Compare commits
No commits in common. "df06fd866b0d74926786f178fe9815b55e6e90b6" and "f607e57a200ffd241e92c03815e549f252d6c532" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# 默认忽略的文件
# 基于编辑器的 HTTP 客户端请求
# Datasource local storage ignored files
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module type="PYTHON_MODULE" version="4">
<component name="NewModuleRootManager">
<content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$" />
<orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
<orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="PublishConfigData" remoteFilesAllowedToDisappearOnAutoupload="false">
<paths name="king@localhost:23 password">
<mapping local="$PROJECT_DIR$" web="/" />
<paths name="king@localhost:23 password (2)">
<mapping local="$PROJECT_DIR$" web="/" />
<paths name="king@localhost:23 password (3)">
<mapping local="$PROJECT_DIR$" web="/" />
<paths name="king@localhost:23 password (4)">
<mapping local="$PROJECT_DIR$" web="/" />
<paths name="king@localhost:23 password (5)">
<mapping local="$PROJECT_DIR$" web="/" />
<paths name="king@localhost:23 password (6)">
<mapping local="$PROJECT_DIR$" web="/" />
<paths name="king@localhost:23 password (7)">
<mapping local="$PROJECT_DIR$" web="/" />
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
<component name="InspectionProjectProfileManager">
<profile version="1.0">
<option name="myName" value="Project Default" />
<inspection_tool class="DuplicatedCode" enabled="true" level="WEAK WARNING" enabled_by_default="true">
<language minSize="61" name="Python" />
<inspection_tool class="PyPackageRequirementsInspection" enabled="true" level="WARNING" enabled_by_default="true">
<option name="ignoredPackages">
<list size="5">
<item index="0" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="lief" />
<item index="1" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="pylddwrap" />
<item index="2" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="docopt" />
<item index="3" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="rich" />
<item index="4" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="mysqlclient" />
<inspection_tool class="PyPep8NamingInspection" enabled="true" level="WEAK WARNING" enabled_by_default="true">
<option name="ignoredErrors">
<option value="N802" />
<option value="N801" />
<option value="N806" />
<inspection_tool class="PyUnresolvedReferencesInspection" enabled="true" level="WARNING" enabled_by_default="true">
<option name="ignoredIdentifiers">
<option value="b64_flag" />
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
<component name="InspectionProjectProfileManager">
<option name="USE_PROJECT_PROFILE" value="false" />
<version value="1.0" />
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" project-jdk-name="D:\Program\miniconda3\envs\pyqt" project-jdk-type="Python SDK" />
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="ProjectModuleManager">
<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/Gencoding.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/Gencoding.iml" />
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">
<mapping directory="" vcs="Git" />
@ -1,18 +1 @@
This project provides two components of Genius, a graph-based bug search framework. The first component is the raw feature extraction. The second is the online bug search engine.
This is a test!
1. The raw feature extraction is designed to achieve following two goals:
-> Extract the control flow graph for each binary function
-> Extract the attributes for each node in the grap
The feature extraction is built on top of IDA-pro. We wrote the scripts based on ida-python and extract the attributed control flow graph. ``'' is the main program to extract the ACFG.
