This commit is contained in:
TinyCaviar 2023-09-19 16:34:52 +08:00
parent 161d8a80d2
commit f0f6a55d84
4 changed files with 393 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -130,6 +130,33 @@ class HierarchicalGraphNeuralNetwork(nn.Module):
local_batch.x = in_x
return local_batch
# 基于多实例分解的CFG嵌入学习
def forward_MID_cfg_gnn(self, local_batch):
cfg_embeddings = []
# cfg_subgraph_loader是cfg(分解后的)列表是二维的每个元素都是一个acfg分解成的子图列表
cfg_subgraph_loader = local_batch.cfg_subgraph_loader
# 聚合子图的嵌入用以表示原本的cfg
for acfg in cfg_subgraph_loader:
subgraph_embeddings = []
# 遍历当前cfg的子图列表每个元素都是一个子图它是一个Data对象
# 计算子图的嵌入
for subgraph in acfg:
in_x, edge_index = subgraph.x, subgraph.edge_index
for i in range(self.cfg_filter_length - 1):
out_x = getattr(self, 'CFG_gnn_{}'.format(i + 1))(x=in_x, edge_index=edge_index)
out_x = pt_f.relu(out_x, inplace=True)
out_x = self.dropout(out_x)
in_x = out_x
subgraph_embedding = torch.max(in_x, dim=0).values
cfg_embedding = torch.stack(subgraph_embeddings).mean(dim=0)
cfg_embeddings = torch.stack(cfg_embeddings)
local_batch.x = cfg_embeddings
return local_batch
def aggregate_cfg_batch_pooling(self, local_batch: Batch):
if self.pool == 'global_max_pool':
x_pool = global_max_pool(x=local_batch.x, batch=local_batch.batch)
@ -178,7 +205,7 @@ class HierarchicalGraphNeuralNetwork(nn.Module):
def forward(self, real_local_batch: Batch, real_bt_positions: list, bt_external_names: list, bt_all_function_edges: list, local_device: torch.device):
rtn_local_batch = self.forward_cfg_gnn(local_batch=real_local_batch)
rtn_local_batch = self.forward_MID_cfg_gnn(local_batch=real_local_batch)
x_cfg_pool = self.aggregate_cfg_batch_pooling(local_batch=rtn_local_batch)
# build the Function Call Graph (FCG) Data/Batch datasets

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from datetime import datetime
import torch
from import Dataset, DataLoader
from utils.RealBatch import create_real_batch_data # noqa
from src.utils.RealBatch import create_real_batch_data # noqa
class MalwareDetectionDataset(Dataset):
@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ def _simulating(_dataset, _batch_size: int):
if __name__ == '__main__':
root_path: str = '/home/xiang/MalGraph/data/processed_dataset/DatasetJSON/'
# root_path: str = '/root/autodl-tmp/'
root_path: str = 'D:\\hkn\\infected\\datasets\\proprecessed_pt'
i_batch_size = 2
train_dataset = MalwareDetectionDataset(root=root_path, train_or_test='train')

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@ -1,10 +1,22 @@
import torch
from import Batch
from import DataLoader
from pprint import pprint
import pymetis as metis
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from import Batch, Data
from torch_geometric.utils import to_networkx, from_networkx
from typing import List
from src.utils.RemoveCycleEdgesTrueskill import perform_breaking_edges
from datetime import datetime
perform_MID = True
def create_real_batch_data(one_batch: Batch):
if perform_MID:
return create_MID_real_batch_data(one_batch)
real = []
position = [0]
count = 0
@ -22,3 +34,178 @@ def create_real_batch_data(one_batch: Batch):
real_batch = Batch.from_data_list(real)
return real_batch, position, one_batch.hash, one_batch.external_list, one_batch.function_edges, one_batch.targets
# cfg的多实例分解batch
def create_MID_real_batch_data(one_batch: Batch):
# 原始cfg列表
real = []
# 分解后的cfg列表每个元素都是一个cfg分解后的子图列表list[Data],因此它是二维的
real_decomposed_cfgs = []
position = [0]
count = 0
assert len(one_batch.external_list) == len(one_batch.function_edges) == len(one_batch.local_acfgs) == len(
one_batch.hash), "size of each component must be equal to each other"
for pe in one_batch.local_acfgs:
# 遍历pe中的acfg
for acfg in pe:
# 多实例分解acfg返回一个list[Data]
sub_graphs = multi_instance_decompose(acfg)
# 一个exe中的所有acfg数量
count += len(pe)
# 记录每个exe中acfg的数量
if len(one_batch.local_acfgs) == 1 and len(one_batch.local_acfgs[0]) == 0:
return (None for _ in range(6))
real_batch = Batch.from_data_list(real)
real_batch.cfg_subgraph_loader = real_decomposed_cfgs
return real_batch, position, one_batch.hash, one_batch.external_list, one_batch.function_edges, one_batch.targets
# CFG的多实例分解
# return list[Data]
def multi_instance_decompose(acfg: Data):
