2019-06-13 18:31:42 +08:00

394 lines
12 KiB

Use the model pool initialized with 2011 apps to detect malware from apps developed in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Model pool and feature set (i.e., feature_set.pkl) are evolved during detection.
import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy.stats import logistic
from scipy.special import expit
from numpy import dot
import sklearn
from sklearn.datasets import load_svmlight_file
import os
import sys
import string
from decimal import *
import collections
from classifiers import *
import time
import random
import pickle as pkl
import argparse
import shutil
class app(object):
def __init__(self, a, y, pl):
self.a = a
self.y = y
self.pl = pl
def extract_benign(filedir):
app_feature = pkl.load(open(filedir + '.feature','rb'))
result = []
result.append('-1 ')
new = []
for i in range(len(features)):
if features[i] in app_feature:
result.append(str(i+1) + ':1 ')
for item in app_feature:
if item not in features: # this is a new feature, store new features in advance to save time
p = 1
# append the new feature to the data
# the model won't process this new feature unless update
# the model will only process the first |len(features)| features
result.append(str(len(features) + p) + ':1 ')
p += 1
return result, new
def extract_malicious(filedir):
app_feature = pkl.load(open(filedir + '.feature','rb'))
result = []
result.append('1 ')
new = []
for i in range(len(features)):
if features[i] in app_feature:
result.append(str(i+1) + ':1 ')
for item in app_feature:
if item not in features: # this is a new feature
p = 1
# append the new feature to the data
# the model won't process this new feature unless update
# the model will only process the first |len(features)| features
# if this app is a drifting app, the new identified feature will be added into feature_set.pkl
result.append(str(len(features) + p) + ':1 ')
p += 1
return result, new
def evaluation(Y_test, instances):
n = p = tp = fn = tn = fp = right = 0
print 'evaluating predictions'
for e in xrange(len(Y_test)):
if Y_test[e] != 1 and instances[e].pl != 1: # true label, prediction label
n += 1
tn += 1
if Y_test[e] != 1 and instances[e].pl == 1:
n += 1
fp +=1
if Y_test[e] == 1 and instances[e].pl == 1:
p += 1
tp += 1
if Y_test[e] == 1 and instances[e].pl != 1:
p += 1
fn += 1
if Y_test[e] == instances[e].pl:
right += 1
print type(Y_test), len(Y_test)
print 'all', n+p, 'right', right ,'n', n , 'p:', p, 'tn', tn, 'tp',tp, 'fn',fn, 'fp',fp
accu = (Decimal(tp) + Decimal(tn))*Decimal(100) / (Decimal(n) + Decimal(p))
tpr = Decimal(tp)*Decimal(100)/Decimal(p)
fpr = Decimal(fp)*Decimal(100)/Decimal(n)
f1 = Decimal(200)*Decimal(tp)/(Decimal(2)*Decimal(tp) + Decimal(fp) + Decimal(fn))
precision = Decimal(tp)*Decimal(100)/(Decimal(tp) + Decimal(fp))
print 'model pool f measure: ', float(format(f1, '.2f')), 'precision: ', float(format(precision, '.2f')), 'recall: ', float(format(tpr, '.2f'))
return float(format(accu, '.2f')), float(format(f1, '.2f')), float(format(precision, '.2f')), float(format(tpr, '.2f')), float(format(fpr, '.2f'))
def metric_calculation(i, j, buffer_size):
larger = 0
if len(app_buffer) <=buffer_size:
app_temp = [item[j] for item in app_buffer]
positive = sum(app_tt > 0 for app_tt in app_temp)
negative = sum(app_tt <= 0 for app_tt in app_temp)
if confidences[i][j] > 0: # prediction label = 1 = malicious
larger = sum(confidences[i][j] >= app_t and app_t > 0 for app_t in app_temp)
p_ratio = float(Decimal(larger)/Decimal(positive))
else: # <= 0 = benign
larger = sum(confidences[i][j] <= app_t and app_t <= 0 for app_t in app_temp)
p_ratio = float(Decimal(larger)/Decimal(negative))
app_temp = [item[j] for item in app_buffer[len(app_buffer)-buffer_size:]]
positive = sum(app_tt > 0 for app_tt in app_temp)
negative = sum(app_tt <= 0 for app_tt in app_temp)