2. The online bug search engine is used for real-time search:
-> It utilized localality sensitive hashing for indexing
-> Nearest-neighbor search algorithm for search
The online search is based on nearpy (
@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
# Reference Lister
# List all functions and all references to them in the current section.
# Implemented with the idautils module
import networkx as nx
import cPickle as pickle
import pdb
from graph_analysis_ida import *
from graph_property import *
#import wingdbstub
def get_funcs(ea):
funcs = {}
# Get current ea
# Loop from start to end in the current segment
for funcea in Functions(SegStart(ea)):
funcname = GetFunctionName(funcea)
func = get_func(funcea)
blocks = FlowChart(func)
funcs[funcname] = []
for bl in blocks:
start = bl.startEA
end = bl.endEA
funcs[funcname].append((start, end))
return funcs
def get_funcs_for_discoverRe(ea):
features = {}
for funcea in Functions(SegStart(ea)):
funcname = GetFunctionName(funcea)
print funcname
func = get_func(funcea)
feature = get_discoverRe_feature(func)
features[funcname] = feature
return features
def get_discoverRe_feature(func, icfg):
start = func.startEA
end = func.endEA
features = []
FunctionCalls = getFuncCalls(func)
LogicInstr = getLogicInsts(func)
Transfer = getTransferInsts(func)
Locals = getLocalVariables(func)
BB = getBasicBlocks(func)
Edges = len(icfg.edges())
Incoming = getIncommingCalls(func)
Instrs = getIntrs(func)
between = retrieveGP(icfg)
strings, consts = getfunc_consts(func)
return features
def get_func_names(ea):
funcs = {}
for funcea in Functions(SegStart(ea)):
funcname = GetFunctionName(funcea)
funcs[funcname] = funcea
return funcs
def get_func_bases(ea):
funcs = {}
for funcea in Functions(SegStart(ea)):
funcname = GetFunctionName(funcea)
funcs[funcea] = funcname
return funcs
def get_func_range(ea):
funcs = {}
for funcea in Functions(SegStart(ea)):
funcname = GetFunctionName(funcea)
func = get_func(funcea)
funcs[funcname] = (func.startEA, func.endEA)
return funcs
def get_func_sequences(ea):
funcs_bodylist = {}
funcs = get_funcs(ea)
for funcname in funcs:
if funcname not in funcs_bodylist:
funcs_bodylist[funcname] = []
for start, end in funcs[funcname]:
inst_addr = start
while inst_addr <= end:
opcode = GetMnem(inst_addr)
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
return funcs_bodylist
def get_func_cfgs(ea):
func_cfglist = {}
i = 0
start, end = get_section('LOAD')
#print start, end
for funcea in Functions(SegStart(ea)):
if start <= funcea <= end:
funcname = GetFunctionName(funcea)
func = get_func(funcea)
print i
i += 1
icfg = cfg.cfg_construct(func)
func_cfglist[funcname] = icfg
return func_cfglist
def get_section(t):
base = SegByName(t)
start = SegByBase(base)
end = SegEnd(start)
return start, end
def get_func_cfg_sequences(func_cfglist):
func_cfg_seqlist = {}
for funcname in func_cfglist:
func_cfg_seqlist[funcname] = {}
cfg = func_cfglist[funcname][0]
for start, end in cfg:
codesq = get_sequences(start, end)
func_cfg_seqlist[funcname][(start,end)] = codesq
return func_cfg_seqlist
def get_sequences(start, end):
seq = []
inst_addr = start
while inst_addr <= end:
opcode = GetMnem(inst_addr)
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
return seq
def get_stack_arg(func_addr):
print func_addr
args = []
stack = GetFrame(func_addr)
if not stack:
return []
firstM = GetFirstMember(stack)
lastM = GetLastMember(stack)
i = firstM
while i <=lastM:
mName = GetMemberName(stack,i)
mSize = GetMemberSize(stack,i)
if mSize:
i = i + mSize
i = i+4
