2023-04-05 10:04:49 +08:00

183 lines
6.6 KiB

# Some pretty-printing routines to help dealing with angr objects
import angr
import claripy
from .expr import *
def pp(obj, **kwargs):
if isinstance(obj, angr.sim_manager.SimulationManager):
return sim_manager(obj, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(obj, angr.sim_state.SimState):
return state(obj, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(obj, angr.state_plugins.sim_action.SimAction):
return action(obj, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(obj, claripy.ast.base.Base):
return ast(obj, **kwargs)
raise TypeError(type(obj))
def bbl_addrs(arr, delimiter=",", cols=10, fmtwidth=8, level=0):
ret = ""
for i in range(len(arr)):
if i % cols == 0:
ret += "\t"*level
ret += ("0x%%0%dx" % fmtwidth) % arr[i]
if i != len(arr)-1:
ret += delimiter
if i % cols == (cols-1) or i == len(arr)-1:
ret += "\n"
return ret
def sim_state(state, delimiter=" -> ", cols=10, fmtwidth=8, level=0):
ret = "\t"*level + "sim_state '%#x':\n" % state.addr
trace = state.history.bbl_addrs.hardcopy
ret += bbl_addrs(trace, delimiter=delimiter, level=level+1, cols=cols, fmtwidth=fmtwidth)
return ret
def sim_manager(simgr, delimiter=" -> ", cols=10, fmtwidth=8, level=0):
ret = "\t" * level + "sim_manager\n"
for sname, stash in simgr.stashes.items():
if len(stash) > 0:
ret += ("\t" * (level+1) + "%s %d\n") % (sname,len(stash))
for state in stash:
ret += sim_state(state, delimiter=delimiter, level=level+2, cols=cols, fmtwidth=fmtwidth)
return ret
def ast(obj, level=0, last=True, inner=False, annotations=False, indent='\t'):
def _ann_to_str(annotations):
return ",".join(map(str, annotations))
def _par_to_str(param):
if param is None:
return 'None'
elif isinstance(param, (int,long)):
return hex(param)
elif isinstance(param, (str)):
return "'" + param + "'"
return param
if indent:
if isinstance(indent, bool):
indent = '\t'
if isinstance(indent, int):
indent = ' '*indent
nl = "\n"
sp = indent*level
nl = ""
sp = ""
ret = ""
if hasattr(obj, 'op'):
ret += sp + obj.op +"("
if any([hasattr(arg, 'op') for arg in obj.args]):
ret += nl
for argidx in range(len(obj.args)):
arg = obj.args[argidx]
ret += ast(arg, level=level+1, last=argidx==len(obj.args)-1, annotations=annotations, inner=True, indent=indent)
ret += sp + ")"
ret += ",".join(map(_par_to_str,obj.args)) + ")"
if annotations and hasattr(obj, 'annotations') and len(obj.annotations)>0:
ret += "{{" + _ann_to_str(obj.annotations) + "}}"
ret += ("," if not last else "") + (nl if inner else "")
ret += sp + str(obj) + ("," if not last else "") + (nl if inner else "")
return ret
def _regname(regidx, arch=None):
return arch.register_names[regidx] if arch else 'reg_'+str(regidx)
def _ao(obj, level=0, arch=None):
s = "\t"*level
if obj is not None:
s += str(obj.ast)
if len(obj.tmp_deps) > 0:
s += " " + str(map(lambda x: "t%d" % x, obj.tmp_deps))
if len(obj.reg_deps) > 0:
s += " " + str(map(lambda x: _regname(x, arch), obj.reg_deps))
return s
def action(obj, level=0, arch=None):
if obj.sim_procedure is not None:
location = "%s()" % obj.sim_procedure
if obj.stmt_idx is not None:
location = "0x%x:%d" % (obj.bbl_addr, obj.stmt_idx)
location = "0x%x" % obj.bbl_addr
s = "\t"*level + location + "\t"
if obj.type == 'operation':
tmpit = iter(obj.tmp_deps)
exprit = iter(obj.exprs)
s += "operation\t%s" % (obj.op)
for expr in exprit:
s += "\te:["+str(expr.ast)
s += "[t" + str(next(tmpit)) + "]"
except StopIteration:
s += "] "
elif obj.type == 'exit':
s += obj.type
s += "/" + obj.exit_type + " "
s += "target:" + _ao(, arch=arch) + " "
s += "cond:" + _ao(obj.condition, arch=arch)
elif obj.type == 'constraint':
s += obj.type
s += "cons:" + _ao(obj.constraint, arch=arch) + " "
s += "cond:" + _ao(obj.condition, arch=arch)
else: #SimActionData
s += obj.type
s += "/%s(%s) " % ('r' if obj.action == 'read' else 'w', _ao(obj.size, arch=arch))
if obj.type == 'reg':
s += _regname(obj.addr.ast,arch)
elif obj.type == 'tmp':
s += str("t%d"%obj.tmp)
s += "\ta:[" + _ao(obj.addr, arch=arch) + "]"
s += "\td:[" + _ao(, arch=arch) + "]"
if len(obj._tmp_dep) > 0:
s += " _tmp_dep: " + str(map(lambda x: "t%d" % x, obj._tmp_dep))
if len(obj._reg_dep) > 0:
s += " _reg_dep: " + str(map(lambda x: _regname(x, arch), obj._reg_dep))
return s
def _mem(se, reg):# TODO: better handle 64bit
if reg.concrete:
return "%08x" % reg.args[0]
elif reg.symbolic:
l,u = get_signed_range(se, reg)
l = abs(l)
if len(reg.args) == 1 and reg.args[0].op == 'BVS':
return "%08x..%08x" % (l,u) + " ; " + str(reg.args[0].args[0])
return "%08x..%08x" % (l,u) + " ; DEP: " + str(list(reg.variables))
return "UNKNOWN " + type(reg)
def state(state, level=0, regs=True, stack=True, stackrange=[0,32], header=True):
ret = ""
x86_regs = ['eax', 'ebx', 'ecx', 'edx', 'esi', 'edi', 'ebp', 'esp', 'eip']
x86_64_regs = ['rax', 'rbx', 'rcx', 'rdx', 'rsi', 'rdi', 'rbp', 'rsp', 'rip']
reg_set = None
if regs:
if header:
ret += "\t"*level + "====== Registers ======\n"
if isinstance(state.arch, angr.archinfo.arch_amd64.ArchAMD64):
reg_set = x86_64_regs
if isinstance(state.arch, angr.archinfo.arch_x86.ArchX86):
reg_set = x86_regs
for reg in reg_set:
ret += "\t"*level + "%s: %s\n" % (reg.upper(), _mem(, getattr(state.regs, reg)))
if stack:
if header:
ret += "\t"*level + "======== Stack ========\n"
ba = state.regs.esp.args[0]
for i in range(stackrange[0],stackrange[1],4):
ret += "\t"*level + "%+03x: %08x %s\n" % (i, ba+i, _mem(, state.memory.load(ba+i, inspect=False)))
return ret