from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import time import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np from graphsage.models import SampleAndAggregate, SAGEInfo, Node2VecModel from graphsage.minibatch import EdgeMinibatchIterator from graphsage.neigh_samplers import UniformNeighborSampler from graphsage.utils import load_data os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"]="PCI_BUS_ID" # Set random seed seed = 123 np.random.seed(seed) tf.set_random_seed(seed) # Settings flags = FLAGS = flags.FLAGS'log_device_placement', False, """Whether to log device placement.""") #core params.. flags.DEFINE_string('model', 'graphsage', 'model names. See README for possible values.') flags.DEFINE_float('learning_rate', 0.00001, 'initial learning rate.') flags.DEFINE_string("model_size", "small", "Can be big or small; model specific def'ns") flags.DEFINE_string('train_prefix', '', 'name of the object file that stores the training data. must be specified.') # left to default values in main experiments flags.DEFINE_integer('epochs', 1, 'number of epochs to train.') flags.DEFINE_float('dropout', 0.0, 'dropout rate (1 - keep probability).') flags.DEFINE_float('weight_decay', 0.0, 'weight for l2 loss on embedding matrix.') flags.DEFINE_integer('max_degree', 100, 'maximum node degree.') flags.DEFINE_integer('samples_1', 25, 'number of samples in layer 1') flags.DEFINE_integer('samples_2', 10, 'number of users samples in layer 2') flags.DEFINE_integer('dim_1', 128, 'Size of output dim (final is 2x this, if using concat)') flags.DEFINE_integer('dim_2', 128, 'Size of output dim (final is 2x this, if using concat)') flags.DEFINE_boolean('random_context', True, 'Whether to use random context or direct edges') flags.DEFINE_integer('neg_sample_size', 20, 'number of negative samples') flags.DEFINE_integer('batch_size', 512, 'minibatch size.') flags.DEFINE_integer('n2v_test_epochs', 1, 'Number of new SGD epochs for n2v.') flags.DEFINE_integer('identity_dim', 0, 'Set to positive value to use identity embedding features of that dimension. Default 0.') #logging, saving, validation settings etc. flags.DEFINE_boolean('save_embeddings', True, 'whether to save embeddings for all nodes after training') flags.DEFINE_string('base_log_dir', '.', 'base directory for logging and saving embeddings') flags.DEFINE_integer('validate_iter', 5000, "how often to run a validation minibatch.") flags.DEFINE_integer('validate_batch_size', 256, "how many nodes per validation sample.") flags.DEFINE_integer('gpu', 1, "which gpu to use.") flags.DEFINE_integer('print_every', 50, "How often to print training info.") flags.DEFINE_integer('max_total_steps', 10**10, "Maximum total number of iterations") os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]=str(FLAGS.gpu) GPU_MEM_FRACTION = 0.8 def log_dir(): log_dir = FLAGS.base_log_dir + "/unsup-" + FLAGS.train_prefix.split("/")[-2] log_dir += "/{model:s}_{model_size:s}_{lr:0.6f}/".format( model=FLAGS.model, model_size=FLAGS.model_size, lr=FLAGS.learning_rate) if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) return log_dir # Define model evaluation function def evaluate(sess, model, minibatch_iter, size=None): t_test = time.time() feed_dict_val = minibatch_iter.val_feed_dict(size) outs_val =[model.loss, model.ranks, model.mrr], feed_dict=feed_dict_val) return outs_val[0], outs_val[1], outs_val[2], (time.time() - t_test) def incremental_evaluate(sess, model, minibatch_iter, size): t_test = time.time() finished = False val_losses = [] val_mrrs = [] iter_num = 0 while not finished: feed_dict_val, finished, _ = minibatch_iter.incremental_val_feed_dict(size, iter_num) iter_num += 1 outs_val =[model.loss, model.ranks, model.mrr], feed_dict=feed_dict_val) val_losses.append(outs_val[0]) val_mrrs.append(outs_val[2]) return np.mean(val_losses), np.mean(val_mrrs), (time.time() - t_test) def save_val_embeddings(sess, model, minibatch_iter, size, out_dir, mod=""): val_embeddings = [] finished = False seen = set([]) nodes = [] iter_num = 0 name = "val" while not finished: feed_dict_val, finished, edges = minibatch_iter.incremental_embed_feed_dict(size, iter_num) iter_num += 1 outs_val =[model.loss, model.mrr, model.outputs1], feed_dict=feed_dict_val) #ONLY SAVE FOR embeds1 because of planetoid for i, edge in enumerate(edges): if not edge[0] in seen: val_embeddings.append(outs_val[-1][i,:]) nodes.append(edge[0]) seen.add(edge[0]) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) val_embeddings = np.vstack(val_embeddings) + name + mod + ".npy", val_embeddings) with open(out_dir + name + mod + ".txt", "w") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(map(str,nodes))) def construct_placeholders(): # Define placeholders placeholders = { 'batch1' : tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None), name='batch1'), 'batch2' : tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None), name='batch2'), # negative samples for all nodes in the batch 'neg_samples': tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,), name='neg_sample_size'), 'dropout': tf.placeholder_with_default(0., shape=(), name='dropout'), 'batch_size' : tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='batch_size'), } return placeholders def train(train_data, test_data=None): G = train_data[0] features = train_data[1] id_map = train_data[2] if not features is None: # pad with dummy zero vector features = np.vstack([features, np.zeros((features.shape[1],))]) context_pairs = train_data[3] if FLAGS.random_context else None placeholders = construct_placeholders() minibatch = EdgeMinibatchIterator(G, id_map, placeholders, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, max_degree=FLAGS.max_degree, num_neg_samples=FLAGS.neg_sample_size, context_pairs = context_pairs) adj_info = tf.Variable(tf.constant(minibatch.adj, dtype=tf.int32), trainable=False, name="adj_info") if FLAGS.model == 'graphsage_mean': # Create model sampler = UniformNeighborSampler(adj_info) layer_infos = [SAGEInfo("node", sampler, FLAGS.samples_1, FLAGS.dim_1), SAGEInfo("node", sampler, FLAGS.samples_2, FLAGS.dim_2)] model = SampleAndAggregate(placeholders, features, adj_info, minibatch.deg, layer_infos=layer_infos, model_size=FLAGS.model_size, identity_dim = FLAGS.identity_dim, logging=True) elif FLAGS.model == 'gcn': # Create model sampler = UniformNeighborSampler(adj_info) layer_infos = [SAGEInfo("node", sampler, FLAGS.samples_1, 2*FLAGS.dim_1), SAGEInfo("node", sampler, FLAGS.samples_2, 2*FLAGS.dim_2)] model = SampleAndAggregate(placeholders, features, adj_info, minibatch.deg, layer_infos=layer_infos, aggregator_type="gcn", model_size=FLAGS.model_size, identity_dim = FLAGS.identity_dim, concat=False, logging=True) elif FLAGS.model == 'graphsage_seq': sampler = UniformNeighborSampler(adj_info) layer_infos = [SAGEInfo("node", sampler, FLAGS.samples_1, FLAGS.dim_1), SAGEInfo("node", sampler, FLAGS.samples_2, FLAGS.dim_2)] model = SampleAndAggregate(placeholders, features, adj_info, minibatch.deg, layer_infos=layer_infos, identity_dim = FLAGS.identity_dim, aggregator_type="seq", model_size=FLAGS.model_size, logging=True) elif FLAGS.model == 'graphsage_pool': sampler = UniformNeighborSampler(adj_info) layer_infos = [SAGEInfo("node", sampler, FLAGS.samples_1, FLAGS.dim_1), SAGEInfo("node", sampler, FLAGS.samples_2, FLAGS.dim_2)] model = SampleAndAggregate(placeholders, features, adj_info, minibatch.deg, layer_infos=layer_infos, aggregator_type="pool", model_size=FLAGS.model_size, identity_dim = FLAGS.identity_dim, logging=True) elif FLAGS.model == 'n2v': model = Node2VecModel(placeholders, features.shape[0], minibatch.deg, #2x because graphsage uses concat nodevec_dim=2*FLAGS.dim_1, lr=FLAGS.learning_rate) else: raise Exception('Error: model name unrecognized.') config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=FLAGS.log_device_placement) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True #config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = GPU_MEM_FRACTION config.allow_soft_placement = True # Initialize session sess = tf.Session(config=config) merged = tf.summary.merge_all() summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir(), sess.graph) # Init variables # Train model train_shadow_mrr = None shadow_mrr = None total_steps = 0 avg_time = 0.0 epoch_val_costs = [] train_adj_info = tf.assign(adj_info, minibatch.adj) val_adj_info = tf.assign(adj_info, minibatch.test_adj) for epoch in range(FLAGS.epochs): minibatch.shuffle() iter = 0 print('Epoch: %04d' % (epoch + 1)) epoch_val_costs.append(0) while not minibatch.end(): # Construct feed dictionary feed_dict = minibatch.next_minibatch_feed_dict() feed_dict.update({placeholders['dropout']: FLAGS.dropout}) t = time.time() # Training step outs =[merged, model.opt_op, model.loss, model.ranks, model.aff_all, model.mrr, model.outputs1], feed_dict=feed_dict) train_cost = outs[2] train_mrr = outs[5] if train_shadow_mrr is None: train_shadow_mrr = train_mrr# else: train_shadow_mrr -= (1-0.99) * (train_shadow_mrr - train_mrr) if iter % FLAGS.validate_iter == 0: # Validation val_cost, ranks, val_mrr, duration = evaluate(sess, model, minibatch, size=FLAGS.validate_batch_size) epoch_val_costs[-1] += val_cost if shadow_mrr is None: shadow_mrr = val_mrr else: shadow_mrr -= (1-0.99) * (shadow_mrr - val_mrr) if total_steps % FLAGS.print_every == 0: summary_writer.add_summary(outs[0], total_steps) # Print results avg_time = (avg_time * total_steps + time.time() - t) / (total_steps + 1) if total_steps % FLAGS.print_every == 0: print("Iter:", '%04d' % iter, "train_loss=", "{:.5f}".format(train_cost), "train_mrr=", "{:.5f}".format(train_mrr), "train_mrr_ema=", "{:.5f}".format(train_shadow_mrr), # exponential moving average "val_loss=", "{:.5f}".format(val_cost), "val_mrr=", "{:.5f}".format(val_mrr), "val_mrr_ema=", "{:.5f}".format(shadow_mrr), # exponential moving average "time=", "{:.5f}".format(avg_time)) iter += 1 total_steps += 1 if total_steps > FLAGS.max_total_steps: break if total_steps > FLAGS.max_total_steps: break print("Optimization Finished!") if FLAGS.save_embeddings: save_val_embeddings(sess, model, minibatch, FLAGS.validate_batch_size, log_dir()) if FLAGS.model == "n2v": # stopping the gradient for the already trained nodes train_ids = tf.constant([[id_map[n]] for n in G.nodes_iter() if not G.node[n]['val'] and not G.node[n]['test']], dtype=tf.int32) test_ids = tf.constant([[id_map[n]] for n in G.nodes_iter() if G.node[n]['val'] or G.node[n]['test']], dtype=tf.int32) update_nodes = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(model.context_embeds, tf.squeeze(test_ids)) no_update_nodes = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(model.context_embeds,tf.squeeze(train_ids)) update_nodes = tf.scatter_nd(test_ids, update_nodes, tf.shape(model.context_embeds)) no_update_nodes = tf.stop_gradient(tf.scatter_nd(train_ids, no_update_nodes, tf.shape(model.context_embeds))) model.context_embeds = update_nodes + no_update_nodes # run random walks from graphsage.utils import run_random_walks nodes = [n for n in G.nodes_iter() if G.node[n]["val"] or G.node[n]["test"]] start_time = time.time() pairs = run_random_walks(G, nodes, num_walks=50) walk_time = time.time() - start_time test_minibatch = EdgeMinibatchIterator(G, id_map, placeholders, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, max_degree=FLAGS.max_degree, num_neg_samples=FLAGS.neg_sample_size, context_pairs = pairs, n2v_retrain=True, fixed_n2v=True) start_time = time.time() print("Doing test training for n2v.") test_steps = 0 for epoch in range(FLAGS.n2v_test_epochs): test_minibatch.shuffle() while not test_minibatch.end(): feed_dict = test_minibatch.next_minibatch_feed_dict() feed_dict.update({placeholders['dropout']: FLAGS.dropout}) outs =[model.opt_op, model.loss, model.ranks, model.aff_all, model.mrr, model.outputs1], feed_dict=feed_dict) if test_steps % FLAGS.print_every == 0: print("Iter:", '%04d' % test_steps, "train_loss=", "{:.5f}".format(outs[1]), "train_mrr=", "{:.5f}".format(outs[-2])) test_steps += 1 train_time = time.time() - start_time save_val_embeddings(sess, model, minibatch, FLAGS.validate_batch_size, log_dir(), mod="-test") print("Total time: ", train_time+walk_time) print("Walk time: ", walk_time) print("Train time: ", train_time) def main(argv=None): print("Loading training data..") train_data = load_data(FLAGS.train_prefix, load_walks=True) print("Done loading training data..") train(train_data) if __name__ == '__main__':