if mName not in args and mName and ' s' not in mName and ' r' not in mName:
return args
#pickle.dump(funcs, open('C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/funcs','w'))
def processDataSegs():
funcdata = {}
datafunc = {}
for n in xrange(idaapi.get_segm_qty()):
seg = idaapi.getnseg(n)
ea = seg.startEA
segtype = idc.GetSegmentAttr(ea, idc.SEGATTR_TYPE)
if segtype in [idc.SEG_DATA, idc.SEG_BSS]:
start = idc.SegStart(ea)
end = idc.SegEnd(ea)
cur = start
while cur <= end:
refs = [v for v in DataRefsTo(cur)]
for fea in refs:
name = GetFunctionName(fea)
if len(name)== 0:
if name not in funcdata:
funcdata[name] = [cur]
if cur not in datafunc:
datafunc[cur] = [name]
cur = NextHead(cur)
return funcdata, datafunc
def obtainDataRefs(callgraph):
datarefs = {}
funcdata, datafunc = processDataSegs()
for node in callgraph:
if node in funcdata:
datas = funcdata[node]
for dd in datas:
refs = datafunc[dd]
refs = list(set(refs))
if node in datarefs:
print refs
datarefs[node] += refs
datarefs[node] = list(set(datarefs[node]))
datarefs[node] = refs
return datarefs
@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ import cfg_constructor as cfg
import cPickle as pickle
import cPickle as pickle
import pdb
import pdb
from raw_graphs import *
from raw_graphs import *
#from discovRe_feature.discovRe import *
from discovRe_feature.discovRe import *
from discovRe import *
#import wingdbstub
#import wingdbstub
def gt_funcNames(ea):
def gt_funcNames(ea):
@ -2,146 +2,23 @@ from idautils import *
from idaapi import *
from idaapi import *
from idc import *
from idc import *
def getfunc_consts(func):
def getSequences(start, end):
strings = []
seqs = []
consts = []
blocks = [(v.startEA, v.endEA) for v in FlowChart(func)]
for bl in blocks:
strs, conts = getBBconsts(bl)
strings += strs
consts += conts
return strings, consts
def getConst(ea, offset):
strings = []
consts = []
optype1 = GetOpType(ea, offset)
if optype1 == idaapi.o_imm:
imm_value = GetOperandValue(ea, offset)
if 0<= imm_value <= 10:
if idaapi.isLoaded(imm_value) and idaapi.getseg(imm_value):
str_value = GetString(imm_value)
if str_value is None:
str_value = GetString(imm_value+0x40000)
if str_value is None:
re = all(40 <= ord(c) < 128 for c in str_value)
if re:
re = all(40 <= ord(c) < 128 for c in str_value)
if re:
return strings, consts
def getBBconsts(bl):
strings = []
consts = []
start = bl[0]
end = bl[1]
invoke_num = 0
inst_addr = start
inst_addr = start
while inst_addr < end:
while inst_addr < end:
opcode = GetMnem(inst_addr)
opcode = GetMnem(inst_addr)
if opcode in ['la','jalr','call', 'jal']:
if opcode == 'move' or opcode == "mov":
opnd1 = GetOpnd(inst_addr,0)
if opnd1 == '$v0' or opnd1 == "$eax":
opcode = (opcode, opnd1)
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
return seqs
strings_src, consts_src = getConst(inst_addr, 0)
strings_dst, consts_dst = getConst(inst_addr, 1)
strings += strings_src
strings += strings_dst
consts += consts_src
consts += consts_dst
strings_dst, consts_dst = getConst(inst_addr, 2)
consts += consts_dst
strings += strings_dst
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
return strings, consts
def getFuncCalls(func):
blocks = [(v.startEA, v.endEA) for v in FlowChart(func)]
sumcalls = 0
for bl in blocks:
callnum = calCalls(bl)
sumcalls += callnum
return sumcalls
def getLogicInsts(func):
blocks = [(v.startEA, v.endEA) for v in FlowChart(func)]
sumcalls = 0
for bl in blocks:
callnum = calLogicInstructions(bl)
sumcalls += callnum
return sumcalls
def getTransferInsts(func):
blocks = [(v.startEA, v.endEA) for v in FlowChart(func)]