if confidences[i][j] > 0: # prediction label = 1 = malicious
larger = sum(confidences[i][j] >= app_t and app_t > 0 for app_t in app_temp)
p_ratio = float(Decimal(larger)/Decimal(positive))
larger = sum(confidences[i][j] <= app_t and app_t <= 0 for app_t in app_temp)
p_ratio = float(Decimal(larger)/Decimal(negative))
return p_ratio
def all_model_label(i, age_threshold_low, age_threshold_up):
young = aged = a_marker = y_marker = 0
for j in xrange(len(clfs)):
if age_threshold_low <= p_values[i][j] <= age_threshold_up: # not an aged model, can vote
young += confidences[i][j]
y_marker += 1 # number of young model
else: # this is an aged model, need to be updated
aged += confidences[i][j]
aged_model.append(j) # record aged model index
a_marker += 1 # num of aged model for this drifting app
return young, aged, a_marker, y_marker
def generate_pseudo_label(aged_marker, young_marker, aged_value, young_value):
if young_marker == 0: # young models are not available; weighted voting using aged model
if aged_value > 0:
temp = app(aged_marker, young_marker, 1.)
temp = app(aged_marker, young_marker, -1.)
fail += 1
else: # young models are available; weighted voting using young model
if young_value > 0:
temp = app(aged_marker, young_marker, 1.)
temp = app(aged_marker, aged_marker, -1.)
def save_model(current_year, checkpoint_dir):
for m in xrange(len(clfs)):
print m, clfs[m]
clfs[m].save( checkpoint_dir + str(current_year) + '_' + str(m) + '.model')
def main():
# set argument for past year and current year
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--past', type=int, help='past year')
parser.add_argument('--current', type=int, help='current year')
parser.add_argument('--starting', type=int, help='starting year') # initialization year = 2011
parser.add_argument('--low', type=float, help='low threshold value')
parser.add_argument('--high', type=float, help='high threshold value')
parser.add_argument('--buffer', type=int, help = 'buffer size value')
args = parser.parse_args()
buffer_size = args.buffer
age_threshold_low = args.low
age_threshold_up = args.high
global features
features = pkl.load(open('feature_set.pkl','rb'))
whole_directory = './'+ str(args.starting) + 'train/'
current_directory = str(age_threshold_low) + '_' + str(age_threshold_up) + '_' + str(buffer_size) + '/'
checkpoint_dir = whole_directory + current_directory
if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir):
global clfs
clfs = [PA1(), OGD(), AROW(), RDA(), ADA_FOBOS()]
print 'model pool size: ', len(clfs)
ori_train_acc, ori_test_acc, weights, pool_acc, pool_fscore, pool_precision, pool_tpr, pool_fnr, pool_fpr, pool_difference = ([] for list_number in range(10))
print 'Loading trained model from ', args.past
if args.starting == args.past: # copy the initial detection model into checkpoint_dir
for i in xrange(len(clfs)):
shutil.copy2( whole_directory + str(args.past) + '_' + str(i) + '.model' , checkpoint_dir )
for i in xrange(len(clfs)): # for each model in the model pool
clfs[i].load( checkpoint_dir + str(args.past) + '_' + str(i) + '.model')
# get original model weight
w = clfs[i].coef_[1:]
weight = [] # [i][j]: i = model index, j = feature index
for w_num in xrange(len(w)):
print 'original weight size'
for c in xrange(len(weights)):
print c, len(weights[c])
print 'App buffer generation'
global app_buffer
app_buffer = []
if '2011' in str(args.past): # buffer is not exist
print 'App buffer not exists'
print 'App buffer initialization'
print 'Loading data from ', args.past, ' to initialize app buffer ...' # load the 2011 data to initialized app buffer
X_train,Y_train=load_svmlight_file( str(args.past) + '.libsvm')
train_size, _ = X_train.shape
random_app_index = np.random.randint(train_size, size = buffer_size)
X_train_temp = X_train[random_app_index, :]
for i in xrange(buffer_size):
app_buffer_temp = []
