import os import r2pipe import re import hashlib import log_utils import json def calc_sha256(file_path): with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: bytes = sha256obj = hashlib.sha256(bytes) sha256 = sha256obj.hexdigest() return sha256 def extract_opcode(disasm_text): """ 从反汇编文本中提取操作码和操作数 正则表达式用于匹配操作码和操作数,考虑到操作数可能包含空格和逗号 """ match ="^\s*(\S+)(?:\s+(.*))?$", disasm_text) if match: opcode = # operands_str = if is not None else "" # split_pattern = re.compile(r",(?![^\[]*\])") # 用于切分操作数的正则表达式 # operands = split_pattern.split(operands_str) # return opcode, [op.strip() for op in operands if op.strip()] return opcode return "" def get_graph_cfg_r2pipe(r2pipe_open): # CFG提取 acfg_item = [] try: # 获取函数列表 function_list = r2pipe_open.cmdj("aflj") for function in function_list: # 局部函数内的特征提取 node_list = [] edge_list = [] temp_edge_list = [] block_list = r2pipe_open.cmdj("afbj @" + str(function['offset'])) block_number = len(block_list) block_feature_list = [] for block in block_list: node_list.append(block["addr"]) # 获取基本块的反汇编指令 disasm = r2pipe_open.cmdj("pdj " + str(block["ninstr"]) + " @" + str(block["addr"])) if disasm: for op in disasm: if op["type"] == "invalid": continue # TODO :这里需要处理指令的特征提取 block_feature = '' block_feature_list.append(block_feature) # 处理跳转指令 if "jump" in op and op["jump"] != 0: temp_edge_list.append([block["addr"], op["jump"]]) for temp_edge in temp_edge_list: if temp_edge[1] in node_list: edge_list.append(temp_edge) acfg = { 'block_number': block_number, 'block_edges': [[d[0] for d in edge_list], [d[1] for d in edge_list]], 'block_features': block_feature_list } acfg_item.append(acfg) return True, "二进制可执行文件解析成功", acfg_item except Exception as e: return False, e, None # for block in block_list: # node_list.append(block["addr"]) # # # 获取基本块的反汇编指令 # disasm = r2pipe_open.cmdj("pdj " + str(block["ninstr"]) + " @" + str(block["addr"])) # node_info = [] # if disasm: # for op in disasm: # if op["type"] == "invalid": # continue # opcode, operands = extract_opcode(op["disasm"]) # # 处理跳转指令 # if "jump" in op and op["jump"] != 0: # temp_edge_list.append([block["addr"], op["jump"]]) # node_info.append([op["offset"], op["bytes"], opcode, op["jump"]]) # else: # node_info.append([op["offset"], op["bytes"], opcode, None]) # node_info_list.append(node_info) # 完成 CFG 构建后, 检查并清理不存在的出边 # 获取排序后元素的原始索引 # sorted_indices = [i for i, v in sorted(enumerate(node_list), key=lambda x: x[1])] # # 根据这些索引重新排列 # node_list = [node_list[i] for i in sorted_indices] # node_info_list = [node_info_list[i] for i in sorted_indices] # # return True, "二进制可执行文件解析成功", node_list, edge_list, node_info_list # except Exception as e: # return False, e, None, None, None def get_graph_fcg_r2pipe(r2pipe_open): # FCG提取 try: function_list = r2pipe_open.cmdj("aflj") node_list = [] func_name_list = [] edge_list = [] temp_edge_list = [] function_num = len(function_list) for function in function_list: func_name_list.append(function["name"]) r2pipe_open.cmd(f's ' + str(function["offset"])) pdf = r2pipe_open.cmdj('pdfj') if pdf is None: continue node_bytes = "" node_opcode = "" for op in pdf["ops"]: if op["type"] == "invalid": continue node_bytes += op["bytes"] opcode = extract_opcode(op["disasm"]) node_opcode += opcode + " " if "jump" in op and op["jump"] != 0: temp_edge_list.append([function["offset"], op["jump"]]) node_list.append(function["offset"]) # 完成 FCG 构建后, 检查并清理不存在的出边 for temp_edge in temp_edge_list: if temp_edge[1] in node_list: edge_list.append(temp_edge) sub_function_name_list = ('fcn.', 'loc.', 'main', 'entry') func_name_list = [func_name for func_name in func_name_list if not func_name.startswith(sub_function_name_list)] return True, "二进制可执行文件解析成功", function_num, edge_list, func_name_list except Exception as e: return False, e, None, None, None def get_r2pipe(file_path): try: r2 =, flags=['-2']) r2.cmd("aaa") r2.cmd('e arch=x86') return r2 except Exception as e: return None def init_logging(): log_file = "./out/exe2json.log" logging = log_utils.setup_logger('exe2json', log_file) return logging def exe_to_json(file_path, output_path): logging = init_logging() r2 = get_r2pipe(file_path) fcg_Operation_flag, fcg_Operation_message, function_num, function_fcg_edge_list, function_names = get_graph_fcg_r2pipe(r2) cfg_Operation_flag, cfg_Operation_message, cfg_item = get_graph_cfg_r2pipe(r2) file_fingerprint = calc_sha256(file_path) if fcg_Operation_flag and cfg_Operation_flag: json_obj = { 'hash': file_fingerprint, 'function_number': function_num, 'function_edges': [[int(d[0]) for d in function_fcg_edge_list], [int(d[1]) for d in function_fcg_edge_list]], 'acfg_list': cfg_item, 'function_names': function_names } else: logging.error(f"二进制可执行文件解析失败 文件地址{file_path}") if not fcg_Operation_flag: logging.error(f"fcg错误:{fcg_Operation_message}") if not cfg_Operation_flag: logging.error(f"cfg错误:{cfg_Operation_message}") return False r2.quit() result = json.dumps(json_obj,ensure_ascii=False) with open(os.path.join(output_path, file_fingerprint + '.jsonl'), 'w') as out: out.write(result) out.close() return True if __name__ == '__main__': test_file_path = '/mnt/d/bishe/exe2json/sample/VirusShare_0a3b625380161cf92c4bb10135326bb5' exe_to_json(test_file_path, './out/json')