sumcalls = 0
for bl in blocks:
callnum = calTransferIns(bl)
sumcalls += callnum
return sumcalls
def getIntrs(func):
blocks = [(v.startEA, v.endEA) for v in FlowChart(func)]
sumcalls = 0
for bl in blocks:
callnum = calInsts(bl)
sumcalls += callnum
return sumcalls
def getLocalVariables(func):
args_num = get_stackVariables(func.startEA)
return args_num
def getBasicBlocks(func):
blocks = [(v.startEA, v.endEA) for v in FlowChart(func)]
return len(blocks)
def getIncommingCalls(func):
refs = CodeRefsTo(func.startEA, 0)
re = len([v for v in refs])
return re
def get_stackVariables(func_addr):
#print func_addr
args = []
stack = GetFrame(func_addr)
if not stack:
return 0
firstM = GetFirstMember(stack)
lastM = GetLastMember(stack)
i = firstM
while i <=lastM:
mName = GetMemberName(stack,i)
mSize = GetMemberSize(stack,i)
if mSize:
i = i + mSize
i = i+4
if mName not in args and mName and 'var_' in mName:
return len(args)
def calArithmeticIns(bl):
def calArithmeticIns(bl):
x86_AI = {'add':1, 'sub':1, 'div':1, 'imul':1, 'idiv':1, 'mul':1, 'shl':1, 'dec':1, 'inc':1}
x86_AI = {'add':1, 'sub':1, 'div':1, 'imul':1, 'idiv':1, 'mul':1, 'shl':1, 'dec':1, 'inc':1}
mips_AI = {'add':1, 'addu':1, 'addi':1, 'addiu':1, 'mult':1, 'multu':1, 'div':1, 'divu':1}
mips_AI = {'add':1, 'addu':1, 'addi':1, 'addiu':1, 'mult':1, 'multu':1, 'div':1, 'divu':1}
arm_AI = {"ADD":1, "ADC":1, "SUB":1, "SBC":1, "RSB":1, "RSC":1, "MUL":1, "MLA":1}
calls = {}
calls = {}
@ -151,20 +28,22 @@ def calArithmeticIns(bl):
inst_addr = start
inst_addr = start
while inst_addr < end:
while inst_addr < end:
opcode = GetMnem(inst_addr)
opcode = GetMnem(inst_addr)
if opcode in calls:
re = [v for v in calls if opcode in v]
if len(re) > 0:
invoke_num += 1
invoke_num += 1
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
return invoke_num
return invoke_num
def calCalls(bl):
def calCalls(bl):
calls = {'call':1, 'jal':1, 'jalr':1}
calls = {'call':1, 'jal':1, 'jalr':1, "BL":1}
start = bl[0]
start = bl[0]
end = bl[1]
end = bl[1]
invoke_num = 0
invoke_num = 0
inst_addr = start
inst_addr = start
while inst_addr < end:
while inst_addr < end:
opcode = GetMnem(inst_addr)
opcode = GetMnem(inst_addr)
if opcode in calls:
re = [v for v in calls if opcode in v]
if len(re) > 0:
invoke_num += 1
invoke_num += 1
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
return invoke_num
return invoke_num
@ -182,16 +61,19 @@ def calInsts(bl):
def calLogicInstructions(bl):
def calLogicInstructions(bl):
x86_LI = {'and':1, 'andn':1, 'andnpd':1, 'andpd':1, 'andps':1, 'andnps':1, 'test':1, 'xor':1, 'xorpd':1, 'pslld':1}
x86_LI = {'and':1, 'andn':1, 'andnpd':1, 'andpd':1, 'andps':1, 'andnps':1, 'test':1, 'xor':1, 'xorpd':1, 'pslld':1}
mips_LI = {'and':1, 'andi':1, 'or':1, 'ori':1, 'xor':1, 'nor':1, 'slt':1, 'slti':1, 'sltu':1}
mips_LI = {'and':1, 'andi':1, 'or':1, 'ori':1, 'xor':1, 'nor':1, 'slt':1, 'slti':1, 'sltu':1}
arm_LI = {"AND":1, "EOR":1, "ORR":1, "ORN":1, 'BIC':1}
calls = {}
calls = {}
start = bl[0]
start = bl[0]
end = bl[1]
end = bl[1]
invoke_num = 0
invoke_num = 0
inst_addr = start
inst_addr = start
while inst_addr < end:
while inst_addr < end:
opcode = GetMnem(inst_addr)
opcode = GetMnem(inst_addr)
if opcode in calls:
re = [v for v in calls if opcode in v]
if len(re) > 0:
invoke_num += 1
invoke_num += 1
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
return invoke_num
return invoke_num
@ -208,19 +90,35 @@ def calSconstants(bl):
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
return invoke_num
return invoke_num
def getConst(ea, offset):
strings = []
consts = []