# edge_index : torch.tensor([[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]])
# acfg.x是每个块的11维属性张量
# 只有一个节点的图所以没有边信息edge_index长度为0不需要处理
# if len(acfg.x) == 1:
# return [acfg]
# g = nx.DiGraph()
# g.add_edges_from(edge_index2edges(acfg.edge_index))
return metis_MID(acfg)
# return structure_MID(acfg, g)
# return topological_MID(acfg, g)
def metis_MID(acfg):
nparts = 3
node_num = len(acfg.x)
if node_num < 10:
return [acfg]
G = to_networkx(acfg).to_undirected()
adjacency_list = [list(G.neighbors(node)) for node in sorted(G.nodes)]
_, parts = metis.part_graph(nparts=nparts, adjacency=adjacency_list, recursive=False) # 分解为3个子图
sub_graphs: List[Data] = []
subgraph_nodes: List[List[int]] = []
for i, p in enumerate(parts):
while p >= len(subgraph_nodes):
for sub_graph in subgraph_nodes:
if len(sub_graph) == 0:
indices = torch.unique(torch.tensor(sub_graph)).long()
sub_G = G.subgraph(sub_graph)
sub_data = from_networkx(sub_G)
sub_data.x = acfg.x[indices]
return sub_graphs
# 将循环结构和剩余的层次结构分别保存为Data返回list[Data]
def structure_MID(acfg, g):
result = []
# 提取图中的自环结构
# self_loop = nx.selfloop_edges(g)
# result += [create_data(acfg.x, torch.tensor([[loop[0]], [loop[0]]])) for loop in self_loop]
# 这里不能用self_loop因为这个变量在被读取之后会被清空
# g.remove_edges_from(nx.selfloop_edges(g))
# 提取图中的循环结构
# cycles = list(nx.simple_cycles(g))
# if len(cycles) > 0:
# max_cycle = max(len(cycle) for cycle in cycles)
# max_cycle = max(cycles, key=len)
# print(max_cycle)
# result += [create_data(acfg.x, torch.tensor([path[:-1], path[1:]])) for path in cycles]
# time_start =
# 将图转换为DAG尽可能保留原图的层次结构
graph_index = edges2edge_index(g.edges)
result.append(create_data(acfg.x, graph_index))
# time_end =
# print("process time = {}".format(time_end - time_start))
return result
# 将图进行拓扑排序后进行dfs找出图中所有最长子路径分别保存为Data返回list[Data]
def topological_MID(acfg, g):
# 将图转换为DAG尽可能保留原图的层次结构
# 拓扑排序
topo_order = list(nx.topological_sort(g))
# 初始化距离数组
dist = {node: float('-inf') for node in g.nodes()}
# 初始化前驱节点数组
prev = {node: [] for node in g.nodes()}
# 初始化起点节点的距离为0
for node in g.nodes():
if g.in_degree(node) == 0:
dist[node] = 0
# 遍历所有节点
for node in topo_order:
# 遍历所有后继节点
for successor in g.successors(node):
# 更新距离
if dist[successor] < dist[node] + 1:
dist[successor] = dist[node] + 1
prev[successor] = [node]
elif dist[successor] == dist[node] + 1:
# 计算最长路径的长度
max_length = max(dist.values())
# 初始化最长路径数组
longest_paths = []
# 遍历所有终点节点
for node in g.nodes():
if g.out_degree(node) == 0 and dist[node] == max_length:
dfs(node, [node], prev, longest_paths)
# 将acfg中所有最长子图路径转换为Data集合也就是说一个acfg被转换为一个Data列表
return [create_data(acfg.x, torch.tensor([path[:-1], path[1:]])) for path in longest_paths]
def dfs(node, path, prev, longest_paths):
if len(prev[node]) == 0:
for predecessor in prev[node]:
dfs(predecessor, [predecessor] + path, prev, longest_paths)
# 获取edge_index中出现过的所有元素在x中仅保留这些元素所对应的索引
# 用于快速创建子图的x属性注意x和edge_index都是torch.tensor
def create_data(x, edge_index):
# 获取edge_index中出现过的元素
indices = torch.unique(edge_index).long()
return Data(x[indices], edge_index)
# torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]]) => [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
# 将edge_index张量转换为edges数组
def edge_index2edges(edge_index):
return list(zip(*edge_index.tolist()))
# OutEdgeView([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]) => torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]])
# 将edges数组转换为edge_index张量
def edges2edge_index(edges):
edges = list(edges.items())
return torch.tensor([list(edge[0]) for edge in edges]).t().contiguous()

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@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
import random
from trueskill import Rating, rate_1vs1
import networkx as nx
import os
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
def __get_big_sccs(g):
num_big_sccs = 0
big_sccs = []
for sub in (g.subgraph(c).copy() for c in nx.strongly_connected_components(g)):
number_of_nodes = sub.number_of_nodes()
if number_of_nodes >= 2:
# strongly connected components
num_big_sccs += 1
# print(" # big sccs: %d" % (num_big_sccs))
return big_sccs
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
def __nodes_in_scc(sccs):
scc_nodes = []
scc_edges = []
for scc in sccs:
scc_nodes += list(scc.nodes())
scc_edges += list(scc.edges())
# print("# nodes in big sccs: %d" % len(scc_nodes))
# print("# edges in big sccs: %d" % len(scc_edges))
return scc_nodes
