287 lines
7.2 KiB
287 lines
7.2 KiB
import copy
import networkx as nx
from idautils import *
from idaapi import *
from idc import *
import copy
import networkx as nx
from idautils import *
from idaapi import *
from idc import *
from graph_analysis_ida import *
def getCfg(func, externs_eas, ea_externs):
func_start = func.startEA
func_end = func.endEA
cfg = nx.DiGraph()
control_blocks, main_blocks = obtain_block_sequence(func)
i = 0
visited = {}
start_node = None
for bl in control_blocks:
start = control_blocks[bl][0]
end = control_blocks[bl][1]
src_node = (start, end)
if src_node not in visited:
src_id = len(cfg)
visited[src_node] = src_id
cfg.node[src_id]['label'] = src_node
src_id = visited[src_node]
#if end in seq_blocks and GetMnem(PrevHead(end)) != 'jmp':
if start == func_start:
cfg.node[src_id]['c'] = "start"
start_node = src_node
if end == func_end:
cfg.node[src_id]['c'] = "end"
#print control_ea, 1
refs = CodeRefsTo(start, 0)
for ref in refs:
if ref in control_blocks:
dst_node = control_blocks[ref]
if dst_node not in visited:
visited[dst_node] = len(cfg)
dst_id = visited[dst_node]
cfg.add_edge(dst_id, src_id)
cfg.node[dst_id]['label'] = dst_node
#print control_ea, 1
refs = CodeRefsTo(start, 1)
for ref in refs:
if ref in control_blocks:
dst_node = control_blocks[ref]
if dst_node not in visited:
visited[dst_node] = len(cfg)
dst_id = visited[dst_node]
cfg.add_edge(dst_id, src_id)
cfg.node[dst_id]['label'] = dst_node
#print "attributing"
attributingRe(cfg, externs_eas, ea_externs)
# removing deadnodes
#old_cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg)
return cfg, 0
def transform(cfg):
def merging(cfg):
bb_ids = cfg.nodes()
for bb_id in bb_ids:
bb = cfg.node[bb_id]['label']
bb_start = bb[0]
bb_end = bb[1]
succs = cfg.successors(bb_id)
#preds = cfg.predecessors(bb_id)
if len(succs) == 1:
preds = cfg.predecessors(succs[0])
if len(preds) == 1:
domerge(cfg, bb_id, succs[0])
def domerge(cfg, bb_id, suc_node):
suc_nodes = cfg.successors(suc_node)
for node in suc_nodes:
cfg.add_edge(bb_id, node)
def filtering(cfg):
rm_sets = []
for bb_id in cfg:
bb = cfg.node[bb_id]['label']
bb_start = bb[0]
bb_end = bb[1]
re = remove(bb_start, bb_end)
print bb_id, re, bb_start, bb_end
if re:
print re, bb_id
print rm_sets
for bb_id in rm_sets:
def remove(bb_start, bb_end):
seqs = getSequences(bb_start, bb_end)
if matchseq(seqs):
return True
return False
def matchseq(seqs):
mips = set(['lw', "jr", "addiu"])
x86 = set(['add', 'pop', 'retn'])
b_mips = set(['b', ('move','$v0')])
b_x86 = set(['b', ('mov','$eax')])
re_mips = set([('move','$v0')])
re_x86 = set([('mov','$eax')])
diff_mips = set(seqs).difference(set(mips))
if len(diff_mips) == 0:
return True
diff_x86 = set(seqs).difference(set(x86))
if len(diff_x86) == 0:
return True
if set(seqs) == b_mips:
return True
if set(seqs) == b_x86:
return True
if set(seqs) == re_mips:
return True
if set(seqs) == re_x86:
return True
return False
def attributingRe(cfg, externs_eas, ea_externs):
for node_id in cfg:
bl = cfg.node[node_id]['label']
numIns = calInsts(bl)
cfg.node[node_id]['numIns'] = numIns
numCalls = calCalls(bl)
cfg.node[node_id]['numCalls'] = numCalls
numLIs = calLogicInstructions(bl)
cfg.node[node_id]['numLIs'] = numLIs
numAs = calArithmeticIns(bl)
cfg.node[node_id]['numAs'] = numAs