optype1 = GetOpType(ea, offset)
if optype1 == idaapi.o_imm:
imm_value = GetOperandValue(ea, offset)
if idaapi.isLoaded(imm_value) and idaapi.getseg(imm_value):
str_value = GetString(imm_value)
return strings, consts
def calNconstants(bl):
def getBBconsts(bl):
strings = []
consts = []
start = bl[0]
start = bl[0]
end = bl[1]
end = bl[1]
invoke_num = 0
invoke_num = 0
inst_addr = start
inst_addr = start
while inst_addr < end:
while inst_addr < end:
optype1 = GetOpType(inst_addr, 0)
strings_src, consts_src = getConst(inst_addr, 0)
optype2 = GetOpType(inst_addr, 1)
strings_dst, consts_dst = getConst(inst_addr, 1)
if optype1 == 5 or optype2 == 5:
strings += strings_src
invoke_num += 1
strings += strings_dst
consts += consts_src
consts += consts_dst
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
inst_addr = NextHead(inst_addr)
return invoke_num
return strings, consts
def retrieveExterns(bl, ea_externs):
def retrieveExterns(bl, ea_externs):
externs = []
externs = []
@ -244,6 +142,7 @@ def calTransferIns(bl):
calls = {}
calls = {}
start = bl[0]
start = bl[0]
end = bl[1]
end = bl[1]
invoke_num = 0
invoke_num = 0
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
import networkx as nx
import pdb
def betweeness(g):
betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(g)
return betweenness
def eigenvector(g):
centrality = nx.eigenvector_centrality(g)
return centrality
def closeness_centrality(g):
closeness = nx.closeness_centrality(g)
return closeness
def retrieveGP(g):
bf = betweeness(g)
#close = closeness_centrality(g)
#bf_sim =
#close_sim =
x = sorted(bf.values())
value = sum(x)/len(x)
return round(value,5)
@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
import cPickle as pickle
from search import *
from nearpy import Engine
from nearpy.hashes import RandomDiscretizedProjections
from nearpy.filters import NearestFilter, UniqueFilter
from nearpy.distances import EuclideanDistance
from nearpy.distances import CosineDistance
from nearpy.hashes import RandomBinaryProjections
from nearpy.experiments import DistanceRatioExperiment
from redis import Redis
from import RedisStorage
from feature import *
import numpy as np
import os
import pdb
import argparse
import time
import numpy as np
from refactoring import *
import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
def initDB():
client = MongoClient()
client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
db = client.test_database
db = client['iot-encoding']
return db
db = initDB()
posts = db.posts
class db:
def __init__(self):
self.feature_list = {}
self.engine = None
def loadHashmap(self, feature_size, result_n):
# Create redis storage adapter
redis_object = Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
redis_storage = RedisStorage(redis_object)
# Get hash config from redis
config = redis_storage.load_hash_configuration('test')
# Config is existing, create hash with None parameters
lshash = RandomBinaryProjections(None, None)
# Apply configuration loaded from redis
# Config is not existing, create hash from scratch, with 10 projections
lshash = RandomBinaryProjections('test', 0)
# Create engine for feature space of 100 dimensions and use our hash.
# This will set the dimension of the lshash only the first time, not when
# using the configuration loaded from redis. Use redis storage to store
# buckets.
nearest = NearestFilter(1000)
#self.engine = Engine(feature_size, lshashes=[], vector_filters=[])
self.engine = Engine(192, lshashes=[lshash], vector_filters=[nearest], storage=redis_storage, distance=EuclideanDistance())