for j in xrange(len(clfs)):
else: # load buffer from str(args.past).buffer
print 'App buffer exists'
app_buffer = pkl.load(open( checkpoint_dir + str(args.past) + '_buffer.pkl', 'rb'))
print 'Load app buffer from ', args.past, '_buffer.pkl'
print 'Start evolving'
global confidences, new_confidences, p_values, instances, model_credits, model_confidences
confidences, new_confidences, p_values, instances, model_credits, model_confidences = ([] for list_number in range(6))
all_fail = 0 # a special case, all model are aged
num_of_update = num_of_update_model = 0
wrong_update = 0
wrong_update_benign = wrong_update_malicious = right_update_benign = right_update_malicious = 0
Y_test = [] # save ground truth of test data ; for final evaluation only
names = ['---list of test app names -----'] # names of apps developed in the current_year, e.g., names of apps developed in 2012
for i in xrange(len(names)):
# generate test data
app_name = names[i] # for each test app
# according to the ground truth to get the true label
# the true label is for evaluation only, won't be processed by the model
data = []
if 'malicious' in app_name:
d, new_feature = extract_malicious(app_name)
d, new_feature = extract_benign(app_name)
# skip if do not need to save test data
save_data = open(app_name + '.libsvm', 'w')
for item in data:
X_test, y_t=load_svmlight_file(app_name + '.libsvm')
X_testt,y_testt=load_svmlight_file(app_name + '.libsvm')
print 'X_test data shape', type(X_test), X_test.shape
xtest_dense = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(X_testt).todense()
print 'X_test', xtest_dense.shape
# calculate JI value
pre, conf, new_conf, app_b, p_value = ([] for list_number in range(5))
for j in xrange(len(clfs)):
xtest_current = xtest_dense[ ,:len(weights[j])]
score = xtest_current.dot(weights[j])
app_buffer[random.randint(0, buffer_size-1)] = app_b # randomly replace a processed app with the new app
for j in xrange(len(clfs)):
pv = metric_calculation(i, j, buffer_size)
global aged_model
aged_model = [] # store the index of aged model for current app i
young_value = aged_value = aged_marker = young_marker = 0
young_value, aged_value, aged_marker, young_marker = all_model_label(i, age_threshold_low, age_threshold_up)
# generate pseudo label
generate_pseudo_label(aged_marker, young_marker, aged_value, young_value)
# drifting app is identified and young model exists
if (aged_marker != 0) and (young_marker >= 1):
update_label = np.array([instances[i].pl]) # update label = pseudo label of the drifting app
# update aged models
for model_index in aged_model: # update clfs[a] with X_test, update_label; a is the aged model index
# update with drifting app and corresponding pseudo label
train_accuracy,data,err,fit_time=clfs[model_index].fit(X_test,update_label, False)
w = clfs[model_index].coef_[1:]
updated_w = []
for w_num in xrange(len(w)):
weights[model_index] = updated_w # update weight matrix in the weight matrix list for the next new app
# updat feature set
for new_identified_feature in new_feature:
a, f, preci, tprr, fprr = evaluation(Y_test, instances)
print buffer_size, len(app_buffer)
print 'pool accuracy', pool_acc
print 'pool fscore', pool_fscore
print 'pool precision', pool_precision
print 'pool tpr', pool_tpr
print 'pool fnr', pool_fnr
print 'pool fpr', pool_fpr
print 'evolved weight length'
for c in xrange(len(weights)):
print c, len(weights[c])
# save evolved model for each year
print 'Save model evolved in Year ', args.current, 'into directory /', checkpoint_dir
current_year = args.current
save_model(current_year, checkpoint_dir)
# save feature set
with open('feature_set.pkl','wb') as feature_result:
pkl.dump(features, feature_result)
print 'Save app buffer evolved in Year', args.current
pkl.dump(app_buffer, open( checkpoint_dir + str(args.current) + '_buffer.pkl', 'wb'))
if __name__ == "__main__":