143 lines
5.6 KiB
143 lines
5.6 KiB
import os
import re
from log_utils import setup_logger
from tqdm import tqdm
import r2pipe
import pandas as pd
def Opcode_to_csv(opcode_list, file_type):
logger.info("*======================start write==================================*")
csv_write(f'output_{file_type}.csv', opcode_list)
logger.info(f"done {done_file_num} files")
logger.info("*=================write to csv success==============================*")
def csv_write(file_name, data: list):
"""write data to csv"""
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
chunksize = 1000
for i in range(0, len(df), chunksize):
df.iloc[i:i + chunksize].to_csv(f'./out/{file_name}', mode='a', header=False, index=False)
return True
def extract_opcode(disasm_text):
match = re.search(r"^\s*(\S+)(?:\s+(.*))?$", disasm_text)
if match:
opcode = match.group(1)
# operands_str = match.group(2) if match.group(2) is not None else ""
# split_pattern = re.compile(r",(?![^\[]*\])") # 用于切分操作数的正则表达式
# operands = split_pattern.split(operands_str)
# return opcode, [op.strip() for op in operands if op.strip()]
return opcode
return ""
def get_graph_r2pipe(r2pipe_open, file_type):
# 获取基础块内的操作码序列
opcode_Sequence = []
# 获取函数列表
function_list = r2pipe_open.cmdj("aflj")
for function in function_list:
# 外部函数测试
# if function['name'] == 'sub.TNe_U':
# print(function)
# block_list = r2pipe_open.cmdj("afbj @" + str(function['offset']))
# for block in block_list:
# # print(block)
# # 获取基本块的反汇编指令
# disasm = r2pipe_open.cmdj("pdj " + str(block["ninstr"]) + " @" + str(block["addr"]))
# if disasm:
# for op in disasm:
# print(extract_opcode(op["opcode"]))
block_list = r2pipe_open.cmdj("afbj @" + str(function['offset']))
block_opcode_Sequence = []
for block in block_list:
# print(block)
# 获取基本块的反汇编指令
disasm = r2pipe_open.cmdj("pdj " + str(block["ninstr"]) + " @" + str(block["addr"]))
if disasm:
for op in disasm:
if op["type"] == "invalid":
opcode_Sequence.append([file_type, file_type, len(block_opcode_Sequence), ' '.join(block_opcode_Sequence)])
print("Error: get function list failed")
return opcode_Sequence
if __name__ == '__main__':
logger = setup_logger('logger', 'log/opcode_benign.log')
file_type = 'benign'
file_path = os.path.join('/mnt/d/bishe/dataset/train_benign')
file_list = os.listdir(file_path)[:10000]
done_file_num = 0
process_bar = tqdm(desc='Processing...', leave=True, total=len(file_list))
done_list = [['class', 'sub-class','size', 'corpus']]
for file_name in file_list:
r2pipe_open = r2pipe.open(os.path.join(file_path, file_name), flags=['-2'])
done_list.extend(get_graph_r2pipe(r2pipe_open, file_type))
if len(done_list) > 100000:
csv_write(f'output_{file_type}.csv', done_list)
done_file_num += 1
csv_write(f'output_{file_type}.csv', done_list)
# node_list = []
# edge_list = []
# temp_edge_list = []
# node_info_list = []
# for function in function_list:
# block_list = r2pipe_open.cmdj("afbj @" + str(function['offset']))
# for block in block_list:
# node_list.append(block["addr"])
# # 获取基本块的反汇编指令
# disasm = r2pipe_open.cmdj("pdj " + str(block["ninstr"]) + " @" + str(block["addr"]))
# node_info = []
# if disasm:
# for op in disasm:
# if op["type"] == "invalid":
# continue
# opcode, operands = extract_opcode_and_operands(op["disasm"])
# # 处理跳转指令
# if "jump" in op and op["jump"] != 0:
# temp_edge_list.append([block["addr"], op["jump"]])
# node_info.append([op["offset"], op["bytes"], opcode, op["jump"]])
# else:
# node_info.append([op["offset"], op["bytes"], opcode, None])
# node_info_list.append(node_info)
# # 完成 CFG 构建后, 检查并清理不存在的出边
# for temp_edge in temp_edge_list:
# if temp_edge[1] in node_list:
# edge_list.append(temp_edge)
# # 获取排序后元素的原始索引
# sorted_indices = [i for i, v in sorted(enumerate(node_list), key=lambda x: x[1])]
# # 根据这些索引重新排列
# node_list = [node_list[i] for i in sorted_indices]
# node_info_list = [node_info_list[i] for i in sorted_indices]
# return True, "二进制可执行文件解析成功", node_list, edge_list, node_info_list
# except Exception as e:
# return False, e, None, None, None