# Do some stuff like indexing or querying with the engine...
# Finally store hash configuration in redis for later use
def appendToDB(self, binary_name, funcname, fvector, firmware_name=""):
if fvector is None:
#ftuple = tuple([fvector])
self.engine.store_vector(np.asarray(fvector), ".".join((firmware_name,binary_name,funcname)))
def batch_appendDB(self, binary_name, features, firmware_name=""):
for funcname in features:
feature = features[funcname]
self.appendToDB(binary_name, funcname, feature, firmware_name)
def batch_appendDBbyDir(self, base_dir):
cursor = posts.find({"firmware_name":"ddwrt-r21676_result"})
i = 0
for v in cursor:
print i
binary_name = v['binary_name']
funcname = v['func_name']
firmware_name = v['firmware_name']
feature = v['fvector']
self.appendToDB(binary_name, funcname, feature, firmware_name)
def batch_appendDBbyDir1(self, base_dir):
image_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "image")
bnum = 0
fnum = 0
i = 0
for firmware_name in os.listdir(image_dir):
print firmware_name
firmware_featrues[firmware_name] = {}
firmware_dir = os.path.join(image_dir, firmware_name)
for binary_name in os.listdir(firmware_dir):
if binary_name.endswith(".features"):
bnum += 1
featrues_dir = os.path.join(firmware_dir, binary_name)
featrues = pickle.load(open(featrues_dir, "r"))
for funcname in featrues:
fnum +=1
feature = featrues[funcname]
self.appendToDB(binary_name, funcname, feature, firmware_name)
del featrues
print("bnum ", bnum)
print("fnum ", fnum)
def dump(self, base_dir):
db_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "data/db/busybox.feature_mapping")
pickle.dump(self.feature_list, open(db_dir, 'w'))
db_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "data/db/busybox.hashmap")
pickle.dump(self.engine, open(db_dir, 'w'))
def loadDB(self, base_dir):
db_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "data/db/busybox.feature_mapping")
self.feature_list = pickle.load(open(db_dir, 'r'))
db_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "data/db/busybox.hashmap")
self.engine = pickle.load(open(db_dir, 'r'))
def findF(self, binary_name, funcname):
x = [v for v in self.feature_list if binary_name in self.feature_list[v] and funcname in self.feature_list[v][binary_name]]
return x[0]
def retrieveFeaturesByDir(n, base_dir):
i = 0
for firmware_name in os.listdir(base_dir):
if firmware_name.endWith(".features"):
firmware_featrues[firmware_name] = {}
firmware_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, firmware_name)
if i > 0:
i += 1
for binary_name in os.listdir(firmware_dir):
featrues_dir = os.path.join(firmware_dir, binary_name + "_cb" + str(n) + ".features")
featrues = pickle.load(open(featrues_dir, "r"))
for funcname in featrues:
feature = featrues[funcname]
self.appendToDB(firmware_name, binary_name, funcname, feature)
del featrues
def retrieveFeatures(n, base_dir, filename, funcs):
feature_dic = {}
featrues_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "5000", filename + "_cb" + str(n) + ".features")
featrues = pickle.load(open(featrues_dir, "r"))
#featuresx = retrieveFeaturesx(filename)
for name in featrues:
#if name in funcs:
x = featrues[name]
#+ featuresx[name]
feature_dic[name] = np.asarray(x)
return feature_dic
def retrieveVuldb(base_input_dir):
vul_path = os.path.join(base_input_dir, "vul")
vul_db = pickle.load(open(vul_path, "r"))
return vul_db
def retrieveFeaturesx(filename):
ida_input_dir = os.path.join("./data/", filename + ".features")
featuresx = pickle.load(open(ida_input_dir, "r"))
return featuresx
def retrieveQueries(n, base_dir, filename1, featrues_src):
queries = {}
featrues_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "5000", filename1 + "_cb" + str(n) + ".features")
featrues = pickle.load(open(featrues_dir, "r"))
#featuresx = retrieveFeaturesx(filename1)
for name in featrues:
#if name in featrues_src:
x = featrues[name]
#+ featuresx[name]
queries[name] = np.asarray(x)
return queries
def retrieveQueriesbyDir(n, base_dir, firmware_name, filename1):
queries = {}
featrues_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, firmware_name, filename1 + "_cb" + str(n) + ".features")
featrues = pickle.load(open(featrues_dir, "r"))
for name in featrues:
#del featrues[name][5]
queries[name] = np.asarray(featrues[name])
return queries
def retrieveQuery(n, base_dir, filename, funcname):
featrues_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, filename + "_cb" + str(n) + ".features")
featrues = pickle.load(open(featrues_dir, "r"))
f = [featrues[v] for v in featrues if funcname in v ][0]
return np.asarray(f)
def parse_command():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.')
