.)) length = tf.cast(length, tf.int32) with tf.variable_scope( as scope: try: rnn_outputs, rnn_states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( self.cell, neigh_vecs, initial_state=initial_state, dtype=tf.float32, time_major=False, sequence_length=length) except ValueError: scope.reuse_variables() rnn_outputs, rnn_states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( self.cell, neigh_vecs, initial_state=initial_state, dtype=tf.float32, time_major=False, sequence_length=length) batch_size = tf.shape(rnn_outputs)[0] max_len = tf.shape(rnn_outputs)[1] out_size = int(rnn_outputs.get_shape()[2]) index = tf.range(0, batch_size) * max_len + (length - 1) flat = tf.reshape(rnn_outputs, [-1, out_size]) neigh_h = tf.gather(flat, index) from_neighs = tf.matmul(neigh_h, self.vars['neigh_weights']) from_self = tf.matmul(self_vecs, self.vars["self_weights"]) output = tf.add_n([from_self, from_neighs]) if not self.concat: output = tf.add_n([from_self, from_neighs]) else: output = tf.concat([from_self, from_neighs], axis=1) # bias if self.bias: output += self.vars['bias'] return self.act(output)