def __scores_of_nodes_in_scc(sccs, players):
scc_nodes = __nodes_in_scc(sccs)
scc_nodes_score_dict = {}
for node in scc_nodes:
scc_nodes_score_dict[node] = players[node]
# print("# scores of nodes in scc: %d" % (len(scc_nodes_score_dict)))
return scc_nodes_score_dict
def __filter_big_scc(g, edges_to_be_removed):
# Given a graph g and edges to be removed
# Return a list of big scc subgraphs (# of nodes >= 2)
sub_graphs = filter(lambda scc: scc.number_of_nodes() >= 2,
[g.subgraph(c).copy() for c in nx.strongly_connected_components(g)])
return sub_graphs
def __remove_cycle_edges_by_agony_iterately(sccs, players, edges_to_be_removed):
while True:
graph = sccs.pop()
pair_max_agony = None
max_agony = -1
for pair in graph.edges():
u, v = pair
agony = max(players[u] - players[v], 0)
if agony >= max_agony:
pair_max_agony = (u, v)
max_agony = agony
# print("graph: (%d,%d), edge to be removed: %s, agony: %0.4f" % (graph.number_of_nodes(),graph.number_of_edges(),pair_max_agony,max_agony))
# print("graph: (%d,%d), edge to be removed: %s" % (graph.number_of_nodes(),graph.number_of_edges(),pair_max_agony))
sub_graphs = __filter_big_scc(graph, [pair_max_agony])
if sub_graphs:
for index, sub in enumerate(sub_graphs):
if not sccs:
def __compute_trueskill(pairs, players):
if not players:
for u, v in pairs:
if u not in players:
players[u] = Rating()
if v not in players:
players[v] = Rating()
for u, v in pairs:
players[v], players[u] = rate_1vs1(players[v], players[u])
return players
def __get_players_score(players, n_sigma):
relative_score = {}
for k, v in players.items():
relative_score[k] = players[k].mu - n_sigma * players[k].sigma
return relative_score
def __measure_pairs_agreement(pairs, nodes_score):
# whether nodes in pairs agree with their ranking scores
num_correct_pairs = 0
num_wrong_pairs = 0
total_pairs = 0
for u, v in pairs:
if u in nodes_score and v in nodes_score:
if nodes_score[u] <= nodes_score[v]:
num_correct_pairs += 1
num_wrong_pairs += 1
total_pairs += 1
if total_pairs != 0:
acc = num_correct_pairs * 1.0 / total_pairs
# print("correct pairs: %d, wrong pairs: %d, total pairs: %d, accuracy: %0.4f" % (num_correct_pairs,num_wrong_pairs,total_pairs,num_correct_pairs*1.0/total_pairs))
acc = 1
# print("total pairs: 0, accuracy: 1")
return acc
def __trueskill_ratings(pairs, iter_times=15, n_sigma=3, threshold=0.85):
players = {}
for i in range(iter_times):
players = __compute_trueskill(pairs, players)
relative_scores = __get_players_score(players, n_sigma=n_sigma)
accu = __measure_pairs_agreement(pairs, relative_scores)
if accu >= threshold:
return relative_scores
# end =
# time_used = end - start
# print("time used in computing true skill: %0.4f s, iteration time is: %i" % (time_used.seconds, (i + 1)))
return relative_scores
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
# def breaking_cycles_by_TS(graph_path):
# g = nx.read_edgelist(graph_path, create_using=nx.DiGraph(), nodetype=int)
# players_score_dict = __trueskill_ratings(list(g.edges()), iter_times=15, n_sigma=3, threshold=0.95)
# g.remove_edges_from(list(nx.selfloop_edges(g)))
# big_sccs = __get_big_sccs(g)
# scc_nodes_score_dict = __scores_of_nodes_in_scc(big_sccs, players_score_dict)
# edges_to_be_removed = []
# if len(big_sccs) == 0:
# print("After removal of self loop edgs: %s" % nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(g))
# return
# __remove_cycle_edges_by_agony_iterately(big_sccs, scc_nodes_score_dict, edges_to_be_removed)
# g.remove_edges_from(edges_to_be_removed)
# nx.write_edgelist(g, out_path)
# edgelist形式为[(x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)]
def perform_breaking_edges(g):
players_score_dict = __trueskill_ratings(list(g.edges()), iter_times=15, n_sigma=3, threshold=0.95)
big_sccs = __get_big_sccs(g)
scc_nodes_score_dict = __scores_of_nodes_in_scc(big_sccs, players_score_dict)
edges_to_be_removed = []
# 移除自环已经是DAG
if len(big_sccs) == 0:
__remove_cycle_edges_by_agony_iterately(big_sccs, scc_nodes_score_dict, edges_to_be_removed)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# for test only
graph_path = 'D:\\hkn\\infected\\datasets\\text_only_nx\\text.edges'
out_path = 'D:\\hkn\\infected\\datasets\\text_only_nx\\result.edges'
# breaking_cycles_by_TS(graph_path)