43 lines
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43 lines
893 B
# DroidEvolver
We would like to demonstrate that this is only the raw version of the code for the core modules of DroidEvolver. We are doing code cleanup and adding comments to improve
code readibility. All code will be uploaded if our paper is accepted.
Available code:
1. Model pool construction
2. Classification and evolvement
1. Preprocessor
2. Feature extraction
3. Vector generation
Pylibol, scipy == 1.1.0, numpy ==1.15.2
1. Model pool construction
python model_pool_construction.py --starting s
s = directory of initialization data
2. Classification and evovement
python classification_evolvement.py --past p --current c --starting s --low l --high h --buffer b
p = directory of previous data
c = directory of current data
s = directory of initialization data
l = low threshold value
h = high threshold value
b = buffer size