parser.add_argument("--base_input_dir", type=str, help="raw binaries to process for training")
parser.add_argument('--output_dir', type=str, help="output dir")
parser.add_argument("--filename1", type=str, help="the size of each graphlet")
parser.add_argument("--filename2", type=str, help="the size of each graphlet")
parser.add_argument("--size", type=int, help="the size of each graphlet")
#parser.add_argument("--size", type=int, help="the size of each graphlet")
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def loadFuncs(path):
funcs = {}
x86_dir = os.path.join(path, "func_candid")
#mips_dir = os.path.join(path, "openssl1.0.1a_mips.ida")
fp = open(x86_dir,"r")
for line in fp:
items = line.split("\n")
funcname = items[0]
funcs[funcname] = 1
return funcs
def dump(path, featrues, queries):
fp = open(path + "/" + "matrix", 'w')
for name in featrues:
row = []
row += featrues[name]
fp.write("%s\t%s\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\n" %tuple(row))
for name in queries:
row = []
row += queries[name]
fp.write("%s\t%s\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\n" % tuple(row))
def queryBytwo(base_input_dir, filename1, filename2, n):
threthold = 50
db_instance = db()
funcs = loadFuncs(base_input_dir)
db_instance.loadHashmap(n, 50000)
featrues = retrieveFeatures(n, base_input_dir, filename1, funcs)
queries = retrieveQueries(n, base_input_dir, filename2, funcs)
#queries = refactoring(queries, featrues)
vul_db = retrieveVuldb(base_input_dir)
#dump(base_input_dir, featrues, queries)
#start = time.time()
#end = time.time()
#total = end - start
#print total
db_instance.batch_appendDB(filename1, featrues)
ranks = []
times = []
for threthold in xrange(1, 210, 10):
hit = []
i = 0
for name in queries:
#print i
i += 1
if i == 1000:
print (sum(times)/len(times))
print "s"
#if name not in vul_db['openssl']:
# continue
if name not in featrues:
query = queries[name]
#start = time.time()
x = db_instance.engine.neighbours(query)
#end = time.time()
#total = end - start
#print total
rank = [v for v in xrange(len(x)) if name in x[v][1]][0]
ranks.append((name, rank))
if rank <= threthold:
acc = sum(hit) * 1.0 / len(hit)
print acc
def queryAll(base_dir, firmware_name, filename1, n):
threthold = 155
db_instance = db()
db_instance.loadHashmap(n, 50000)
queries = retrieveQueriesbyDir(n, base_dir, firmware_name, filename1)
start = time.time()
db_instance.batch_appendDBbyDir(n, base_dir)
end = time.time()
dur = end - start
print dur
hit = []
i = 0
times = []
for name in queries:
print i
i += 1
query = queries[name]
start = time.clock()
x = db_instance.engine.neighbours(query)
end = time.clock()
dur = end - start
rank = [v for v in xrange(len(x)) if name in x[v][1]]
if len(rank) > 1:
print "stop"
if rank[0] <= threthold:
acc = sum(hit) * 1.0 / len(hit)
mean = np.mean(times)
std = np.std(times)
print acc
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parse_command()
base_dir = args.base_input_dir
filename1 = args.filename1
filename2 = args.filename2
n = args.size
queryBytwo(base_dir, filename1, filename2, n)
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