Complete the reproduction of the Raw-feature-extractor: The purpose of is to read the raw-feature from the generated .ida file and display
292 lines
7.6 KiB
292 lines
7.6 KiB
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import itertools
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/')
sys.path.insert(1, 'C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages')
import networkx as nx
#import numpy as np
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import pdb
import os
import re,mmap
#from graph_edit_new import *
class raw_graph:
def __init__(self, funcname, g, func_f):
#print "create"
self.funcname = funcname
self.old_g = g[0]
self.g = nx.DiGraph()
self.entry = g[1]
self.fun_features = func_f
def __len__(self):
return len(self.g)
def attributing(self):
for node in self.old_g:
fvector = self.retrieveVec(node, self.old_g)
self.g.node[node]['v'] = fvector
for edge in self.old_g.edges():
node1 = edge[0]
node2 = edge[1]
self.g.add_edge(node1, node2)
def obtainOffsprings(self,g):
nodes = g.nodes()
for node in nodes:
offsprings = {}
self.getOffsprings(g, node, offsprings)
g.node[node]['offs'] = len(offsprings)
return g
def getOffsprings(self, g, node, offsprings):
node_offs = 0
sucs = g.successors(node)
for suc in sucs:
if suc not in offsprings:
offsprings[suc] = 1
self.getOffsprings(g, suc, offsprings)
def retrieveVec(self, id_, g):
feature_vec = []
numc = g.node[id_]['consts']
nums = g.node[id_]['strings']
offs = g.node[id_]['offs']
numAs = g.node[id_]['numAs']
# of calls4
calls = g.node[id_]['numCalls']
# of insts5
insts = g.node[id_]['numIns']
# of LIs6
insts = g.node[id_]['numLIs'] #
# of TIs7
insts = g.node[id_]['numTIs'] #transfer instructions
return feature_vec
def enumerating(self, n):
subgs = []
for sub_nodes in itertools.combinations(self.g.nodes(), n):
subg = self.g.subgraph(sub_nodes)
u_subg = subg.to_undirected()
if nx.is_connected(u_subg):
return subgs
def genMotifs(self, n):
motifs = {}
subgs = enumerating(n)
for subg in subgs:
if len(motifs) == 0:
motifs[subg] = [subg]
nomatch = True
for mt in motifs:
if nx.is_isomorphic(mt, subg):
nomatch = False
if nomatch:
motifs[subg] = [subg]
return motifs
def enumerating_efficient(self, n):
if len(self.g) >= 200:
return []
with open('/home/qian/workspace/gEnding/gencoding/encoding/labeled/data/preprocessing/OUTPUT.txt','wb') as f:
process = Popen(["/home/qian/workspace/FANMOD-command_line-source/executables/./fanmod_command_line_linux", str(n), "100000", "1", "/home/qian/workspace/gEnding/gencoding/encoding/labeled/data/preprocessing/OUTPUT.txt", "1", "0", "0", "2", "0", "0", "0", "1000", "3", "3", "/home/qian/workspace/gEnding/gencoding/encoding/labeled/data/preprocessing/MotifCount.txt", "0", "1"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
if process.returncode >= 0:
#os.system("/home/qian/software/FANMOD-command_line-source/executables/./fanmod_command_line_linux " +str(n) + " 100000 1 /home/qian/workspace/gEnding/gencoding/encoding/labeled/data/preprocessing/OUTPUT.txt 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1000 3 3 /home/qian/workspace/gEnding/gencoding/encoding/labeled/data/preprocessing/MotifCount.txt 0 1")
subgs = self.parseOutput("/home/qian/workspace/gEnding/gencoding/encoding/labeled/data/preprocessing/MotifCount.txt.dump", n)
return subgs
return []
def parseOutput(self, path, n):
pattern = re.compile('[0-9]+\,[0-9]+\,[0-9]+\,[0-9]+')
subgraphs = []
with open(path,'r') as f:
data = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ)
mo = re.findall(pattern, data)
if mo:
results = [map(int, v.split(',')[1:]) for v in mo]
subgraphs = self.createGraphDirectly(results)
return subgraphs
def parseOutputByconditions(self, path, n):
pattern = re.compile('[0-9]+\,[0-9]+\,[0-9]+\,[0-9]+')
subgraphs = []
with open(path,'r') as f:
data = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ)
mo = re.findall(pattern, data)
if mo:
results = [map(int, v.split(',')[1:]) for v in mo]
subgraphs = self.create_Graphbycondition_Directly(results)
return subgraphs
def create_Graphbycondition_Directly(self, results):
subgs = []
for indexes in results:
tg = template_graph()
subg = self.g.subgraph(indexes)
del tg
return subgs
def createGraphDirectly(self, results):
#subgs = [self.g.subgraph(indexes) for indexes in results]
subgs = []
for indexes in results:
tg = template_graph()
subg = self.g.subgraph(indexes)
del tg
return subgs
def createGraph(self, results, n):
binary_value = int(results[0],2)
indexes = [int(v) for v in results[1:]]
fang = self.createG(results[0], n)
if fang:
tg = template_graph(binary_value)
tg.updateG(fang, indexes, self.g)
return tg
print "there is g which is none"
def createG(self, binary_str, n):
g = nx.DiGraph()
l = [int(v) for v in binary_str]
shape = (n, n)
data = np.array(l)
ad_matrix = data.reshape(shape)
for i in xrange(n):
for j in xrange(n):
if ad_matrix[i][j] == 1:
g.add_edge(i, j)
return g
class raw_graphs: #创建空的list,然后存储raw_graphs类的instance
def __init__(self, binary_name):
self.binary_name = binary_name
self.raw_graph_list = []
def append(self, raw_g):
def __len__(self):
return len(self.raw_graph_list)
class graphlets:
def __init__(self, funcname):
self.funcname = funcname
self.graphlets_list = []
self.binary_name = None
def updateBN(self, binary_name):
self.binary_name = binary_name
def append(self, subg):
def appendSet(self, subgs):
self.graphlets_list += subgs
def __len__(self):
return len(self.graphlets_list)
class template_graph:
def __init__(self, value=None):
self.value = value
self.g = None
def updateG(self,g):
self.g = g
#def updateIndexes(self, indexes):
# self.indexes = indexes
#def updateAttributes(self, pg, indexes, maing):
# for id_ in xrange(len(indexes)):
# index = indexes[id_]
# gnode = self.findNode(index, maing)
# self.g.node[gnode] = pg.node[index]
class template_graphs:
def __init__(self, size):
self.size = size
|| = []
self.bit_len = None
def enumeratingAll(self):
subgs = []
binary_value = self.genBinValue()
for i in xrange(binary_value):
if i == 0 :
g = self.createG(i)
if g:
tg = template_graph(i)
def genBinValue(self):
n = self.size
self.bit_len = n*n
return 2**(self.bit_len)
def createG(self, i):
g = nx.DiGraph()
l = self.genArray(i)
shape = (self.size, self.size)
data = np.array(l)
ad_matrix = data.reshape(shape)
for i in xrange(self.size):
for j in xrange(self.size):
if ad_matrix[i][j] == 1:
g.add_edge(i, j)
u_g = g.to_undirected()
if len(g) == self.size and nx.is_connected(u_g):
return g
return False
def genArray(self, i):
l = [int(x) for x in bin(i)[2:]]
x = [0 for v in xrange(self.bit_len - len(l))]
return x + l