strings, consts = getBBconsts(bl)
cfg.node[node_id]['numNc'] = len(strings) + len(consts)
cfg.node[node_id]['consts'] = consts
cfg.node[node_id]['strings'] = strings
externs = retrieveExterns(bl, ea_externs)
cfg.node[node_id]['externs'] = externs
numTIs = calTransferIns(bl)
cfg.node[node_id]['numTIs'] = numTIs
def attributing(cfg):
ga = graph_analysis()
print "finishing offspring"
for node in cfg:
stmt_num = getStmtNum(node)
binary_value = getBinaryValue(node)
cfg.node[node]['stmt_num'] = stmt_num
cfg.node[node]['binary_value'] = binary_value
print "finishing domChecking"
print "finishing loopChecking"
def getStmtNum(node):
start = node[0]
end = node[1]
stmt_num = 0
inst_addr = start
while inst_addr < end:
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
stmt_num += 1
return stmt_num
def getBinaryValue(node):
start = node[0]
inst_addr = NextHead(start)
value = 0
addr = 0
for x in xrange((inst_addr - start)-1):
addr = start + x
y = GetOriginalByte(addr)
print value, addr, y
value = value | y
value = value << 8
print value
addr = inst_addr - 1
y = GetOriginalByte(addr)
print value, addr, y
value = value | y
print node
print bin(value)
return value
def cfg_construct(func):
func_start = func.startEA
func_end = func.endEA
cfg = nx.DiGraph()
seq_blocks, main_blocks = obtain_block_sequence(func)
i = 0
visited = {}
for bl in seq_blocks:
start = seq_blocks[bl][0]
end = seq_blocks[bl][1]
src_node = (start, end)
if end in seq_blocks and GetMnem(PrevHead(end)) != 'jmp':
next_start = seq_blocks[end][0]
next_end = seq_blocks[end][1]
next_node = (next_start, next_end)
cfg.add_edge(src_node, next_node)
if start == func_start:
cfg.add_node(src_node, c='start')
start_node = src_node
if end == func_end:
cfg.add_node(src_node, c='end')
refs = CodeRefsFrom(PrevHead(end), 0)
for ref in refs:
#print ref
if ref in seq_blocks:
dst_node = (seq_blocks[ref][0], seq_blocks[ref][1])
cfg.add_edge(src_node, dst_node)
return cfg, start_node
def obtain_allpaths( cfg, node, path, allpaths):
if 'c' in cfg.node[node] and cfg.node[node]['c'] == 'end':
for suc in cfg.successors(node):
if suc not in path:
path_copy = copy.copy(path)
obtain_allpaths(cfg, suc, path_copy, allpaths)
def obtain_block_sequence(func):
control_blocks = {}
main_blocks = {}
blocks = [(v.startEA, v.endEA) for v in FlowChart(func)]
for bl in blocks:
base = bl[0]
end = PrevHead(bl[1])
control_ea = checkCB(bl)
control_blocks[control_ea] = bl
control_blocks[end] = bl
if func.startEA <= base <= func.endEA:
main_blocks[base] = bl
x = sorted(main_blocks)
return control_blocks, x
def checkCB(bl):
start = bl[0]
end = bl[1]
ea = start
while ea < end:
if checkCondition(ea):
return ea
ea = NextHead(ea)
return PrevHead(end)
def checkCondition(ea):
mips_branch = {"beqz":1, "beq":1, "bne":1, "bgez":1, "b":1, "bnez":1, "bgtz":1, "bltz":1, "blez":1, "bgt":1, "bge":1, "blt":1, "ble":1, "bgtu":1, "bgeu":1, "bltu":1, "bleu":1}
x86_branch = {"jz":1, "jnb":1, "jne":1, "je":1, "jg":1, "jle":1, "jl":1, "jge":1, "ja":1, "jae":1, "jb":1, "jbe":1, "jo":1, "jno":1, "js":1, "jns":1}
arm_branch = {"B":1, "BAL":1, "BNE":1, "BEQ":1, "BPL":1, "BMI":1, "BCC":1, "BLO":1, "BCS":1, "BHS":1, "BVC":1, "BVS":1, "BGT":1, "BGE":1, "BLT":1, "BLE":1, "BHI":1 ,"BLS":1 }
conds = {}
opcode = GetMnem(ea)
if opcode in conds:
return True
return False